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Revealing the Infrared Universe

We wonder. It’s our nature. How did we get here?
Are we alone in the universe?
How does the universe work?

The James Webb Space Telescope is an ambitious scientific endeavor to answer these questions. Webb builds on the legacy of previous space-based telescopes to push the boundaries of human knowledge even further, to the formation of the first galaxies and the horizons of other worlds.

Explore the universe with Webb.



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Line drawing of the Webb Space Telescope. In the background is a Webb image showing numerous stars and a pinkish yellow to brown cloud of gas and dust.

What Is Webb Looking at Now?  

Check out Space Telescope Live for details on Webb’s past, current, and upcoming observations.

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List of News Releases covering the Webb Telescope. In the background, the image has layers of semi-opaque rusty red colored gas and dust that starts at the bottom right and goes toward the top left. There are three prominent pillars rising toward the top left. The left pillar is the largest and widest. The peaks of the second and third pillars are set off in darker shades of brown and have red outlines.

News Releases

Answers to commonly asked questions about Webb. In the background, Webb’s Optical Telescope element/Integrated Science module undergoes cryogenic testing.

Quick Facts

Get informative detail and resources on specific scientific topics and the Webb mission. In the background, a tan-colored nebula clouds with rust-colored highlights, surround a black central area containing a bright cluster of sparkling pale blue stars that scatter outward from a densely packed center. One bright yellow star stands out in the central open area, with eight long thin points.

In-depth Articles

In-depth science articles and multimedia material available for viewing and download. In the background, a colorful near- and mid-infrared image of a large ring-shaped galaxy with two smaller spiral companion galaxies, all seen face-on, with a background of much smaller, more distant galaxies of various colors, shapes, and sizes.

Resource Gallery

Explore las traducciones al español de los recursos sobre el Webb más populares. En el fondo, una imagen colorida de la luz infrarroja cercana y media de un grupo de galaxias, con cientos de galaxias de fondo y numerosas estrellas en primer plano.

Recursos en español