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Research Center Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room


The Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room has one of the largest, most comprehensive newspaper collections in the world, and it includes major titles published in all U.S. states and territories as well as titles from most independent countries and many dependent states around the world spanning the past five centuries.

Newspapers are generally held in three formats: microfilm, print, and digital. A title might be available in one or multiple formats, and this may vary by date range. Most historic newspapers are held on microfilm, though there is an ever-growing amount of born-digital and digitized newspapers, most of which are held in subscription databases and fewer of which are found freely available online. Reference staff can help determine which formats are available and ideal based on the nature of your research.

Access: Request microfilm and print newspapers at the circulation desk by filling out a call slip with the newspaper title, date(s), and call number. Reference staff can assist with identifying call numbers. Delivery time is generally within 30 minutes. Selected titles are immediately available to browse. Digital newspaper collections and databases are available at public computer terminals in the reading room or by accessing the Library's Wifi through your own device.

Newspaper Lists

For more information about requesting materials from these lists, please see Using the Reading Room.

U.S. Newspapers

Foreign Newspapers

U.S. Ethnic Press Newspapers

  • African American Newspapers – The Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room at the Library of Congress holds African American newspapers in various formats, as well as on-site digital access to some of the newspapers through subscription databases. This resource lists the Library's holdings and availability of digital access (if any) for each newspaper title listed by state and city. Also listed are African American newspapers that are freely available to search online.

Research Guides

More detailed information about specific newspaper collections:

U.S. Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress

Comprising major titles from all fifty states and United States territories, the Library’s newspaper collections are the most comprehensive in the world. This guide provides a detailed overview to these collections published from 1690 to the present.

Foreign Newspaper Collections at the Library of Congress

The foreign newspaper collections at the Library are the largest collection of overseas newspapers in the world. This guide provides an overview to these collections found in the Serial & Government Publications Division.

African American Newspapers

A guide to African American newspapers held at the Library of Congress and available online.

Original or Reprint? A Guide to Noteworthy Newspaper Issues

A guide to identifying original versus reprinted issues for several newspaper editions of historical significance, also referred to as an "Information Circular" in the Newspaper & Current Periodical Reading Room.

Federalist Essays in Historic Newspapers

The 85 essays known as the Federalist Papers were originally published as letters in New York newspapers 1787-1788. This guide serves as an index to the letters in the historic newspapers and a list of holdings at the Library of Congress.

Chronicling America: A Guide for Researchers

This guide provides an overview of Chronicling America, a searchable digital collection of historic newspapers from 1777-1963.


Library of Congress
101 Independence Ave, SE
James Madison Building, LM 133
Washington, DC 20540-4810
View map External link


Monday through Thursday
8:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Friday and Saturday
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Closed Sundays & Federal Holidays

Reader Registration (Rm. LM 133)
Monday through Saturday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.