Flexible Travel | KAYAK
preloadPalm trees are seen along Sunset Beach in Fred Howard Park near Tarpon Springs, Florida; Shutterstock ID 584844664

It pays to be flexible

When you search on KAYAK, filter for flexible options so you can change plans without paying additional fees.



Top deals in January

Ready to start searching for your next escape? Take a look at which destinations are seeing the biggest decrease in price compared to December (according to our data*).

Flight deals

Start 2022 with something to look forward to – your next escape. Search now for a flights that’ll take you to amazing new places (or old favorites).

How to find flexible travel on KAYAK

flying and traveling, view from airplane window on the wing on sunset time; Shutterstock ID 1128633611


Look for our “flexible options” filter to see flights that allow you to change your ticket without charge.

Bright yellow and white facade of residential building in Miami Beach, Miami, Florida, USA


Keep an eye out for the “freebies” filter to find properties offering free cancellation.

Road trip through the USA


While you search for your next car rental, look for “policies” to filter for free cancellation options.

Stays deals

Stay in a place that feels like home – but better. From hotels to vacation rentals to unique accommodations – find the stay that is perfect for you.

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Flight deals: Flight destinations with the greatest month-over-month decrease in price from December 2021 to January 2022. Travel dates: January 1 – January 31, 2021; Search dates: October 25 – November 7, 2021.

Stays deals: Stays destinations with the greatest month-over-month decrease in price from December 2021 to January 2022. Travel dates: January 1 – January 31, 2021; Search dates: October 25 – November 7, 2021.