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Jack MacGowran in Cul-de-sac

Jack MacGowran (1918 - 1973)

Film Deaths[]

  • Behemoth the Sea Monster' (The Giant Behemoth) (1959) [Dr. Sampson]: Blown up inside the helicopter, along with pilot Neil Hallett and aide Max Faulkner when the Behemoth hits it with a blast of radiation.
  • Cul-de-sac (1966) [Albie]: Shot in the stomach (off-screen) by the police during a robbery, shortly before the story begins; he dies (also off-screen) of his wound after being brought into Donald Pleasence's castle. His body is shown afterwards when Francoise Dorleac discovers that he's dead, then again when Lionel Stander carries him out to the bench and makes Donald help bury him.
  • The Fearless Vampire Killers: or, Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are In My Neck (1967) [Professor Abronsius]: Presumably bitten on the throat and drained of blood (off-screen) by Sharon Tate; the movie ends with Sharon biting Roman Polanski while Jack is driving the carriage, but Ferdy Mayne's closing narration suggests that she killed Jack as well.
  • The Exorcist (1973) [Burke Dennings]: Falls to his death from a window, his body is shown lying on the street afterwards. Lee J. Cobb later informs Ellen Burstyn that Jack's injuries are more consistent with murder than with an accident, which strongly implied that the demon-possessed Linda Blair had twisted Jack's neck and pushed him out the window.

Noteworthy Connections[]
