In areas where Lyme disease is common, like the northeastern U.S., more than half of all dogs may carry the bacteria that can cause the disease. However, less than 10% of these canine carriers will ever show symptoms and require treatment. Blood tests can confirm B. burgdorferi bacteria, but it’s typically the appearance of symptoms like fever, stiffness, joint swelling, and loss of appetite that triggers veterinary treatment. Fortunately, when treated early, canine Lyme disease typically responds quickly to antibiotics.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Discussing Symptoms and Treatments with Your Vet

  1. Monitor your dog if you find a tick that may have been attached for days. Lyme disease is caused in nearly every instance by the presence of a biting tick. The tick also needs to be attached to the host’s body for at least 48 hours to effectively pass the disease on. If the tick is removed before 48 hours have passed, it is unlikely that your dog will get the disease.
    • You should check your dog for ticks anytime it’s been outside, especially in wooded areas or if Lyme disease is common in your area.[1]
    • If you haven’t checked your dog for a few days and find a tick, however, pay close attention over the coming weeks for signs of infection. You can, but do not necessarily have to, contact your vet right away as well.
  2. Most dogs who get Lyme disease never show symptoms, and therefore are never diagnosed or need treatment. However, if your dog has had tick bites or frequents areas where Lyme disease is common, contact your vet if you observe one or more of the following:[2]
    • fever
    • decreased appetite
    • decreased energy
    • joint stiffness, pain, or swelling
    • lameness in one or more legs, which may come and go
    • If you live in an area where Lyme disease is common, your vet may recommend starting treatment based on observed symptoms alone. They’ll still probably order a blood test, but its results aren’t 100% reliable.[3]
  3. Lyme disease blood tests work by detecting the body's immune response to the presence of B. burgdorferi. However, even if the result is positive, this does not necessarily mean the dog is ill with Lyme disease.[4]
    • A positive result merely means that the body has mounted an immune response to fight off the bacteria. Thus the blood test has value in demonstrating that the dog has had contact with B. burgdorferi, but not in conclusively proving it is causing the dog's symptoms.
    • If your dog has a negative blood test and a low likelihood of exposure to Lyme-carrying ticks, then your vet will probably look for alternative causes for your dog’s symptoms.
  4. In some cases, your vet may recommend treatment when there’s a positive test but no symptoms, or vice versa. The prevalence of Lyme disease in your area will usually impact this decision. However, the effectiveness of treatment when there’s a positive test but no symptoms is unclear, so it is reasonable for you to ask whether a wait-and-see approach is appropriate.[5]
    • If your dog has a positive test and displays Lyme disease symptoms, then it should always undergo treatment. Untreated Lyme disease symptoms can go dormant and then resurface with greater severity months or years later, and untreated Lyme disease can cause serious kidney problems over time.[6]
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Giving Your Dog Antibiotics

  1. For many vets, doxycycline is the first-choice antibiotic for canine Lyme disease. They will typically prescribe a dose of 10 mg per kilogram of the dog’s weight, to be given in pill form twice a day for at least 30 days.[7]
    • Some dogs may develop diarrhea, vomiting, or loss of appetite while on doxycycline. Contact your vet if these become severe.[8]
  2. This is an effective antibiotic alternative to doxycycline for canine Lyme disease. It is also readily available, and relatively inexpensive, which is good because the treatment often has to last for at least 30 days.[9]
    • The typical dose is 10mg/kg by mouth, twice a day for 30 days.
    • Contact your vet if your dog develops severe diarrhea, vomiting, or loss of appetite.
    • Avoid giving milk or dairy products with this medication, because it stops the medication from being absorbed into the bloodstream.
  3. Other antibiotics like oxytetracycline can cause yellow discoloration of the tooth enamel to occur, especially for younger dogs that still have their milk teeth (baby teeth). Amoxicillin doesn’t cause this yellowing, so it’s usually a good choice for dogs that are six months old or younger.
    • Potentiated amoxicillin may be more expensive than other Lyme disease treatment medications.
    • The typical dose is 20 mg/kg by mouth, three times a day for 30 days.
    • On some occasions this antibiotic can cause gastrointestinal upsets such as diarrhea. If this occurs, then your dog should be put on a bland diet (such as chicken and rice) and be given a probiotic treatment to rebalance the gut.
    • These treatments might also be recommended by your vet if you dog shows gastrointestinal symptoms while on doxycycline or oxytetracycline.
  4. In nearly all cases, canine antibiotics are given in pill form. Ask your vet for specific details on when to give the medication and how to get your dog to swallow pills.[10]
    • If the antibiotic is prescribed in a liquid or injectable form, make sure your vet gives you clear instructions and a demonstration of how to give it.
    • With proper treatment, dogs often show signs of improvement within 24 to 48 hours of starting antibiotic therapy. However, treatment should typically be continued for 30 days.
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Reducing Future Lyme Disease Risks

  1. There is still some debate in the veterinary community regarding the effectiveness of canine Lyme disease vaccines. If you dog has already been treated for Lyme disease, or is at risk for contracting it, your vet might recommend a vaccine shot.[11]
    • Typically, your dog will be given 2 injections over a span of 2-4 weeks, then annual booster shots.[12]
    • If you live in an area where Lyme disease is uncommon, the vaccine is probably unnecessary. It does not protect against other common tick-borne illnesses.
  2. Check your dog for ticks at the end of each day. This is especially important if your dog spends a lot of their time outside. Create a routine pattern for inspection so that you make sure you do not miss any spots. To check your dog for ticks:
    • Start at your dog’s head. Brush their fur in the wrong direction with your fingers so that you can more easily feel any unusual bumps.
    • Next, move to your dog’s ears. Be sure to lift the ear flaps and look underneath.
    • Check your dog’s neck, all around from top to bottom.
    • Feel along your dog’s back, sides, and belly. Run your hands down each leg in turn, and don’t forget to check in between your dog’s toes.
    • Lift your dog’s tail and check around its anus, as well as along the tail itself.
  3. Remove any ticks you find right away. Ticks that are removed completely within 48 hours are less likely to transmit Lyme disease. When you find an attached tick, grab it by its head (which is attached to your dog’s skin) with a pair of fine-tipped tweezers. Then pull it straight out of the skin and drown the tick in a cup of rubbing alcohol.
    • Spraying the tick first with a flea and tick spray, or bathing your dog with a flea and tick shampoo, will kill the tick and make removal somewhat easier by loosening its grip.
    • If the tick breaks apart and some is obviously or potentially left behind in your dog’s skin, you should have your vet check it out. The tick parts could still pass on Lyme disease or cause other infections.
  4. A monthly application of fipronil means that virtually any tick that attaches to your dog will die before it can transmit B. burgdorferi. Fipronil works by over-exciting receptors in the tick’s nervous system, causing paralysis and death within 24 to 48 hours after the tick has bitten your dog.
    • Fipronil can be applied via spray or powder, or on a medicated collar. Discuss the best application option and directions with your vet.[13]
  5. Sprays, powders, or collars that contain the pyrethroids will prevent most ticks from attaching from your dog’s skin. Talk to your vet about which repellant treatment would be best for your dog.[14]
    • Repellants don’t kill ticks, however. They just make them far less likely to attach to your dog.
  6. Your dog can’t transfer Lyme disease to you directly. However, if your dog has been exposed to potential Lyme-carrying ticks, the chances are good that you have been as well.
    • After being outdoors, check yourself thoroughly, especially in the following areas: under your arms; in and around your ears; inside your belly button; on the backs of your knees; in and around your hair; between your legs; and around your waist.
    • Also, apply an approved tick repellant before going outdoors; wear long sleeves and pants when outdoors; and shower after being outdoors (this is a good time to check yourself for ticks).

Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Can Lyme disease kill a dog?
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Expert Answer
    For the majority of cases, Lyme disease impacts the quality of life rather than being fatal. However, in a few rare cases, Lyme disease can cause a fatal complication with the kidneys or cause cardiovascular disease with the potential to be life-threatening. That said, when dogs are sick with Lyme disease it does reduce their ability to exercise and enjoy life.
  • Question
    What are the first signs of Lyme disease in dogs?
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.
    Pippa Elliott, MRCVS
    Expert Answer
    The first signs are usually fever and lack of energy and appetite. Also, the joints are often inflamed and sore, so the dog will be lame but this lameness shifts around from leg to leg.
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  • In nearly every case in which your vet suspects canine Lyme disease due to the likelihood of contraction, observed symptoms, and (potentially) positive test results for B. burgdorferi bacteria, they will prescribe either doxycycline, tetracycline, or potentiated amoxicillin.[15]
  • Some antibiotics, including amoxicillin, are available over-the-counter, but you should always talk to your vet before giving your dog any medication.[16]
  • If your dog is diagnosed with Lyme disease, you should get yourself tested for it too. Chances are you've been exposed to the same environment as your dog.

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About this article

Natalie Punt, DVM
Reviewed by:
This article was reviewed by Natalie Punt, DVM and by wikiHow staff writer, Christopher M. Osborne, PhD. Dr. Natalie Punt is a Veterinarian and the Founder and CEO of mPet- a smart phone app for pet owners to store, manage and transfer their pets medical records and health information. She specializes in small animal emergency and general medicine and veterinary practice economics. Dr. Punt holds a BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from The University of California, Davis, an MS in Biochemistry from The University at Buffalo, and a DVM from Western University of Health Sciences. This article has been viewed 12,504 times.
31 votes - 96%
Co-authors: 14
Updated: May 14, 2022
Views: 12,504
Article SummaryX

To treat Lyme disease in your dog, take it to the vet if you notice any of the common symptoms, including decreased appetite, decreased energy, joint stiffness, and lameness in one or more of its legs. When with the vet, they can administer a blood test to detect the illness. If your dog tests positive for Lyme disease, you need to follow your vet’s recommended treatment since leaving the illness untreated can cause your dog to develop serious kidney problems in the future. Many vets will recommend and prescribe antibiotic treatment, in which case you should administer the medication according to their instructions. For more help from our Veterinary co-author, including how to reduce the risk of your dog getting Lyme disease, read on!

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