Isabel Ardila (Prime Earth) | DC Database | Fandom
DC Database

Quote1 I've been living in this fantasy world for too long. I finally know what I've been waiting for. I've been waiting to give myself permission to have a normal life. Quote2
Isabel Ardila src

Isabel Ardila is a flight attendant and former girlfriend of Jason Todd.

She met Jason Todd and Roy Harper during their flight to China. She was interested in Jason Todd and later gave him her number. Jason finally decided to call her after an encounter with his former lover Essence, and asked Isabel on a date.[1]

Their first date was interrupted by an alien named Orn who had come to retrieve Starfire. Orn teleported the Outlaws, as well as Isabel, onto the H.M.S.S. Starfire. Isabel discovered Jason's secret identity as the Red Hood and was upset that he decided to hide his double life from her, but she forgave him. After the Outlaws defeated Blight, they were able to head home.

Later, Jason decided to spend a few days off with Isabel in her apartment. However, the Joker followed Jason and drugged Isabel as part of his scheme against the Bat-Family.[2]

Isabel recovered from the drugging and began going out with a man called Jonathan. After a date, robots appeared in her apartment which broadcasted a hologram of Jason. Jason asked Isabel for a second chance and promised her that this time nothing crazy would happen. They went on a double date with Jason's teammates Roy and Koriand'r, but found themselves in a crazy situation once again when they were attacked by Midas and the Army of the Golden Hand. Isabel helped the Outlaws in defeating them. After the battle, she told Jason that she couldn't be with him while he was Red Hood. They kissed and parted ways.[3]

She appeared in Jason's life again when he became the owner of the Iceberg Lounge.[4] They began dating again and Jason left her with his newly adopted dog to care for.[5]


