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For the circus of the same name, see Circus Zaragoza.

"Afro Circus" is a song improvised by Marty after dressing up in an afro and makeup.

The music is based on the "Entry of the Gladiators" march by Julius Fučík, which was also used in circuses.

for full version of Remix see Afro Circus/I Like to Move It


Ra-da-dadada-dada circus,

Da-da-dadada-dada Afro,

Circus, Afro, Circus, Afro

Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, AFRO!

Da-da-dadada-dada circus (I like to move it, move it)

Da-da-dadada-dada Afro (I like to move it, move it)

Circus, Afro, Circus, Afro (I like to move it, move it)

Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, MOVE IT! (Ya like to)

Da-da-dadada-dada circus

Da-da-dadada-dada Afro

Circus, Afro, Circus, Afro

Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, MOVE IT!


Behind the scenes[]

As a matter of fact, the song is a parody of the classic circus song, a version of which can be heard in All Choked Up when Mort comments that the concotion Number 12 "smells like the circus", at which Kowalski and Skipper send him down Rico's mouth. Long story. This song went viral on Youtube, resulting in a whole series of remixes and mash-ups with everything from Justin Bieber's "Baby" to PSY's "Gangnam Style".
