BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Country singer Johnny Duncan dies
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Last Updated: Wednesday, 16 August 2006, 15:42 GMT 16:42 UK
Country singer Johnny Duncan dies
Country music singer Johnny Duncan, who had hits in the US in the 1970s, has died from a heart attack, aged 67.

The musician died at Forth Worth hospital, Texas. He had a son with his current wife Connie, and four daughters from a previous marriage.

"He knew when he was 12 years old that playing music and singing songs was going to be his life," said his wife.

Duncan's best-known songs include She Can Put Her Shoes Under My Bed Anytime and It Couldn't Have Been Any Better.

The couple had lived in Texas, where Duncan was born, for about 15 years, having returned from Nashville, Tennessee, where the performer found fame.

Country singer Janie Fricke, whose career was launched when she was hired by Duncan as a studio singer, described him as a "very sweet guy".

"He touched a lot of hearts and touched a lot of lives during his time," she said.


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