Police Training
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Police Training

Police1’s Police Training and Law Enforcement Training course resources help to keep officers safer on the street by providing access to information that supports professional development and improves training.

Learn how mental agility helps leaders adapt to change, overcome challenges and turn adverse situations into positive outcomes
At the end of the day, your health is largely in your hands; take some extra time to take care of you
In this video, risk management expert Gordon Graham outlines how LE and fire can cooperate effectively on scene
The essential role of local police in early detection, containment and forensic investigation of CBRN threats
“Trooper [Marcellus E.] Bethea...embodied Honor, Duty, and Fidelity in its highest form every day and in everything he did,” Gov. Phil Murphy stated
We take a closer look at the research behind the potential utility of Jiu-Jitsu as a policing tool
Competitions provide good practice for high-pressure situations, yet they can lead to poor tactical decisions on patrol when competitive strategies are misapplied
Get your cops to talk about tactics to keep names off the Memorial wall
A review of the effective strategies and calm professionalism of police forces nationwide in managing recent civil disturbances
Learn about the crucial need to grasp and transform paradigms, emphasizing persistent effort in cultivating habits that strengthen leadership abilities
Exploring the innovative training methods designed to equip middle managers with effective leadership strategies
Lt. Dan Marcou highlights how leadership is demonstrated through both actions and words
What should you do, and not do, when you arrive at a fire before the fire department.
We cannot effectively de-escalate a situation if we cannot de-escalate ourselves
Pointing is rude and it can be life-altering
Considering a career in law enforcement? This is what you can expect to learn in the police academy
How to build a culture of innovation, ensure ethical use of technology, and invest in training and development to prepare your workforce for the future
Should leadership styles change when leading peers?
Agencies often complement footage with detailed briefings and written reports to provide comprehensive context
It will always be difficult to identify an active shooter, but if we can identify them there’s a chance for intervention
The appellate court began by citing other cases in which the court “held that it’s reasonable for officers to tase fleeing suspects”
The IPSLEI-endowed scholarship program has awarded $31,000 to students across the United States who desire to serve public safety
The initiative offers specialized leadership training aimed at empowering first responders with the skills to lead effectively in high-stakes environments
This approach enhances cognitive and decision-making capabilities, preparing officers for the full spectrum of challenges they will face in their duties
Given the increasingly complex nature of modern policing, agencies must consider adopting new instructional methodologies to improve the performance of new officers
Recruits learned crucial signs for words like “interpreter,” “cop,” “ambulance” and “help,” practicing these scenarios with volunteers
Your preparation now can save lives later when the unthinkable happens
It may be the right thing to do in some circumstances, but there’s a lot to think about and the time to start thinking about it is now
Firing your weapon to stop an imminent deadly threat may be the most difficult decision you ever have to make