The Best 1960s Country Songs

Ranker Music
Updated April 2, 2024 156.7K views 90 items
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22.1K votes
3.1K voters
8 reranks
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Vote up and add all of your favorite country songs from the 1960s.

Country music is the most popular genre of music and its popularity stems from classic country songs such as these from the 1960s that have paved the way for other, more current artists. Country songs are steeped in Americana and tell the story of ordinary, hard working, hard drinking, and long suffering people just like many of us. Some of the best songs came from the 1950's and the 1970's as well.

The songs on this list are from top classic country artists such as Roger Miller, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, and Ray Price. Vote up the greatest 1960s country songs, or add a song that makes you love '60s country music it, if it isn't already on the list.
Most divisive: Skip a Rope
Over 3.1K Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of Top Country Songs of the 1960s