A Typical Day | Le Rosey

A typical day

In Rolle

  • Students get up at 7:00am, take showers, tidy their bedrooms and make their beds. They then go down for breakfast, which is a large buffet and is the only informal meal of the day.


  • From 8:00am to 12:20pm, there are six class periods, with a mid-morning break for hot chocolate (we are in Switzerland!).
  • On Monday at midday, there is a large assembly for the entire school, a time of communication, reflection and an exchange of ideas.


  • At 1:30pm, classes start again for three periods, until 3:30pm.


  • From 4:00 to 7:00pm, is the time for Sports & Arts, which allows Rosey students to choose from extremely varied programmes on each day of the week. Some programmes are obligatory (for example, a balance between sports and arts, as part of the continuation of the activities selected).


  • Dinner is served at 7:30pm. Formal attire is worn to this meal (boys wear a blazer and tie). Meals at Le Rosey are taken according to fairly rigid customs. Students sit at a seat marked by a personal napkin and which is fixed for the term. They sit with six to eight other students and one or two teachers. Students take turns serving the dishes at the table, under the authority of the maître d’hôtel. Students rise when an adult arrives and do not leave the table before being invited to do so by the director of boarding, after he or she has made a few announcements.


  • A little after 8:00pm, the evening, which is essentially dedicated to prep or homework, begins either in the student’s bedroom or in the study hall, depending on each student’s study group. Other activities also take place in the evening, such as cultural outings or dinners, lectures, the Academy, the Forum or Model United Nations debates or teacher/student sport challenges.


  • Bedtime is between 9:00pm and 11:30pm, depending on the age of the student. This rest is very welcome after an intense day!


  • 7.00am: Lever (wake-up), getting dressed, tidying the room, making the bed. Breakfast with the other Juniors for a healthy start to the day.
  • From 8.00am to 12.00pm: five lessons with a mid-morning pause-chocolat (we are in Switzerland, after all!).
  • Monday midday: a whole-school assembly for announcements, thoughts and exchanging ideas. On the other days of the week, lunch is followed by some free time.
  • From 1.15pm to 2.00pm: a sixth lesson.
  • From 2.15pm to 3.30pm: Junior sports with a wide range of activities where children can discover their strengths and preferences.
  • After a shower and a balanced and plentiful tea-time snack: three quarters of an hour of study supervised by teachers who follow pupils’ progress.
  • From 5.00pm to 5.40pm: time for private language or music classes — or free time for playing outside or at board games indoors.
  • From 5.45pm to 6.30pm: varied theme-based activities as well as personal, social and well-being lessons.
  • Dinner is served at 6.50pm and the younger Juniors go to bed at 8.45pm while the older pupils (class 6) have their coucher at 9.15.

In Gstaad

  • In Gstaad, the schedule is arranged to allow students to practise winter sports without losing teaching time.


  • There are six class periods every morning, including Saturday, which last until 12:45pm, as well as on Thursday afternoon. There are sports from 2:00pm to 5:00pm (except on Thursday), followed by private study, music and theatre practice. Dinner is at 7:00pm and there is private study or cultural or social activities in the evening.
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