【JCB信用卡 日本簽賬優惠】憑JCB信用卡於日本實體商戶簽賬滿30,000日圓,可享10%現金回贈

【JCB信用卡 日本簽賬優惠】憑JCB信用卡於日本實體商戶簽賬滿30,000日圓,可享10%現金回贈


適用信用卡 → 東亞銀行JCB白金卡

其他JCB信用卡優惠 → DONKI、松本清購物優惠九巴/龍運巴士優惠





  • 答:JCB信用卡日本簽賬優惠推廣期由2023年1月16日至4月15日。


  • 答:最少要以JCB 信用卡於日本實體商戶簽賬滿30,000日圓才可獲享優惠回贈。


  • 答:以JCB 信用卡於日本實體商戶簽賬滿30,000日圓,即享10%現金回贈。每張卡最高可獲回贈5,000日圓,即係簽50,000日圓就夠數啦!


  • This campaign is for overseas visitors to Japan.
  • Purchases can only be made in JPY. This offer does not apply to purchases made in other currencies.
  • This offer may not apply to some products and services.
  • This offer is non-transferrable and non-exchangeable.
  • The content and conditions of this campaign are subject to change without prior notice. The campaign may also be terminated without prior notice.
  • Participating stores may change or discontinue this special offer for any reason.
  • The exchange rate of the original transaction and the exchange rate of the cashback may differ.
  • Transactions eligible for the campaign will be counted based on the date of use.
  • However, transactions that take a long time to process sales and for which sales information does not arrive within a certain period of time may not be counted.
  • Cashback will be paid through the issuer of the card you used. Cashback will appear on your statement after June 2023. The timing of the cashback depends on the issuer.
  • The amount less than the significant digits of the currency in question will be rounded down.
  • Cashback may not be provided in the following cases.
    (1) If the transaction of goods or services has been changed, canceled, or refunded, or if it is deemed as fraudulent use.
    (2) If you cancel your card or do not set up an account by the cashback date.
    (3) In case your card membership is invalid at the time of receiving cashback.
    (4) When the card number has been changed due to card renewal or reissue before the cashback date.
    (5) When the payment cannot be processed during the campaign period due to system failure or other reasons.
    (6) When the payment is made through a third-party institution instead of being made directly at the participating merchant.
  • JCB International Co., Ltd. will not be liable for any conflicts caused by this cashback campaign.
  • The campaign period and content indicated above is the one which was decided at the time of disclosing this information.
  • Please note that JCB International Co., Ltd. will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by cardmembers as a result of participating in this campaign.
  • In the event that a cardmember violates these Terms and Conditions or causes damage to JCB International Co., Ltd. or a third party through fraudulent or illegal acts in connection with the participation of this campaign, JCB International Co., Ltd. may suspend or cancel the preferential privileges or other sales transactions, in which case all conditions for granting privileges accumulated up to the time of cancellation shall be retroactively forfeited.
  • The information on this page is effective as of December 2022 and is subject to change without notice.