make efforts for - 英中 – Linguee词典

英语-中文 正在建设中



Neither can I make things difficult for myself and violate my personal beliefs. Thus, I can only officially withdraw from the Party and leave Party members with
whom I have worked together for 16 years,
[...] and continue to make efforts for ultimate universal [...]
suffrage outside the Party.
我惟有正式退黨,離開與我共事16年的黨友,在黨外繼續為終 選而 努力
(b) Make substantial efforts for an early and [...]
successful conclusion of the Doha Round of trade negotiations with an ambitious,
comprehensive, balanced and development-oriented outcome.
(b) 做出重大促使贸易 谈判多哈回合早日成功结束,取得全面、均衡 和面向发展的丰硕成果。
Some management companies operated by wealthy but heartless consortia, in order to maintain their power of management, often use their unlimited financial resources to engage
their legal advisers in suing innocent members of owners'
[...] corporations who selflessly make efforts for the small owners.
有些為富不仁的財團所經營的管理公司,為了維持其管理權,往往 動用他們無盡的財力,請他們的法律顧問控告這些無辜及 地為努力的業立案法團成員。
If we make efforts for the well-being of families in this generation [...]
and the next, we would be able to reduce the social
costs brought by the long-standing failure to solve social problems such as the youth problem, the protection of the elderly and family violence.
為現今一代 一 代 的家庭 謀祉,可以減少因 長 久 以來未能 解決的 社 會 問題而導 致的社 會成本 [...]
,例如 青 少 年 問題、老 人的保障和家 庭暴力 等 。
It is particularly significant for all the organizations of
[...] [...] family members of disappeared persons and other non-governmental organizations which have struggled and continued to make efforts for so many years to prevent such crimes from being forgiven or forgotten and to prevent impunity from prevailing.
对于多年来一直进行抗争并继续进行努力、以 防止宽恕或遗忘这种罪行并防止有罪不罚现象蔓延的所有失踪者家属组织和其 他非政府组织而言,通过《公约》具有特别重要的意义。
While sharing Mr MAK’s view that supervisors had the responsibility to counsel and train their subordinates who were not
performing up to standard, SCS said that the sub-standard performers
[...] concerned should also make efforts for improvement.
公務員事務局局長雖 然 同意麥 議員的意見 ,認為督導人員有責 任
[...] 輔導和 培訓工 作表現 欠佳的下屬,但他表示,表現 欠佳的人員善。
As to Recommendation 1, which encourages
[...] organizations to make efforts to reduce the age of recruitment for professional [...]
posts, UNESCO has already
taken measures by fixing a maximum age limit of 30 years of age for the Young Professional Programme (YPP).
关于鼓组织低专业职 位招聘 龄的 建议 1,教科文组织已经采取有关措施, 将青年专业人员计划(YPP)的最高年龄限制在 30 岁。
In general, some delegations felt that UNESCO
should intensify its
[...] role as a forum for intellectual exchange in this area, and make efforts to introduce [...]
a contemporary cultural perspective.
一些代表团认为,教科文组织应当全面加强其作为该领域的 力交 流论 坛的作 用, 努力当代的文化视角。
During the Reporting Period, the rate of expenses of the Manufacturing Operations was 37.19%, a decrease by 2.87 percentage points over that of the corresponding period of last year, mainly due to the fact
that during the Reporting
[...] Period the Group made greater marketing efforts for the sales to [...]
increase sales income and strengthened
foundation management to control costs and expenditure strictly.
本報告期內,製造業務的費用率為37.19%,比去年同期下降2.87個百分點,主要是因為本報告期 內本集團加大銷力度提高銷售收 入,同時加強基礎管理,嚴格控制費用支出所致。
Some countries have or made considerable efforts to implement simple and transparent rules of origin for least developed [...]
country products,
but other serious obstacles to trade remain, including non-tariff barriers that are inconsistent with World Trade Organization rules and obligations and supply-side constraints, in particular lack of infrastructure and modern technologies and energy deficiency.
一些家作出了相当大力, 最不 发 达国家产品实行简单和透明的原产地规则,但其他严重的贸易障碍依然存在,包 括有悖世界贸易组织规则和义务的非关税壁垒,还有就是供应方面的制约因素, 特别是缺乏基础设施和现代技术,以及能源不足。
The Committee made a number of recommendations, such as: (a) that the development of standards, methodologies and guidelines for disaster statistics be given higher priority; (b) that Governments systematically collect data on small disasters; (c) that the secretariat continue promoting regional cooperative
mechanisms and
[...] capacity development efforts for disaster risk reduction, including on information, communications and space technologies, to accelerate the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action; (d) that institutional capacity be strengthened through regional cooperation and continued regional advisory services; and (e) that all stakeholders of disaster risk reduction make full use of the [...]
Asia-Pacific Gateway
for Disaster Risk Reduction and Development.
委员会提出了如下建议:(a)应在更大程度上注重灾害统计数据编 制工作的标准、方法和准则;(b)各国政府应系统性地收集关于小规模灾 害的数据;(c)秘书处应继续强化旨在减少灾害风险的区域合作机 和能 设,包括 信息、通信和空间技术,以加速执行《兵库行动框架》; (d)通过开展区域合作和持续提供区域咨询服务,加强体制机构能力;(e) 减少灾害风险工作的所有利益攸关方均 充分 利用亚洲及太平洋减少灾害 风险与发展网关。
For our part, we will continue to make efforts to have a positive [...]
influence on the Middle East peace process.
我们将续作努力以期对中东 和平程产生积极的影响。
To delete "China had stolen" after "made unsubstantiated accusations that" and substitute with "Hong Kong had been used to steal and transfer"; to delete "; these accusations involve the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and have" and substitute with ", which may"; to delete "affected" after "seriously" and substitute with "affect"; to delete "China (including Hong Kong)" and substitute with "Hong Kong"; to delete "and the exchanges between the
two peoples"; and to
[...] delete "calls for the Mainland and" and substitute with "urges the Government to vigorously explain to the overseas communities, particularly the United States Congress, the Import and Export Ordinance and stringent control measures in Hong Kong, and to make efforts to ensure that [...]
Hong Kong will continue
to enjoy the relatively lenient controls, as compared with the Mainland, over the import and export of strategic commodities; this Council also encourages".
刪 除“指控 中 國 ”中的 “中國 ”,並以“香港被 利用以”代
[...] 替;在 “ 竊 取 ”之後加 上 “ 及 轉 運 ”;刪 除“其中並牽涉香港特 別 行政區 , ” , 並以“可能 ” 代 替 ; 刪 除“中國 (包括香港)” , 並以“香港”代 替 ; 刪 除“和 美 國 之間的 貿易”中的 “之間”;刪 除“及民間 交 流 活 動 ” , 並以“關係 ” 代 替 ; 及 刪 除呼籲中 內 地及” , 並以“促 請 政 府 積極向 外 國,尤 其 是 美 國國會,釋香港的《出口條例 》及嚴 謹的管制措施, 爭 取 香港繼續享 有目前較 內 地 寬鬆的 戰 略 物 資 進出口 管制;本會 亦 鼓勵” 代 替 。
Japan would continue not only to support the same
domestic initiatives it had been
[...] implementing for several years, but also to make efforts at the international [...]
level to address
the issues confronted by indigenous people throughout the world.
近几年,本不仅继 续支持这方面的行 动, 努力决世界土著人民遇到的问题。
On 17 May 2006, in response to the third semi-annual report of the Secretary-General (S/2006/248), the Security Council adopted resolution 1680
(2006), in which it
[...] reiterated its call for the full implementation of the provisions of resolution 1559 (2004), strongly encouraged the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to respond positively to the request made by the Government of Lebanon, in line with the agreements of the Lebanese national dialogue, to delineate their common border, especially in those areas where the border was uncertain or disputed, and to establish full diplomatic relations and representation, noting that such measures would constitute a significant step towards asserting Lebanon’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence and improving the relations between the two countries, thus contributing positively to stability in the region, and urged both parties to make efforts through further [...]
bilateral dialogue to that end.
2006 年 5 月 17 日,根据秘书长第三个半年期报告 (S/2006/248),安全理事会通过了第 1680(2006)号决议,再吁请充分执行 第 1559(2004)号决议各项规定,大力鼓励阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府对黎巴嫩政府按 照黎巴嫩全国对话达成的协议所提出的请求做出积极反应,划定两国之间的共同 边界,特别是在边界不明确或有争议的地区加以划定,并建立正式的外交关系和 派驻代表,指出这些措施在维护黎巴嫩的主权、领土完整和政治独立以及改善两 国关系方面,将是向前迈出的重大一步,从而为该区域的稳定 作出积 极贡 献,并 敦促双方进一步进行双边对话,为此 作出
In its decision 2011/257, the Economic and Social Council
decided that the
[...] Commission should make efforts to reduce the length of its annual reports, bearing in mind the need for such reports [...]
to include resolutions
and decisions adopted or transmitted by the Commission at its sessions, as well as briefer summaries of its deliberations under each agenda item, focusing in particular on policy findings and conclusions reached.
在第 2011/257 号决定中,经济及社会理事会决定, 短其 年度报 告篇幅,铭记这类报告需要包括委 员会届会通过的或转交的各项决议和决定, 以及每一议程项目下审议情况的简要概述,特别侧重得出的政策性结果和结 论。
It was also suggested that bilateral agencies specify indicative costs of their planned activities in
their annual business plans and that they should also
[...] be requested to make efforts to remain within [...]
those indicative costs.
还有成员建议各双边机构应在年度业务计划中指明其规划活动的指示性费用,以及, 还应请各持不超过 指示性费用。
To strengthen efforts to integrate Roma and Sinti communities through positive action in the areas of education, employment, housing and social services (Australia); to continue contribute to the integration of the Roma and the Sinti into local communities, and to give them access to housing, work, education and professional training (Russian Federation); to continue efforts to tackle discrimination against Roma people in all sectors of society (Finland); to seek to ensure the effective participation of Roma people in the process of assuring their equal and non-discriminatory treatment
(Finland); to ensure
[...] equal rights for members of the Roma and Sinti minorities, to ensure that all Roma and Sinti children are enrolled in school, and to make efforts to encourage [...]
regular school attendance
by these children (Sweden); to adopt a comprehensive anti-discrimination law to ensure that the Roma enjoy equal access to employment, education and health care (United States)
[...] 区,并为他们提供住房、工作、教育和职业培训机会(俄罗斯联邦);继续努 力解决社会各部门对罗姆人的歧视(芬兰);努力确保罗姆人有效地参与确保 其平等和非歧视待遇的进程(芬兰);确保罗姆和辛提少数 体成员拥 有平利,确保所有罗姆族和辛提族儿童 努力 鼓励 些儿 童正常出勤 (瑞典);颁布全面的禁止歧视法,以确保罗姆人平等地享有就业、教育和医 疗机会(美国)
Some delegations highlighted specific reasons for retaining annual sessions: in view of the lack of resources for risk assessment in many developing countries, timely availability of Codex food safety standards was very important for use at the national level; participation in the Commission
had a capacity
[...] building function for some countries; biennial sessions may need to be longer in order to address all items of work, which would create practical difficulties; and the considerable efforts made by governments [...]
to prepare themselves
and participate in annual meetings should be taken into account.
某些代表团强调了维持年会的特别理由:鉴于许多发展 中国家缺乏进行危险性评估的资源,及时提供法典食品安全标准用于国家层面非常重要; 对许多国家来说,参加食典委会议具 能力 建设的 效; 两年 期会议可能需要更长的时 间解决所有的议题,将造成实际困难;应认真考虑政府为准备和参加年度会 做出的巨努力。
(c) Continue examining incoming first reports, submissions of additional information from States, researching available websites of Governments and international, regional and
[...] [...] subregional organizations, conducting dialogue with States (including during country visits at States’ invitation), participate in relevant outreach or implementation activities to gather relevant information on national implementation efforts, make available the findings of these examinations to States in the form of a matrix, along with requests for clarification or for updates on relevant legislation and enforcement measures, and encourage States to strengthen their efforts in regularly sharing information with the Committee that updates it on their efforts to implement resolution 1540 (2004)
(c) 继续审查不断收到的第一份报告以及各国提交的补充资料,研究各国政 府以及国际、区域和次区域有关组织可供查阅的网站,与各国开展对话(包括在 应其邀请行国 家访问期间),参与有关外联或执行活动以收集国家执行工作的 有关信息,并以信息总库形式向各国提供这些审查的结果,同时请 说明 有关立 法和执行措施提供最新 资料,并且鼓励各国加大努力定期与委员会共享信息, 以便委员会了解各国执行第 1540(2004)号决议努力的最新情况
The Meeting recognized the valuable work being undertaken within the framework of the Inter-Agency Coordination and Planning Committee, and agreed that in view of the implementation of the Spatial Data Infrastructure as a central
mechanism in the United
[...] Nations system for data access and availability, WMO and the United Nations Geographical Information Working Group secretariat should make efforts to broaden the [...]
joint statement of
the members of the Inter-Agency Coordination and Planning Committee to the Ministerial Summit of the Group on Earth Observations, to be held in Beijing in November 2010, by including issues of importance to other relevant United Nations entities, as appropriate.
会议认识到机构间协调与规划委员会框架内正在进行的宝贵工作,并一致 认为,鉴于落实空间数据基础设施作为联合国系统关于数据取用和数据提供的 一个核心机制,气象组织和联合国地理信息工作组秘书处 应作 努力 扩大出 席定于 2010 年 11 月在北京举行的地球观测小组部长级首脑会议的机构间协调 与规划委员会各成员的联合声明,在其中酌情纳入对联合国其他相关实体具有 重要性的议题。
(a) Continue to make efforts to give free access to health services and ensure equitable access for the entire population
(a) 续作努力向全体人 民提供免费保健服务,并确保他们公平地获 得这些服务
Requests the Secretary-General, as a one-time exceptional
measure until 31
[...] December 2012, to make efforts to place in P-3 posts, subject to geographical distribution, successful national competitive recruitment examination candidates who were on the roster as at 31 December 2009 and who show an interest in and are qualified for such positions, [...]
decides that such
candidates shall not be granted continuing appointments, and requests the Secretary-General to report thereon to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session
请秘书长在 2012 年 12 月 31 日前,作为一项一次性特别措,作截至 2009 年 12 月 31 日名列名册、对须按地域分配的 P-3 员额有兴趣并 符合此类职位所需资格的通过国家竞争性征聘考试的候选人填补此类职位空缺, 决定不给此类候选人连续任用合同,并请秘书长就此向大会第六十七届会议提出 报告
The net decrease reflects reductions under most objects of expenditure, including $242,800
[...] [...] under consultants, mainly as a consequence of the increased use of in-house expertise, where possible; $104,700 under experts, resulting mainly from concerted efforts to combine meetings or reduce the number of experts and the duration of meetings, whenever possible; $121,200 under travel of staff, mainly attributable to increased utilization of video conferencing, combining trips and/or reducing the duration of travel as much as possible; $460,800 under contractual services, primarily owing to increased utilization of electronic means of disseminating publications; $111,000 under furniture and equipment, reflecting reduced requirements for the replacement of furniture and office equipment resulting from extending the lifespan of furniture and equipment; and $781,600 under grants and contributions, [...] [...]
mainly owing to the termination of the contract with the International Computing Centre.
净减少额反映大多数支出用途项下的减少额,包括咨 询人项下的 242 800 美元,其主要原因是尽可能增加对内部专门知识的使用;专 家项下的 104 700 美元,主要原因是尽可能合并会议或减少专家数量和会议持续 时间的协同努力;工作人员差旅项下的 121 200 美元,其主要原因是增加对视频 会议的使用、尽可能合并差旅和(或)减少差旅时间;订约承办事务项下的 460 800 美元,其主要原因是更多使用电子手段传播出版物;家具和设备项下的 111 000 美元,原因是通过延长家具和设备的使用时间减少对更换家具和办公设备的需 求;以及赠款和捐款项下的 781 600 美元,其主要原因是终止了与国际电子计算 中心的合同。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to
hold the competitive
[...] examinations for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请秘书长寻求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到秘书长关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请秘书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作员竞 争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报 方面
(i) In order to further the objectives of General Assembly resolution 52/214 of 22 December 1997, section B, in which the Assembly invited all intergovernmental bodies to consider, where appropriate, the possibility of reducing the length of their reports from the desired limit of thirty-two pages to twenty pages over a period of time without adversely affecting either the quality of
presentation or the content of the reports, the
[...] Commission will make efforts to reduce the length of its annual reports, bearing in mind the need for such reports [...]
to include resolutions and decisions adopted
or transmitted by the Commission, as well as a brief summary of its deliberations under each agenda item, focusing in particular on policy findings and conclusions reached
为进一步落实大会 1997 年 12 月 22 日第 52/214 号决议 B 节的各项
[...] 目标,其中大会请所有政府间机构酌情考虑有无可能在一段时间内将 其报告的篇幅限制从所希望的 32 页减少到 20 页,但不会对报告编制 格式或内容的质量产生不利影响, 努力 年度 报告篇 幅,同时铭记这类报告要包含委 员会通过或转交的各项决议和决 定,及每 一议程项目下委员会审议情况的简要概述,特别侧重于达 [...]
Based on the sustainable
[...] development model for regional banks created by Roland Berger, the experts suggest regional banks make efforts in the following [...]
aspects: 1) strategic
positioning, 2) business model, 3) organizational structure, 4) HR, and 5) IT.
基于罗兰贝格区域性银行可持续发展模型,《白皮书》建议区域性银行主要着眼于以下五大方面:1)战略定位; 2)业务模式;3)组织架构 4) 资源 5) IT系统。
The Special Rapporteur recommends that civil society organizations work to raise awareness of the risks faced by journalists, the international standards which exist to protect them, and how these might be implemented through campaigns and training initiatives;
that civil society organizations,
[...] including journalists, make efforts to ensure that [...]
global standards of professional conduct
are met in order to enhance the credibility and protection of journalists; and that they coordinate with one another and with the United Nations in order to ensure that their work is complementary.
特别报告员建议民间社会组织努力提高对记者面临的危险的认识、对保护 记者的现行国际标准的认识,以及宣传如何通过活动和培训举措落实这些国际标
[...] 准;他建议民间社会组织,包括记 确保 达到 全球职业行为标准, 从而增强记者的可信度和对记者的保护;还建议他们互相协调一致,并与联合国 [...]