The 10 Best Jack The Ripper Movies

David De La Riva
Updated October 19, 2023 10 items



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Vote up the best Jack the Ripper movies.

The infamous man who got away has been called by many names, The Whitechapel Murderer, the Leather Apron, but most know him by his seminal nickname, Jack the Ripper. One of the most studied and fascinating criminals in history, Jack the Ripper terrorized the Whitechapel district of London throughout 1888, and with his fame came stories, and with those stories, came tales known throughout the world. Of course, just like any famous tale, audiences wanted to see the legendary killers story told on the big screen, and over the last hundred years, Jack the Ripper movies have become a staple in popular culture and a legend on the silver screen.

From more modern-day interpretations in films like From Hell and Jack's Back to some of the first films to ever feature The Whitechapel Murderer in The Lodger and Man in the Attic, the story of The Ripper has been replicated, adapted, twisted, and fabricated into some of the most beloved works of fiction. While no film could ever be as chilling as the real events that transpired in 1888, many tried and succeeded in giving audiences the pulse-pounding scares of their lives.

Vote up the best jack the ripper movies, and then check out The Best Serial Killer Movies Of All Time to get fully engrained in the minds of the morbid and murderous.

  • Murder by Decree
    Christopher Plummer, James Mason, Donald Sutherland
    33 votes

    A classic Sherlock Holmes tale, legendary screen actor Christopher Plummer stars as the world's greatest detective as he is on the hunt for notorious killer Jack the Ripper in the masterful Murder by Decree. Featuring a plethora of phenomenal stellar talents such as James Mason, Donald Sutherland, and Susan Clark, this star-studded affair is one of the most prestigious and regaled tellings of  The Whitechapel Murderer the world has ever seen, as director Bob Clark delivers yet another classic film in his long line of masterpieces. A much darker and more sinister tale than most Holmes fans are accustomed to, this stellar drama will have fans of all ages hanging on the edge of their seat until the credits role.

  • The Lodger
    Merle Oberon, George Sanders, Laird Cregar
    33 votes

    One of the most mesmerizing, fascinating, and vile depictions of Jack the Ripper the world has ever seen, The Lodger is a paranoid slow burn that will have audiences everywhere questioning everything they believed by the time the credits roll. With a phenomenal performance from Laird Cregar as a man suspected to be the infamous Jack the Ripper, this sympathetic portrayal of evil is brought to life masterfully by John Brahm. A gothic thriller with stellar camera work, wonderful storytelling, and a grim and masochistic undertone, The Lodger is the film for those interested in a realistic portrayal of The Whitechapel Murderer, but be warned once looked into the eyes of madness, there is no going back.

  • A Study in Terror
    John Neville, Donald Houston, John Fraser
    14 votes

    The first mainstream adaptation of the world's smartest detective Sherlock Holmes as he hunts down the infamous Jack the Ripper, A Study in Terror is an incredibly captivating and ingenious low-budget murder-mystery thriller that showcases the ultimate game of cat and mouse. With a stellar cast headlined by John Neville, Donald Houston, and John Fraser, the film almost feels more akin to a horror film rather than a stereotypical Holmes romp, and this drastic change of pace helps it stand out among the rest of the Homes v. Ripper films released afterward. While the film may be short and the mystery not so mysterious, fans of horror and Holmes will undoubtedly have a blast with this classic film.

  • From Hell
    Johnny Depp, Heather Graham, Ian Holm
    54 votes

    Arguably the greatest and most mainstream depiction of both victoria-era London and the serial masochist Jack the Ripper, From Hell is an incredibly slow-burn investigative drama starring Johnny Depp as Inspector Abberline, a detective on the hunt for the Ripper. Loosely based on a graphic novel of the same name, From Hell wonderfully mixes its source material with real-life events to showcase a man on a terrible and dangerous downward spiral as he thrives to save all those he possibly can. Depp gives a fascinating performance and this wonderful installment in the Criterion Collection continues to shine as a premier adaptation of the infamous Jack the Ripper.

  • The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog
    June Tripp, Ivor Novello, Marie Ault
    19 votes

    The third-ever feature-length film from generational directing talent Alfred Hitchcock, The Lodger:: A Story of the London Fog is a silent film era spine-chilling and heart-pounding look at the curiosity of man, and the monster inside us all. While the film may have been adapted or remade countless times, there is little else quite like the original. The master of suspense puts all his chips in the middle of the table while creating The Lodger, and he more than lives up to his reputation. A chilling and uneasy mood permeates throughout the film like a thick fog, and the constant twists and turns will leave audiences heads spinning until they are left with nothing but the harsh and terrifying reality of The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog.

  • Jack the Ripper
    Klaus Kinski, Josephine Chaplin, Andreas Mannkopff
    15 votes

    Often acclaimed and even more often viewed for his controversies, Spanish director, writer, and cinematographer Jesús Franco's adaptation of the terrifying Jack the Ripper story aptly titled Jack the Ripper is widely viewed as the daring and bold filmmaker's best film, and for good reason. This stylish, lavish, and gorgeous film is pulse-pounding from the first scene to the last, and the inclusion of Klaus Kinski as the titular character holds a tremendous amount of weight for any and all who know the former actor's life story. A film ripe with layers on layers, Franco's magnum opus is a grim, dark, and disheartening look at the evils man will commit to get the things they want in life.

  • Man in the Attic
    Jack Palance, Constance Smith, Byron Palmer
    30 votes

    Based on the same short story Alfred Hitchcock used for the legendary Jack the Ripper adaptation The Lodger, Man in the Attic takes a deep, dark, and sadistic look at a man who may or may not be Jack the Ripper. Starring the legendary Jack Palance, this horrifying serial killer film forces audiences firmly into the mind of a psychopath hellbent on nothing but pure torture and annihilation. A spine-chilling adaptation of horrifying events, Man in the Attic uses the audience as a tool in its storytelling as they hope above all else that our lead is innocent, but when the dark and unsettling truth arises, all hell breaks loose in London.

  • Jack's Back
    James Spader, Cynthia Gibb, Rod Loomis
    17 votes

    A rather unique and unorthodox thriller, Jack's Back plays the traditional Jack the Ripper storyline with a fascinating twist, setting it in the modern day and having our lead be a pair of twins, one of which gets killed by a Ripper copycat, leading him down a dangerous and dark path to get vengeance for his fallen brother. While the film is incredibly campy and lacks the sophistication of other regal retellings of The Whitechapel Murderer, James Spader gives a phenomenal performance right at the peak of his career that helps shine a light through the film. With dozens of twists and turns and a stylish directing style, Jack's Back is an incredibly interesting time for those who want to delve into an 80s-themed Jack the Ripper story.

  • Edge of Sanity

    Edge of Sanity

    Anthony Perkins, Glynis Barber, David Lodge
    11 votes

    One of the most interesting, wacky, and confounding adaptations of the Jack the Ripper story ever told, Edge of Sanity somehow mixes elements of The Ripper with Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to showcase the primordial animalism inside us all. Forever at odds with being civilized and letting loose, Edge of Sanity masterfully toes the line of complete camp and terrifying reality thanks to a showstopping performance from Anthony Perkins as Dr. Henry Jekyll and Jack “The Hide” Ripper. A period piece that still feels distinctly 80s, this almost Hammer Horror-inspired delve into madness may be too absurd and vile for some, but for those who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty, this is a fascinating look into the eyes of madness.

  • Hands of the Ripper
    Dora Bryan, Eric Porter, Lynda Baron
    15 votes

    A classic of Hammer Films Production, Hands of the Ripper is an over-the-top, campy, and ridiculous adaptation of the classic Jack the Ripper tale done to extraordinary perfection. The Hammer Horror films themselves have a reputation for absurdity, however in this adaptation, play things much more straight, giving the entire film a bizarre and frightening tone. Of course, this is still a Hammer film, so Jack the Ripper's daughter gets possessed by his spirit and goes on a killing rampage whenever she comes in contact with anything shiny, which she does many, many times. The film is a beautiful mix of the absurd and frightening and uses The Ripper as the perfect scapegoat to allow all these bonkers things to unfold.