wing it - Translation into Spanish - examples English | Reverso Context
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wing it

Translation of "wing it" in Spanish

Trump, meanwhile, paid the price for his decision to wing it.
Trump, en tanto, pagó el precio por su decisión de improvisar.
I inflated her lung, but I really had to wing it.
Le inflé el pulmón, pero tuve que improvisar.
Don't wing it with people whose lives are hanging by a thread.
No improvises cuando hables con personas cuyas vidas pendan de un hilo.
With an editorial calendar, there's no guesswork and no need to wing it.
Con un calendario editorial, no hay necesidad de adivinar ni de improvisar.
Just upload any draft, I'm going to wing it.
Pues carga algún borrador, voy a improvisar.
Well, no, we sort of decided to wing it.
Bueno, no, como que decidimos improvisar.
Alone, you can, to a point, wing it.
Solo, puedes en algún punto, improvisar.
Chesney, you cannot wing it.
Chesney, no se puede improvisar.
Of course, it's very important not to wing it when preparing your pet's meals at home.
Por supuesto que, es muy importante no improvisar al preparar los alimentos caseros para tu mascota.
I was always winging it, but you can't wing it for long because the repercussions will show.
Siempre improvisaba, pero no puedes improvisar por mucho tiempo porque las repercusiones se mostrarán.
Unless you're a professional speaker with a standard presentation, don't think you can wing it and come off looking good.
A menos de que seas un conferencista profesional con una presentación estándar, no pienses que puedes improvisar y conseguir buenos resultados.
You have no idea what you pitched to these guys on Monday, but you can wing it.
No tienes ni idea de lo que lanzó a estos chicos el lunes, pero se puede improvisar.
There are a number of proven sustainable business models for coworking spaces now, so you shouldn't have to wing it.
En la actualidad, existen unos cuantos modelos de negocio sostenibles de efectividad probada para espacios de coworking, por lo que no deberías improvisar.
Ideally, but if you want to wing it, your talking points are high-end, VIP, lifestyle.
Sería lo ideal, pero si quieren improvisar, intenten hablar de sofisticación, VIP y estilo de vida.
Well, I guess you're just going to have to wing it.
Bueno, supongo que vas a tener que improvisar.
You have to engage in that, you can't just wing it.
Tienes que comprometerte con lo que haces, no vale con improvisar.
So I'm going to have to wing it.
Así que voy a tener que improvisar.
If it's not your thing, don't try to wing it, call somebody over.
Si no es vuestro tema, no intentéis improvisar, llamad a alguien.
I suddenly realized that the only plan we had once we got there was to just wing it.
Me di cuenta de que cuando llegáramos allí, el único plan que teníamos... era el de improvisar.
You don't have to read off cue cards, but you don't want to wing it.
No tiene que leer tarjetas de apoyo, pero tampoco querrá improvisar.
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Results: 239. Exact: 239. Elapsed time: 192 ms.

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200