Signing Up

Note: You must be at least 13 years old to create a Facebook account.
Create a Facebook account
  1. Go to and click Create New Account.
  2. Enter your name, email or mobile phone number, password, date of birth and gender.
  3. Click Sign Up.
  4. To finish creating your account, you need to confirm your email or mobile phone number.
If you're having a problem logging in
To finish creating an account, you need to confirm that you own the email or mobile phone number that you used to create the account:
  • To confirm your mobile number, enter the code you get via text message (SMS) in the Confirm box that shows up when you log in. Learn what to do if you didn't get the SMS.
  • To confirm your email, click or tap the link in the email you got when you created the account. Learn what to do if you can't find the email.
Confirming your email or mobile number helps us know that we're sending your account info to the right place.
Note: Please confirm your email or mobile number as soon as possible. You may not be able to use your account until you confirm your email or mobile number. If you do not confirm your account, it may be deleted after one year of inactivity.
Log out of Facebook on a computer
  1. Click your profile picture in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Click Log Out at the bottom of the menu that appears.

If you've logged into your Facebook account on multiple devices:

If you want to take a break from Facebook:

If you don't see the log out menu option: