A subreddit for discussing everyone's (or at least our) favorite ADC, Lucian.
Wizard Lucian guide (URF)
Just a tryhard AP Lucian guide for those who like to abuse early/mid game champs.
- Dark Harvest: Domination in general is very good in URF with its snowball-y nature, and DH is our best option here as a long range poke/burst champion.
- Sudden Impact: You make use of both types of penetration since your ult deals physical damage.
- Eyeball Collection: Only option here cause nobody cares about vision in URF.
- Ravenous Hunter: Not a lot to say here, but if Zhonyas is core for you and like to spam it, then go Ingenious Hunter (Dunno if it's disabled in URF, TBH).
- Triumph: Constant fighting. Nuff said.
Coup de Grace: Same as Triumph.
R-W-E: Start W. You could also start E with an AD starter item for the cheesy lv1 if enemy team has no hard engage to deny your dash.
CORE: Rylai's - Sorc Shoes - Deathcap
- Rylai's synergizes well with your ult, making it harder for the enemy to dodge your ult as the passive procs on spell damage in general, not magic only. It's also pretty cheap, so you get a very early powerspike. This also makes Arcane Comet a viable keystone, though the rest of the sorcery tree kinda sucks in URF.
- Sorc shoes cause we going AP.
- Deathcap since his W AP ratio is hella high and more damage is always nice to have in URF.
- Zhonyas: For things you can't dodge with your dash, e.g. Rengar ult, Zed ult, Malph (possible, but very hard), or you just like to use the active.
- Morello: If you need grievous wounds (freaking Sylas and Mundo...).
- LDR: No, I'm not trolling. Your ult deals PHYSICAL damage, so getting Void staff against tanks isn't gonna help you much, as it only boosts W damage, which is barely anything.
- Luden's Echo: If you simply want more burst.
- Spellbinder: If you want more AP.
Stay away from items like Protobelt, Gunblade etc. as they put you at risk with their close range actives.
Have fun with Wizard Lucian!
"Some call it magic." YES, IT IS MAGIC!
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