Lauren Bessette - The New York Times

Lauren Bessette

  1. Mother of Bessette Sisters Asks to Control Their Estates

    Anne M Freeman, mother of Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and Lauren Bessette, files court papers seeking to become administrator of her daughters' estates; also asks to be given right to file personal-injury and wrongful-death lawsuits in the future against 'unknown' parties; the two women died in crash of private plane piloted by John F Kennedy Jr (M)

    By David Rohde

  2. A Suburban Shelter Just for Children

    Article on Kids in Crisis of Greenwich, Conn, which runs only shelter in state specificially for children; Ann and Richard Freeman, mother and stepfather of Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and Lauren Bessette, have asked that donations, instead of flowers, be made to agency following their children's death; photos (M)

    By Richard Weizel


    SOAPBOX; A TriBeCa Goodbye

    Code magazine bureau chief Wickham Boyle essay on public memorial to John and Carolyn Kennedy outside their North Moore Street residence and its dismantling; photo (M)

    By Wickham Boyle

  4. Longevity and History

    Frank Heynick letter, contrasts Janna Malamud Smith's July 25 Op-Ed article on criticisms of risk-taking that probably caused death of John F Kennedy Jr in plane crash with Op-Ed article by Josef Joffe on absence of risk that has become goal in modern military engagements, most recently in Kosovo; says value being placed on human life, even in warfare, may derive in part from increased longevity (S)

  5. Kennedy Donations

    Families of John F Kennedy Jr, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and Lauren G Bessette suggest list of charities for memorial contributions (S)

  6. Corrections

    Correction of July 24 article on memorial service for John F Kennedy Jr, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and Lauren Bessette

  7. In Mourning, Cathedral Reconnects to Irish Roots

    Article on Old St Patrick's Cathedral, one time pride of Irish Catholicism in New York City, reawakening its dormant link to Irish culture and faith through public memorial service for John F Kennedy Jr, his wife Caroline Bessette Kennedy and his sister-in-law Lauren G Bessette; that Kennedy memorial movingly reconnected New York's Irish community with emblem of its past was partly by design and partly by serendipity; those who organized service hoped both to celebrate life of Kennedy and to renew cathedral's historic role in spiritual life of Irish Americans; photo (M)

    By David Barstow

  8. A Week of Grieving

    Editorial on loss of John F Kennedy Jr, wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and sister-in-law Lauren Bessette in airplane crash off Martha's Vineyard and intense public grief; says crash may find itself not so much in aviation history as in basic aviation instruction theory, offering cautionary lessons to future pilots (M)

  9. Mourners Pay Respects to Third Victim of Kennedy Crash

    More than 600 mourners gather at Christ Church in Greenwich, Conn, to pay respects to Lauren Bessette, third victim of plane crash that also killed John F Kennedy Jr and Carolyn Bessette; Bessette's uncle, Jack Messina, delivers euology; photo (M)

    By Julian E. Barnes


    THE KENNEDY MEMORIAL: THE SERVICE; Doors Closed, Kennedys Offer Their Farewells

    Memorial Mass for John F Kennedy Jr and his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, is held at Church of St Thomas More in Manhattan, and he is remembered by his uncle, Sen Edward M Kennedy, as a young man who shouldered the ponderous weight of legend and was still 'becoming the person he would be'; 350 invited mourners range from eminent figures of Kennedy Administration to Muhammad Ali, to Pres Clinton, to many young friends who lived beyond circumspection of public life; separate Mass for Lauren Bessette, who died with the Kennedys in a plane crash on July 16, will be held in Greenwich, Conn, on July 24; photos (M)

    By N. R. Kleinfield

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