Karen Miller - Wolfe Law Office
Karen began working at our office in 2011, and continues to be an invaluable asset to the practice. Having started her career in 1986 with one of Bucks County’s most respected insurance defense firms, followed by front office managerial positions with several prestigious plaintiff’s injury law firms, she currently boasts more than 30 years of high-level experience as a legal assistant. Karen’s organizational, communication, and supportive skills are outstanding, allowing our office to operate at a high level of efficiency.  And our clients love her. She has a refreshingly pleasant, upbeat personality, and excels at ensuring that everyone receives the care, attention, and compassion that they have a right to expect from their legal counsel and staff. Most folks need our help during some of the most difficult, unpleasant, and distressing times in their lives, and have often told us how much they value Karen’s genuine friendship, and her tireless efforts to meet their needs. It is crucial that our clients are confident in having chosen this firm to protect their interests; and that they know that their problems, concerns, and needs are important to us. Karen does a great job meeting those expectations every single day.
Karen Miller