Area Information for Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3BH

Lanark Way in Belfast is in Northern Ireland. The postcode is within the Woodvale ward/electoral division, which is in the UK Parliamentary Constituency of Belfast West. This page combines information for the address Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3BH, and the neighbourhood in which it resides. If you wish, you can also view information for the whole of BT13 here. For more details on the exact area these statistics cover, please see the map below and click "Show Census Area Covered" immediately below the map.

WARNING: Provisional Location Data

The data that we have received for this particular postcode (from Ordnance Survey) indicates that it is a provisional map location. It is likely to change in later updates to the data as the OS perform manual checks on the postcode.

Such mapping issues commonly occur on newly assigned postcodes - for instance with new build housing. As Ordnance Survey data is used by many map providers, sat-nav systems etc. there may be problems with deliveries and services to properties at this postcode at the current time.

Ordnance Survey will perform a precise mapping of this area in due course. They provide more information on their website about the process, please see this link.

Basic Information

Area Type Belfast Metropolitan Urban Area
Local Authority Belfast
Ward Woodvale
UK Parliamentary Constituency Belfast West
Region Northern Ireland Constituencies
Country Northern Ireland

Nearby Locations

Our information is available for almost all UK postcodes. Why not take a look at some of these other postcodes in the immediate vicinity of Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3BH:

Battenberg Court, Belfast, BT13 3FT
Battenberg Street, Belfast, BT13 3WP
Brookmount Gardens, Belfast, BT13 3EE
Mayo Link, Belfast, BT13 3BD
Caledon Court, Belfast, BT13 3BB
Centurion Way, Belfast, BT13 3BA

Alternatively, click here to view demographic information about BT13 as a whole.

About the Demographic Information

The information on housing, people, culture, employment and education that is displayed about Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3BH is based on the last census performed in the UK in 2021. They are performed once every 10 years. Our website shows 2021 data for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. For Scotland, 2011 data is shown (update coming soon, the Scottish census was delayed by a year unlike the rest of the UK). Please note: census information may include figures for adjacent streets and postcodes. The figures are therefore representative of the local area, not a specific street address or row of houses. The census collection is designed so that each group of postcodes should contain an average of 500 persons/200 households in Northern Ireland. This is done to preserve the anonymity of the people in that area, as some postcodes cover a very small area, sometimes a single building. You can see the area covered by the census statistics by clicking "Show Census Area Covered" below the map above.

Using this Information Commercially

The information we provide on the website is done so without charge. However, if you wish to use this data on other websites, or in any other public medium should consult our data sources page for information on how you should correctly attribute the information.

Housing Types Embed This

This area contains a mixture of housing types, as detailed below. No single type of dwelling accounts for more than 50% of the dwellings. Please note that the figures may include adjacent streets - see the Summary tab for an explanation and map of the area that these figures cover.

Housing Types
Detached 10
Semi-Detached 38
Terraced 97
Flat (Purpose-Built) 19
Flat (Converted) 1
Residence in Commercial Building 1
Total 166
Are these numbers higher than you expected? Click here for explanation.

Housing Tenure Embed This Back to Top

The area containing Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland contains a higher-than-average level of social housing - 57% of household spaces. This contrasts with the national average of just over 17%.

Housing Tenure
Owned Outright 17
Owned with Mortgage/Shared Ownership 14
Rented: From Council 50
Rented: Other Social 44
Rented: Private Landlord inc. letting agents 37
Rented: Other 1
Rent Free 3
Total 166

Housing Occupancy Embed This Back to Top

This data lists the total number of residents normally resident within each household. The figures do not record under- or over-occupancy.

Housing Occupancy
One Person 68
Two People 42
Three People 34
Four People 18
Five People 3
6+ People 1
Total 166

Household Composition Embed This Back to Top

The area containing Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland consists predominantly of single-family households, which is more common in suburban areas.

Household Composition
1 Person Household 68
Family Household 89
Other Household 9
Total 166

Household Deprivation Embed This Back to Top

Household deprivation was measured against four dimensions for the 2021 census - employment, education, health/disability, and overcrowding.

Household Deprivation
Not Deprived 35
Deprived In One Dimension 46
Deprived In Two Dimensions 54
Deprived In Three Dimensions 29
Deprived In Four Dimensions 2
Total 166

Gender Embed This

Across the UK as a whole, the gender split is roughly 49% male, 51% female. This part of the Woodvale ward however contains significantly more women than average (58%). This can be caused by a number of factors, but amongst the most common are large establishments such as boarding schools and convents, and areas with older populations.

Females on average live longer than males, so are more likely to be found in retirement areas. In general, as people age, they move away from city centre addresses to suburbs, smaller towns and rural locations, so these areas often show a greater number of females, with inner-city areas showing the opposite trend.

Male 146
Female 202
Total 348

Age Groups Embed This Back to Top

The area around BT13 3BH has a very large concentration of children that are under 15 (at 30% of the resident population). This is commonly seen in suburban neighbourhoods, and sometimes in areas of high social housing.

Age Groups
0-4 42
5-9 39
10-14 25
15-19 19
20-24 19
25-29 27
30-34 34
35-39 28
40-44 16
45-49 15
50-54 15
55-59 14
60-64 19
65-69 8
70-74 7
75-79 10
80-84 5
85+ 5
Total 347

Relationship Status Embed This Back to Top

The number of residents who are separated in BT13 3BH is high - 8% of the area's population. This contrasts with a national average of just 2.3%.

Figures for relationship status do not include those aged under 16, or those family members aged 16-18 who are in full-time education. Following the Civil Partnership Act that came into force in 2019, census figures for 2021/2022 no longer categorise same sex relationships as a separate category. Civil partnerships are now included within the figures for the other categories (Married, Divorced and so forth).

Relationship Status
Single 136
Married 32
Separated 27
Divorced 23
Widowed 16
Total 234

Health Embed This Back to Top

Health in the UK is strongly tied to age as you would expect, but the affluence of a neighbourhood also has strong influence, with deprived areas often showing poorer standards of health.

Overall, the UK considers itself to be healthy - 82% of residents rated their health as Very Good or Good. The full breakdown is as follows for the United Kingdom: 48.4% Very Good, 33.5% Good, 12.8% Fair, 4.1% Bad and 1.2% Very Bad.

It is noteable that the amount of residents reporting Very Good or Good health increased in 2021 compared to the previous census, despite an aging UK population. This may have been influenced by how people perceived their health aginst the backdrop of the pandemic.

However, this area of the Woodvale ward shows lower levels of residents that report their health as Good or Very Good (68%) than average, which is usually indicative of areas with older populations or areas of social deprivation.

Very Good 145
Good 91
Fair 50
Bad 40
Very Bad 18
Total 344

Education & Qualifications Embed This Back to Top

Lanark Way and surrounding area has a larger than average concentration of residents have no qualifications - 38% of the resident population. On average, around 18.3% of census respondents fall into this category.

The qualification levels are based on current qualification names. The former Ordinary Levels (O-Levels) and CSEs will be included in the GCSE figures. Former Higher School Certificates (HSCs) will be counted as A Levels.

Highest Qualification Level Achieved
Degree or Similar e.g. professional qualification (accountancy etc) 19
Apprenticeship 12
HNC, HND or 2+ A Levels 35
5+ GCSEs, an A-Level or 1-2 AS Levels 51
1-4 GCSEs or Equivalent 22
No GCSEs or Equivalent 89
Other 5
Total 233

Irish Language Embed This

Figures for Irish speaking and understanding are based on responses for all usual residents on census day 2021.

Irish Speaking Ability
Full Speaks, Reads, Writes and Understands Irish 3
Speaks and Reads but Does Not Write Irish 2
Speaks but Does Not Read or Write Irish 1
Understands but Does Not Read, Write or Speak Irish 4
Other Combination of Irish Skills 3
No Ability in Irish 306

Ulster Scots Language Embed This

Figures for Ulster Scots speaking and understanding are based on responses for all usual residents on census day 2021.

Ulster Scots Speaking Ability
Full Speaks, Reads, Writes and Understands Ulster Scots 5
Speaks and Reads but Does Not Write Ulster Scots 0
Speaks but Does Not Read or Write Ulster Scots 5
Understands but Does Not Read, Write or Speak Ulster Scots 30
Other Combination of Ulster Scots Skills 5
No Ability in Ulster Scots 276

Ethnic Group Embed This Back to Top

This address (Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland) can be considered less ethnically diverse than the UK average. As whole, the UK population claims itself as approximately 82.2% white, with residents of this area being 98% so.

As a country with a diverse population, the UK is home to other sizable ethnic groups, with Asian (9%), Black (3.9%), and mixed ethnicities (2.8%) being the largest major groups reported.

There is considerable division of ethnicities within the UK, with ethnically diverse addresses uncommon outside of urban areas.

Ethnic Group
White 342
Indian 3
Black African 3
Total 348

Country of Birth Embed This Back to Top

At the time of the 2021 census, approximately 83.4% of the resident population of the United Kingdom were born in the UK. The other major groups were 6.9% from European countries, 5.4% from Middle Eastern or Asian countries, 2.6% from African countries, and 1.7% from the rest of the world.

Country of Birth
United Kingdom 326
European Union 14
Africa 3
Middle East And Asia 3
The Americas (North, Central and South America, and the Caribbean) 1
Total 347

Length of Residence Embed This Back to Top

At the time of the 2021 census, approximately 83.3% of the resident population of the United Kingdom were born in the UK. Some 9.7% have resided in the UK for 10 years plus, 2.9% for 5-10 years, 2.2% for 2-5 years, and 1.9% for less than two years.

The length of time a person has been resident in the UK has been calculated from the time a resident most recently arrived in the UK (excluding holidays/short stays outside the UK). However, residents that were born in the UK but emigrated and then later returned will still be counted as "Born in the United Kingdom".

Length of Residence
Born in The United Kingdom 315
10+ Years 18
5-10 Years 9
2-5 Years 7
Less Than 2 Years 0
Total 349

Passport(s) Held Embed This Back to Top

Note that an individual may hold one or more passports. The data may include people living in adjacent addresses to BT13 3BH

Passport(s) Held
None 74
United Kingdom 241
Republic of Ireland 11
European Union 12
Rest of Europe 0
African Countries 3
The Americas (North, Central and South America, and the Caribbean) 1

Religion Embed This Back to Top

Northern Ireland is primarily a Christian country, with 42.3% of residents Catholic, 37.4% other Christians, and 1.3% other religions. Approximately 17.4% of residents state that they have no religion or are Atheist, while 1.6% did not state their religious views.

No Religion 75
Catholic 16
Presbyterian 120
Church Of Ireland 68
Methodist 39
Other Christian 23
Other Religion 0
Not Stated 6
Total 347

Economic Activity Embed This

Figures for economic activity do not include those aged under 16, or those family members aged 16-18 who are in full-time education. The data was correct as of the 2021 census, which was a period of depressed economic activity.

The 2021 census occurred during period of depressed economic activity due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, care should be taken in interpreting figures relating to labour market participation.

Economic Activity
Employee 80
Self Employed (No Subordinates) 7
Self Employed (With Subordinates) 2
Unemployed 9
Full-Time Student (with or without job) 8
Retired 29
Looking After Home or Family 31
Long-Term Sick or Disabled 54
Other 14
Total 234

Occupation Group Embed This Back to Top

This data is based on resident aged 16+ on census day 2021, who were in employment. The categories used are taken from the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 2020.

Occupation Group
Managers, Directors and Senior Officials 4
Professional Occupations 7
Associate Professional Occupations 6
Administrative and Secretarial Occupations 11
Skilled Trades Occupations 9
Caring, Leisure and Other Service Occupations 14
Sales and Customer Service Occupations 12
Process, Plant and Machine Operatives 8
Elementary Occupations 18
Total 89

Socio-Economic Classification Embed This Back to Top

Classifications are assigned based on an algorithm created by the National Statistics Agency, called the Socio-economic Classification (NS-SEC).

Socio-Economic Classification
Large Employer or Higher Managerial/Professional 8
Supervisory, or Lower Managerial/Administrative/Professional 11
Intermediate Occupation e.g. clerical, sales, technical, engineering occupations 27
Own Account Worker/Small Employer 11
Lower Technical or Supervisory Occupation 18
Routine Occupation e.g. sales, service, production, operative, agricultural occupations 51
Semi-Routine Occupation 43
Never Worked or Long-Term Unemployed 57
Full-time Student 9
Total 235

Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3BH is within the Tennent Street policing neighbourhood, under the Police Service of Northern Ireland force area. For non-urgent queries, contact 101. For emergency assistance, please contact 999.

Neighbourhood Team

Neighbourhood Team Address Tennent Street
134 Tennent Street
County Antrim
BT13 3GF
Force Website:

Data courtesy of See our Data Sources page for more information.

Key: Railway Stations Railway Station Hospitals Hospital GP Practices GP Primary School Primary School Secondary School Secondary School

Below are the details of the closest services to BT13 3BH. All distances are straightline distances, please consult the map of the facility to check the exact location. You can also view these details on our interactive services map for BT13 3BH.

Nearest Railway Stations

Listed here are the 20 closest railway stations to Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3BH. The nearest railway station is Belfast - Gt Victoria St, approximately 1.1 miles away.

Name Approximate Distance*
Belfast - Gt Victoria St 1.1 miles
Belfast - City Hospital Halt 1.3 miles
Belfast - Botanic 1.5 miles
Belfast - Yorkgate 1.6 miles
Belfast - Adelaide Halt 1.7 miles
Belfast - Central 1.8 miles
Belfast - Bridge End Halt 2.1 miles
Belfast - Balmoral Halt 2.4 miles
Finaghy Halt 2.9 miles
Belfast - Sydenham Halt 3.3 miles
Dunmurry Halt 3.8 miles
Derriaghy Halt 4.8 miles
Whiteabbey Halt 5.3 miles
Holywood Halt 5.5 miles
Lambeg Halt 5.8 miles
Hilden Halt 6.2 miles
Jordanstown 6.3 miles
Marino Halt 6.5 miles
Mossley West Halt 6.5 miles
Lisburn 7 miles

Nearest Primary Schools

Listed here are the 10 closest primary schools to Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3BH. The nearest is St Clare's Primary School, Belfast, approximately 210 yards away.

Nearest Secondary Schools

Listed here are the 10 closest secondary schools to Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3BH. The nearest is St Dominic's High School, Belfast, approximately 0.6 miles away.

Nearest Doctor's Surgeries/GP Practices

Listed here are the 10 closest GPs (General Practitioners) to Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3BH. The nearest is Springfield Medical Centre, approximately 630 yards away. Please consult the facility to check if they are currently accepting new NHS patients.

Nearest Hospitals

Listed here are the 10 closest hospitals to Lanark Way, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT13 3BH. The nearest is Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, approximately 0.6 miles away.

* Distances are measured in a straight line from the given postcode. Please consult the facility's map page or your preferred route finding/GPS app for driving directions.

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Broadband in BT13 3BH

This postcode has support for Ultrafast broadband at one or more premises. Ultrafast broadband is the latest high-speed standard, generally taken to mean fixed line broadband at a potential speed of 300Mbps or more - more than enough for even the most demanding household gaming, video calling, video and internet browsing needs. Note that occasionally some properties in a postcode may still not be eligible due to conditions on the ground, or the building structure. If you wish to enquire about a specific property in this postcode, contact the major suppliers, for instance Virgin Media, BT Broadband and Plusnet. For more information on Superfast Broadband, see the OpenReach website.

Broadband data is based on information provided by the major fixed internet service providers in the UK, including Virgin Media and BT. It does not include providers of satellite internet. Data at this postcode has been sourced from 7 reported internet connections. This postcode does feature some residents who are using lines that support speeds of less than 2Mbps.

Our latest broadband offer
Average Download Speed 280.4Mbps
Maximum Download Speed Reported 900Mbps
Average Upload Speed 25.9Mbps
Maximum Upload Speed Reported 75Mbps
Gigabit (1,000Mbps+) Internet Available Yes

Top Broadband Suppliers Back to Top

Thanks to a survey[link] performed for Broadband Genie, we can show you the best broadband suppliers in the United Kingdom as of 2019. The most popular supplier was Plusnet, based on average scores for value, support, speed, reliability, customer service, security and whether the customer would recommend the supplier.

Supplier Customer Rating
Plusnet 76.2%
Zen Internet 75.8%
Post Office 74%
EE Broadband 73.4%
NOW TV 70.8%
Vodafone 70%
Sky Digital 69.2%
BT Broadband 67.4%
Virgin Media 67.4%
TalkTalk 65.2%

Looking for a broadband package? StreetCheck now offers a handy broadband comparison tool, click the button below to get started.

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