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linguistic group definition, linguistic group meaning | English dictionary

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1    of or relating to language  
2    of or relating to linguistics  
  linguistically      adv  

linguistic atlas  
      n   an atlas showing the distribution of distinctive linguistic features of languages or dialects  
linguistic borrowing  
      n      another name for       loan word  
linguistic geography  
      n   the study of the distribution of dialectal speech elements  
  linguistic geographer      n  
linguistic philosophy  
      n   the approach to philosophy common in the mid 20th century that tends to see philosophical problems as arising from inappropriate theoretical use of language and therefore as being resolved by detailed attention to the common use of expressions  
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political group of six native American nations
Refers to a teen’s group of friends.
Usually employed as "squad goals": term used to describe who you want your group to be or what you want your group to accomplish.
a small group of people or things within a much larger group
There are a lot of national minorities in my home country (Denmark). We have a lot of people from Poland, Somalia etc.
Term used to describe who one wants their group to be or what they want their group to accomplish.
[Slang] This has been made popular by Taylor Swift and her fleet of Twitter followers. "Oh my gosh, they are seriously squad goals!"
Arotten apple is a member of a group, or a single element in a set of things, that is bad and likely to corrupt the other people or things in the group
Allusion to the expression "One bad apple spoils the barrel"
the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group
a group selfie ; a picture taken by one person next to other people, usually to share it through social media
[Slang] comes from the combination of "selfie" and "us"
1:to utter taunting words 2:to deride or tease with taunting words 'The Gridiron Show group joked with and gibed at those in the Memphis power structure, politicians mostly. Rarely did anyone get their feelings hurt by the skits in the shows…." — Toby Sells, Memphis Magazine, December 2014
a group to vote for as a whole, not by individuals.
a term used on voting ballots
[subj: poiicemen] to herd [demonstrators] into a compact group in order to control their movements
a group of people who decide to meet and make purchases at a local business. The aim is both to support it and to meet up with the community.
Inspired by the phenomenon of flash mobs, which refers to groups of people mobilized by social media to perform entertaining or unusual acts in public, such as choreographies
police crowd management technique that consists of herding people into a compact group. AKA corralling
competitive set: a group of other brands offering a similar product or service, to the same consumers
expression used to describe an attempt to organize a difficult or unpredictable situation; trying to coordinate a group of people who tend to act chaotically
[Bus.] E.g: Some say that managing a team is herding cats.
When a large group of competing corporations hope to use the government to protect or enhance their interests.
Economic Term.
(#BD) In humanocracy, a revocable delegate member of a group of 25 delegators, chosen and controlled by them. 25 basis delegates can choose a council delegate.
Anarchists in Spain have chosen basis delegates in 1936. Similar delegates have been chosen during many struggles of the people : shop stewards in UK, revocable delegates in Italy during the 70th.
(#CD) In humanocracy, a revocable delegate member of a group of 25 basis delegates, chosen and controlled by them. 25 council delegates can choose a deputy-delegate.
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