LILFOX | Aurora Beauty

♥ Made With Love ♥ Artisan ♥ Handcrafted ♥ Small Batch ♥ Fresh ♥

LILFOX was born in the lush jungle of Miami, Florida. Created by Alexis Rose, a certified aromatherapist, LILFOX is the culmination of her most sensory passions. Her whimsical collection includes active botanical extracts, exotic virgin oils, unrefined plant butters, mineral rich clays and Earth's crystals to take one on a sensorial journey to the magical forest realm of LILFOX. 

Created to deliver a bright vixen glow, while encouraging one to take a moment for themselves and create their own unique vixen skin care ritual. Every plant element is meticulously selected with special attention to choosing the highest quality and ethically sourced ingredients, organic and wild harvested whenever possible. Each formula is free of fillers, as each ingredient is selected with intention. All products are free of synthetic fragrances, butylene glycol, silicones, sodium sulfates phthalates, GMO's, petroleum, parabens, and harsh preservatives.

With a focus on creating skin care products that are potent and effective yet gentle, LILFOX formulas contain concentrated phytonutrients. In place of purified water, LILFOX formulas include the addition of delicate organic aqueous distillates known as hydrosols. Hydrosols are produced during essential oil distillation and contain trace amounts of essential oils.

By not outsourcing their production, LILFOX is committed to providing a high quality artisanal product. Each formula is hand blended and poured in micro batches to ensure purity, freshness and potency.

Follow the fox deep into the forest and bring the enchanted spa home....

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