Fraser for Glynn Home Page
Fraser for Glynn — Time for Change

March 25, 2022
to run for The Board of Commissioners
Contact: Jane Fraser
Phone: 912-223-7481
Find her on Facebook at Fraser for Glynn

Jane Fraser has announced her candidacy for the At Large Post 1 position on the Glynn County Board of Commissioners. Currently, businesswoman Fraser is President of the Stuttering Foundation, an internationally known operating foundation dedicated to providing free services and support to those who stutter and their families.
Jane is committed to restoring the people’s trust in our local government. She served on the SPLOST Citizens Oversight Committee from 2017 through 2021, where she received her formal education on all aspects of Glynn County government. In addition, she attended the Glynn County Citizens Academy program where she received a detailed inside look and understanding of all phases of our local government. Financial accountability to the taxpayers is critical.
Her message is very simple. Trust and transparency are essential elements in the relationship between the people and the government. Everything that is done by our local government is, after all, the PEOPLE’S BUSINESS.

My background and experience uniquely qualify me to plan and participate in the improvements necessary to ensure that our local government is open, honest, and efficient. Most importantly, I have the energy, the drive, the passion, and the will to follow through to make these changes a reality.

                                                                                                 – Jane Fraser

With thanks to the Golden Isles Chamber of Commerce and
Golden Isles Board of Realtors for last night’s excellent Forum!
And thanks to the many citizens who came to hear the candidates

Why You Should Vote for Me
1. I am a long time Glynn County resident concerned about preserving our culture, environment and history.
2. As a fiscal conservative and businesswoman, I have been watching the fiscal mismanagement of YOUR tax dollars for years. I was Vice Chairman of the 2016 SPLOST Citizens Oversight Committee.
3. Communication in county government is key both with the staff and especially with the public.
4. The ability to analyze complex issues is a strength I bring to the table to further accountability and transparency of commission actions.

If you would like to volunteer or just want more information,
please email me at Thanks.

Janes Meets with Ira

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