A subreddit for discussing everyone's (or at least our) favorite ADC, Lucian.
Lucian build in pro Play
Why are Pros playing lucian with First Strike and build Static > Rapid Fire > IE?
Just curious what the reasoning (benefits/disendvantages) to the Standard Kraken > navori Build with pta is.
Any ideas?
First, kraken shouldnt be built with navori, but we wont dive deep into that one now.
Second, the reason that build is popular in proplay is because it allows lucian to be played an even more aggressive playstyle than navori allows him in the early game. It's like a poke build that relies on your magic damage vigilance passive triggering with a milio/nami enhancing your autos, but it falls off super hard because lucian's kit doesnt benefit from the item choices as much as navori benefits him in the lategame. Yeah, you shouldnt build navori with the first strike build , because individual auto dmg matters, so IE is more fitting for short trades, but navori serves a different purpose.
Navori build is basically all about playing around your R cd, and only taking fights when it's up, and try to play it safe with W and E resets until your ult comes back up, this playstyle allows you to deal more dmg later in the game, but is less oppressive early game.
There is no correct answer to lucian builds, and he is actually the only crit adc that I believe is fine building both IE and navori, and it is cool that there is a distinction between proplay and soloq.
I hope you understood my answer.
why shouldnt kraken be build with navori?
because navori is all about getting your R off cd, and kraken doesnt help that. ER does. For more info read the comment that the other dude asked right above/under this one, I fully explain everything there.
Idc about what you say, have a good day.
Much appreciated! Thx
Based take. IMO & hot take alert: after the IE buffs, it is probably the better overall choice in terms of DPS and fulfilling the traditional marksman role. The IE vs QB discussion boils down to access to more consistent dps vs giga burst R damage. For the average Lucian game, I think 9 times out of 10 I would prefer more consistent dps.
But it does play differently than QB Lucian, spacing and threat assessment need to be correct because you are playing to squeak in as many AA's as you can with his range. But as you said, itemization on Lucian is actually the wild west right now. Build what you want, items are far less important than how well you play him.
well I also dont think you need any AS with the quickblades build. So yeah, you go exactly the same build that full crit smolder should (ER> Ionian boots>Navori>LDR>Shieldbow>BT/GA), even with CDR shard and transcendence in runes, for 68 total haste. You want that ult to come off CD asap.
The reason is, going full AS with kraken, greaves and AS shard only gives half an attack speed point at lvl 18 (from 1.0 to 1.5 AS), you spent gold on 70% AS and only got half an attack extra per second, that's nowhere near a good investment, especially since your autos are not why you deal dmg in navori builds. That's why I dont like kraken with navori, it's ok with IE tho.
That the reason I have NQB in higher regard later the game goes compared to IE. IE forces you into AA range, which is more dangerous, and especially if you take into account what other IE adcs can do with IE, it is not a good tradeoff for faster ulties from safer range.
Quickblades build allows you to take breaks between trades, but IE is constant damage-dealing, never stops. Which one really fits lucian?
So yeah, I am a quickblades enthusiast.
I'm also a quickblades enjoyer but I have to say the CDR shard is pointless in that build. Another 8 ability haste on top of the 40 or 50 you already get is maybe a 3 or 4 second reduction on the ult cooldown, and does basically nothing for every other ability. I'd rather have a bit of attack speed in runes, since you're not going to be buying any. 10% attack speed when you have zero is much better than 8 ability haste when you have 50 already.
There's also a number tossed around, 30% attack speed, which I do agree is a good baseline for making combos way smoother. That amount of attack speed makes it so you can auto right after finishing a Q or W animation when canceling an auto animation with them, rather than waiting a quarter second if you don't have the attack speed. It's why most people buy either kraken slayer, or zerkers, but not both.
Autoattacking should still be your primary damage source and why you're doing damage though, I would say. If you're not focusing on autoing a lot, you just have Q and ult for damage, and you're not getting much value out of the quickblades cooldown reduction passive. Lategame, Lucian's entire kit, outside of ult, is basically just there to proc his autoattack passive and kraken slayer makes the autoattacks very worth using no matter what your build is.
I dont agree, spells will deal more dmg than autos with QB. The only reason QB users get AS is because they have cast time synergies in their kit with AS. Sivir, xayah and trist all get faster casts of their Q, Q, and E respectively with AS.
Lucian has the least synergy out of all of them with AS. You can prove me wrong if you find anything realting to AS in lucian's wiki. It used to be his Q cast time, now it scales with level instead.
Totally fair and valid approach. I am on the other end, I don't enjoy QB playstyle at all. I feel like it is far too reliant on Culling damage. The rest of his kit and autos don't benefit enough from QB IMO. So it starts feeling like if I don't get a good ult off I don't have a meaningful impact.
QB leads to a safer playstyle for sure. But I don't play Lucian for safety, I play him for having high octane, high risk, and high reward gameplay. And I think IE enables this better because it lets you have meaningfully better dps against tanks and bruisers.
But again, it's just my preference and opinions. Lucian's kit is very unique and has allowed him to have far above average build diversity. God, I miss E cleansing slows and ult having an attack speed ratio.
The older build is for a quick kill/ reset. Quick blades is more for extended fights. I agree that Lucian has been used for high risk/ high reward, however both builds has its place. There have been many times where I wished my cool downs were gone so I could destroy the rest of their team and others where his build is perfect for the situation.
They all have situations that best suit each build.
Im going no boots baybee every game, otherwise you just lack dmg. You melt tanks by just simply skipping boots and actually learn how to position properly which in return also makes you a better adc player overall.