A subreddit for discussing everyone's (or at least our) favorite ADC, Lucian.
So Lucian build S13.
Tried the new Navori on PBE and came up with a build like this:
Kraken / Zerkers / ER / Navori / Serylda / Botrk
The attack speed from Zerkers and Kraken allows for tripple auto attack after each spell, because with this much AS Lucian does tripple aa instead of double aa, so you proc PTA, Botrk drain and Kraken straight away after using a spell once.
Navori allows for infinite E-aaa-Q-aaa rotations.
Essence reaver procs constantly because of the constant spell rotations and you have infinite mana.
Serylda slow is obviously very useful.
Botrk allows to bust tanks late game.
I checked Damage vs 2 dummies, one dummy with 2.5k hp and 110 armor, which is a late game squishy target, and one dummy with 5k HP and 250 armor, which is a late game tanky target.
The first target dies to E-aaa-Q-aaa, the second target dies to E-aaa-Q-aaa x2.
PTA - triumph - bloodline - cutdown - transcendence ( need this little bit of extra CDR to have smoother rotation late game ) - nimbus.
Why would you want to go for a 3rd aa after e? Wouldn't it be more practical to animation cancel the passive autos straight with q then passive auto again?
Am I missing something?
Because your third aa deals more dmg than your Q.
Hmm. But with the animation cancel of the q isn't it still more dps? I haven't tested. Just seemed counter intuitive
You lose DPS only during E cast time and you cast spells in the first place to attack more because of your passive. You want to do what, skip an auto so you can cast a spell faster so that you can.. auto faster?
Just think about regular Lucian rotation of Q+aa+W+aa+E+aa. W and E deal no dmg, that's just 1 Q and 6 autos, all the damage comes from autos. If you can have extra fast autos without casting spells that deal less or no dmg why not? Not to mention that the third auto is a full auto not a 60% one from the passive.
Essentially yes, you are getting the q and passive aa off in the same animation instead of waiting for the animation to finish to fire a third auto. Thus I would think you start the second passive aa faster.
A third auto at the end there would always be nice.
I prefer the more crit spell based builds over botrk and kraken so I guess it would make more sense in that build.
What about LDR for Serylda? 60% crit feels kinda bad and Navori and ult woud benefit from more crit. Also, botrk being that powerful and already having a slow, makes serylda unnecessary. Serylda is not a bad item, just bortk is completely broken.
You can't cast spells completely back to back frame perfect without the extra CDR from Serylda, there will be a tiny delay each time. The beauty of new Navori is exactly the fact that it's powerspike caps out at 60% and you don't need more crit, the 4% extra dmg on Q and R is not massive. Serylda also helps you kite enemies because not only do you E constantly but you also slow them.
Man they reverted the changes on Navori, all hope is lost, we are getting stucked with building Assllector and Rapid Shit Cannon another season.
Where did you get the info?
Nevermind, I checked the patch notes and the changes weren't there but appareantly it was just a bug.
The power of Navori doesn't cap with crit because the bonus ability damage scales with crit. So drop botrk for a crit item like bt
Lucian deals most of his dmg through auto-attacks anyway, ideally you would want infinity edge all together, but we are building Navori because we want to E non-stop which we can't do if we go infinity, that 4% extra dmg on Q and R is not better than Botrk. You could go LDR too instead of Serylda, but Serylda is just more useful.
what do you mean you proc 3 autos instead of 2 with as ? passive is only 2 autos
Lucians second aa from passive has a windup time, when you have enough AS, by the time he finishes his second aa he is ready to auto attack again, so he does it instantly after.
This is why Kraken is so good, cuz it gives enough AS to do tripple aa and you proc Kraken after every spell + instant PTA.
waow nice vid im gonna test that do you know what attack speed is needed?
I think it is somewhere around 1.8, I don't remember from the top of my head, basically your 3rd aa has to be as fast as the first two like in the video, if the third attack is slightly lagging behind in speed then you don't have enough AS. It just has to be ''PapPapPap'' and not ''PapPap-Pap''.
nice i just tried it feels good at 1.8 as what order would you buy items in? i guess kraken blade first right?
i saw your video and the 3 aaa combo just looks clunky and if you animation cancel all your passive aa you can then get an infinite combo of e-aa to get in range then q-aa/e-aa/e-aa/q-aa..., also you can swap seryldas for cdr boots to get the same cdr so you can then go ldr for crit and tank shred but given that you will not be aa way more, i think bork can be very good as opposed to a different item for max dps at least.