PLANS for a golf driving range and junior academy centre on land at Wirswall near Whitchurch have been recommended for approval.

PGA professional Rob Ashbrook wants to set up the 16-bay driving range and junior golf centre on an agricultural plot of land sited off Bradley Green Lane.

The proposal also includes the construction of a reception/office and driving range building, car park and site access, and the installation of associated flood lighting.

The application is being dealt with by Cheshire East Council’s strategic planning board next week because the site is in the Wrenbury ward.

A report from the council’s planning officer to next week’s meeting states: “The site is located within the open countryside where … only development which is essential for agriculture, forestry, outdoor recreation, public infrastructure, essential works undertakers, or for other uses appropriate to a rural area will be permitted.

“The proposal seeks a driving range and junior golf academy and it has been demonstrated to be an essential facility for outdoor recreation and thus is considered to comply with this policy.”

The report continues: “The proposal seeks to provide a new rural enterprise with some links to an existing enterprise.

“It would provide some economic benefit to the rural economy with some rural employment and from the construction period.

“There is potential for linked trips to the existing café across the road.”

It also says it would be a positive health and well-being facility.

The report acknowledges the application fails a number of criteria relating to locational sustainability.

Sixty-three people have written to the council expressing their support for the scheme.

They say it would be benefit young people, it improves the sporting offer, it would be good for social and emotional well-being and it would offer rural employment and benefit the local economy.

Nineteen have sent letters objecting to the scheme.

Among their reasons for wanting it refused are concerns over highway safety, drainage, the impact on the landscape and ecology and fears of light pollution.

The application will be considered at the next meeting of the council's strategic planning board which takes place at Macclesfield Town Hall at 10am on Wednesday, April 24.