The Best '80s Family Movies

Ranker Film
Updated April 12, 2024 252.8K views 124 items
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50.2K votes
4.3K voters
14 reranks

Journey back to an era of cinematic gold, the 1980s, where children's films went beyond mere entertainment, weaving tales of adventure, laughter, and life lessons into cherished memories. For those yearning for a nostalgic cinematic journey, the 1980s was a treasure trove of family-friendly films, offering an eclectic mix of adventure, hilarity, and heartwarming tales. A wave of creativity swept through Hollywood during this decade, producing kids' movies that are still fondly remembered and frequently revisited.

Impressively, these films from the 80s not only served as entertaining spectacles but also managed to seamlessly infuse education and values into their narratives. These popcorn classics were pioneers in merging family fun, education, and entertainment, delivering stories that resonate with audiences across the globe. The 80s didn't merely witness the release of some movies; it was an era when we encountered timeless tales that continue to captivate the hearts of kids and adults alike.

Two such films are The Goonies and The Karate Kid, which epitomize the magic of 80s children's cinema. The Goonies, with its riveting treasure hunt and camaraderie, became the epitome of childhood adventure, while The Karate Kid, with its inspiring story of resilience and determination, taught us invaluable life lessons. Other monumental films, such as Back to the Future, The NeverEnding Story, and Ghostbusters, wove stories that transcended the boundaries of reality, plunging us into fantastical realms of time travel, mystical lands, and supernatural escapades. Underneath each film entry, streaming options spanning Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney+, Max, and Paramount+ are conveniently available, ensuring a smooth viewing experience.

This era of wonderment and nostalgia, encapsulated through the best 80s kids' movies, unravels memories of timeless adventures and unforgettable characters. These 80s family films rarely shy away from exploring complex themes while delivering gripping narratives that still resonate with audiences today. As you embark on this cinematic journey, prepare to revisit an array of classic kids' movies that will undoubtedly rekindle your childhood memories and perhaps even share these delightful tales with a new generation. Such is the enduring charm of the 1980s – a decade when cinema truly celebrated the wonders of childhood.

Most divisive: Sesame Street Presents Follow That Bird
Over 4.3K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The Best '80s Family Movies