Books and Films - Fry's Planet Word (BBC documentary)


Fry's Planet Word

Fry's Planet Word is a five-part BBC documentary series written and presented by Stephen Fry, exploring various aspects of human language including its origins, how we use and abuse it, and the history of written language. The first episode "Babel" uncovers the origins of human language; the second episode "Identity" focuses on how one identifies through language; the third episode "Uses and Abuses" shows that swearing plays an important part in human communication; the fourth episode "Spreading the Word" looks at the history of written language; and the fifth and final episode "The Power and the Glory" celebrates storytelling and its influence on language.

Episode 1 - Babel

Episode 1 - Babel
In this episode, Stephen Fry seeks to uncover the origins of human language and how and why we are the only species on the planet to have this gift.

Episode 2 - Identity
Focusing on how one identifies through language, Stephen Fry charts the shifting patterns of lingua franca and the inexorable spread of Globish (Global English).

Episode 3 - Uses and Abuses
Looking at the ways language is used and abused, Stephen Fry learns that swearing plays an important part in human communication.

Episode 4 - Spreading the Word
In this episode, Stephen Fry looks at the history of written language, from the earliest writing to blogging and tweeting.

Episode 5 - The Power and the Glory
Stephen Fry celebrates storytelling and its influence on language. Storytelling has been with us as long as language itself and as a species, we love to tell our stories.

Related Links
Origin of language - wikipedia
The origin of language in the human species has been the topic of scholarly discussions for several centuries. In spite of this, there is no consensus on its ultimate origin or age.
Why do We Talk?
Talking is something that is unique to humans, yet it still remains a mystery. Horizon meets the scientists beginning to unlock the secrets of speech.
In Our Time, Ordinary Language Philosophy
Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss Ordinary Language Philosophy, a school of thought which emerged in Oxford in the years following World War II.
The Story of English
This is a PBS documentary series presented by Robert MacNeil, detailing the development of the English language.
Language and Literacy
This course is designed to help students understand the aspects of linguistic principles and processes that underlie oral and written language proficiency, and how this knowledge is relevant K-12 instruction.