within the limits of | English examples in context | Ludwig
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Sentence examples for within the limits of from inspiring English sources

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The phrase "within the limits of" is correct and commonly used in written English. It is usually used to refer to a certain degree or range. For example: He was creative within the limits of the law.

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But again that's only true within the limits of reality.

But we tended to work within the limits of what was there.

These were sensible suggestions wisely delivered within the limits of the court's remit.

Within the limits of these carefully hedged bets, the writers move deftly from fantasy to comedy.

Within the limits of her ability and ambition, she could go anywhere she wanted.

Instead, I would advocate action within the limits of the law and current regulations.

That everyone should be entitled to such freedom within the limits of the law.

Congress should insist that testing programs remain within the limits of the ABM treaty.

One is: everything we can give them, within the limits of basic decency and harm.

MI5 happily takes no such political direction but operates within the limits of the 1989 Act.

Thus, all legal considerations are addressed and determined to be within the limits of the law.

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