
LOS ANGELES, CA – A controversial new book tells you how to put curses on your enemies by harnessing your dark powers in four easy steps!
“All you have to do,” says famed sorcerer and occult author Damien Mulkrin, “is forget about the Golden Rule and resign yourself to the fact that vengeance, and plenty of it, is the only thing that will make you happy.”

At that point, you can follow Mulkrin’s simple 4-point plan for unleashing the evil powers that will give you the upper hand in your battle with any enemy, no matter how strong he might be, Mulkrin declares.

“Sorcerers, witches and warlocks aren’t the only people who can cast spells and put curses on people. With a little training, anyone can do it – even you,” said Mulkrin, whose frightening new book, When Bad Things Happen to Bad People, is slated for a winter release.

“In fact, my 4-point plan is simple enough for a child to follow.
“I guarantee you won’t find an easier or more effective way to deal with people who give you a hard time.”

Here is Mulkrin’s 4-point plan. WARNING: Dabbling in the occult can be dangerous or even deadly. Proceed at your own risk. Weekly World News does not take responsibility for any results.

1. Rise from your bed at midnight. Sit cross-legged on the floor in a dark, empty room and whisper the words: “Evil, live, live, evil” over and over for one minute. In your mind’s eye, picture the person you want to curse.

2. As the image of the person appears to you, visualize great harm coming to him or her. For example, you might watch with delight as a car runs over him or he falls down a flight of stairs.

Next page – How to curse someone steps 3 – 4 + Mulkrin’s biography

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1,028 thoughts on “HOW TO CURSE SOMEONE IN 4 STEPS”

  1. Oh my God! This person is NOT a witch! I am a witch and the Wiccan Rede is "Harm none and do what ye will" Karma comes back threefold for witches so curses come back to them three times as powerful. What you sew is what you reap! Voodoo is where the curses are! Curses are totally off limits for a witch like me! This person is TERRIBLY IGNORANT and has obviously not thoroughly researched the subject they've written about. Shame she feeds the ignorance that many mainstream religions love to give into blindly and follow.

    • Absolutely I am a clairvoyant ,medium and witch myself apparently she doesn’t know the 10 fold law! There is a couple of people I would love to put a dark curse on! However I refrain because of this law! Few times I picked up a voodoo doll and put it back down!

    • Not everyone is a wiccan Wicca is a religion and is a choice and not all witches follow the rede I myself find following rule while practising to be exhausting its hard to follow your path if you were tied to specific rules

    • Every witch isn’t Wiccan. There are so many different forms of witchcraft but Europeans only acknowledge Wicca. We don’t all follow a Wiccan reed.

    • Absolutely agree. I come from the Cittammuert Wiccan Tradiction (paramount in south of Italy) and this is not the way to do. In our tradition we first donate a dead fish in front of the house of the person. This creates positive energies. Then we send an ancient spell:

      “cittammuert, cittastramilamuert, soreta, mammeta, papeta, zaneta e nonneta, tramaun, stuet’k”. And then, we look at the pendulum coming on the person because of the law of 3 and a half.

    • The rede doesn’t say lay down and get ran over. When someone harms you, you have every right to use your skill in return.

      You’re a wiccan y’all have your own special set of rules, that came out after witch craft and paganism. so don’t call other witches names and call their practice ignorant, as a “true witch” you would know everyone walks a different path. It’s ok though this is a teachable moment, stop assuming everyone is wiccan and stop assuming everyone who is wiccan follows the rede.

  2. Actually Mia, there are plenty of witches trained formally or not who have no problem at all with curses. In fact most of the early neo-Pagan movement and virtually all of the Ceremonial Magic Lodges from which modern witchcraft and Wicca (no they are not the same) draw from had no such prohibitions. Ethics yes, but their ethics included the proper use of offensive force. This is reflected everywhere in our roots, such as in the adage, "To be able to heal, a witch must know how to curse". MANY Witches and other Pagans have no use for the Three Fold Law either. It has no basis or validation. Cause and effect yes, three fold, no. Also be careful when you call folks ignorant. Your reference to "Voodoo" as well as assumed "universal" witchcraft values are far from knowledegable or accurate. I am a lineaged Witch and Ceremonial Magician of established Lodges. While I disagree with much of Mulkrin's teachings and philosophies, it would be a significant mistake to assume that Mulkrin is not very well read and knowlegedable. You may not agree with him, yet that does not make his techniques less valid or effective. Mulkrin's ethics may be less than they could be, yet that doesn't mean his magick is.

    • My brother needs a real bad wicked curse.he took all my dad’smoney alot. Take the money. He put my dad in a shrink hospital. He needs to give my mom’s ring from my dad to me.his wife took it their evil.put a curse on the money send to me.. I’ll get my dad out and take care of hiMimik( He is my best friend .my brother and sister in law must be cursed daily everything goes wrong the ting my mom died wants me to have it take the ring from her. Hurt them bad like they hurt me. I’ll get my dad out and live with him iam his favorite he hates my brotherthis curse is needed has to happen now he my bro disowned meme nothing. .he took all moneone million.and mine start tonighrmoney and dadslifeis mine!! Hugh mavuirevand Sarah maguier cursed tilnwin Sharone maguire wins all money and dad

    • Yes , this is correct . I have no problem using Majick to remove people whom get right on my nerves , or are trying to cause me some problem . That’s how I came to read this thread.Now I’m off to read this Mulkrin’s books to see if I can get rid of this Silly Little Wannabe who’s trying to get me out of this house so that she can rob me too. I think using anything for her is a fab idea.

    • What about if someone goes out of their way to hurt you, when you have not hurt them? Can you put a curse on them to protect yourself and get them to stop?

  3. Wiccans are Wiccans not witches, though some Wiccans MAY be witches, not all witches are Wiccans and not all Wiccans are witches…logic 101…and a whole new argument develops…If curses were that simple wouldn't those many envy be dropping like flies…puh-lease~~~So very silly!

    • Maybe it's because the people putting curses on those who they envy, don't have enough resolve to go through or don't believe in magic, until it benefits them. I believe that whatever you believe in, is what happens. If you curse someone, but inside you feel it's not worth it or you don't believe in it then it won't work. Also for the person who said voodoo is where cursing should be needs to slap themselves. if you actually looked into the history of Voodoo you'll find that it's not cursing at all. It's actually a religion, the cursing thing is only myth. The fact is, if you full heartedly hate that person and ill wish them, then yes that is a form of cursing and yes bad things will happen. That is entirely my opinion.

  4. I too am a witch, Mia, and I *don't* follow the Rede. That is only for followers of Wicca, not simply anyone using magic. The rest of us simply use our own good judgement, not rules.____And I'd also like to put in a good word for Voodoo. Its a religious path that accepts magic and spirit contact, a long-lived and fascinating tradition. Hoodoo may be what you mean by your statement but that is not entirely true. Curses are found in every part of the world and amongst every kind of magic user. If a person wishes to curse it is because they feel they have a very good reason. Each to his own, I say.____I understand that this sort of thing can rile people up but, seriously, you're reading from the Weekly World Web. It's what they do and, yes, it is a joke. What else did you expect? ________(PS — I'm jealous that the title "When Bad Things Happen to Bad People" has been taken. What a great spellbook that would make!)

  5. I learned how to curse as a second degree. There's an old saying Dr's use….In order to heal you must also know how to kill. Foxglove gives us digitalis for heart patients. But if you pick it without gloves your heart rate will drop and if you're lucky you may just pass out. If not…….well, you get the idea. I agree the author is ignorant. If only for using worlock as a word to describe one of us. Why would you insult craft practicioners then try to sell them the book? This one goes in the "do not waste your money" column. Unfortunately the author counts on the reader being the ignorant one

    • Me too. I hate muslims. I cursed one but he survived. Cursed him so that the sky falls on his head. But instead a plane crushed into my sitting room and missed by a my beards.

    • I know a powerful witch who can help reach me on instagram for more details and proof of real results/witchcraft @dom_wellons (Copying and pasting to help those who need it)

  6. I cursed a Turkish woman and her baby. Now I want to break the spell but I don' t know how to do it, Prbably they will die soon. What should I do?

    • Who in their right mind curses a woman and her CHILD????? You might as well bend over and wait for your karma! I wouldn't even want to be in the fall out area surrounding you. You'll be paying it forward for your next several lives if what u say is true. Good luck. You're seriously gonna need it.

    • you are a very big jack ass mayb i should curse you with the most and also high powerful god that i can pray to ……….. may the father Son and the Holy spirt help this insane man

  7. technically if you believe in the law of attraction this curse is entirely possible. I will try it but not to permanently harm someone just to get them out of my life for good.
    There is much to be said for the power of the mind and taking on a vibration and using it to make things happen.
    Will report back as to effectiveness of curse.

  8. Oh broodjekas, I presume you just reverse your curse, instead putting the curse on state you want to remove it. How do you know you have cursed her have you any evidence? Besides, now that you have had a change of heart the curse is lifted it relies on the belief of the maker attracting the right vibration to effect the curse and seeing as your vibration has changed to not wanting her cursed it is not longer effective.
    Hope this helps.

    • oh please tell how easy it is to curse someone or more than 1 person…i have a very good reason and will not reverse or feel guilty afterwards…..pleassseeee! thx

    • please tell me what you did to curse someone..i am in desperate need of a simple plan to curse multiple people and will not feel guilty or want to reverse thereafter..i need a simple curse that doesnt involve a lot of gathering of things..pleasssee..thanks

    • I know a powerful witch who can help reach me on instagram for more details and proof of real results/witchcraft @dom_wellons (Copying and pasting to help those who need it)

  9. Muslim's called its haram but they are one we should curse…all they do is act as if they love non muslim gal and leave her sayin their parents won;t accept this and that…gal is like use and throw property…seriously my three years muslim boyfriend just ditched me…so i m gonna try this… but not a deadly one

    • yes abhijith you can harm someone you must be very wise and truthful with yourself but it also depends on what you are cursing perhaps you are cursing an innocent victim such as humans and organisams but you must remember you are the only one in control here if you wish for someone to die they shall die but it lists as a logical answer if you don't have a reason why the shall die it lists you shall die no matter what
      Thank you – –

  10. yes this is what i want or do i need to be an undying believer or wicca or witch to have this done by myself…i need it sooo bad…i would like to know what can be done by me to curse multiple people iwth our any reversing or reversing and to happen quickly for thye deserve it very much…thank you

    • Wouldn’t your time be better spent focusing on living your best life and fulfilling your God given purpose on earth…Or at the very least focusing on forgiveness and letting go , moving on to bigger, better things like loving one another unconditionally …and doing what is right ? Otherwise you are bringing yourself down to a lower level as if to be like the ones you wish to curse …therefore hypocritical and you become them …then what do you do curse yourself again ? Because that’s what you are ultimately doing…focusing on doing what is good, right , genuine and beneficial to all is a win win everybody wins option you might consider. Think of 3 things you are grateful for and thankful for and Thank God for them . Just a suggestion but maybe read the Bible and ask God (the all might creator of the universe and all that is in it ) to show you help you see just how powerful Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit are and seek the truth until you discover that if you have Jesus Christ living inside you as your personal Lord and Savior, you’ll discover that you have the most powerful force in the entire universe living inside you and giving you the power and Authority and Dominion over all things , the entire universe and all that is in it ..super natural power ..its all true. Miracles still happen and The Devik is a Liar the great deceiver, father of all lies ,the imitator… the real power is in Jesus Christ … God Bless you people and remember if you hate people who do evil things then maybe you shouldn’t do evil things yourself …you attract what you put out there so focus on something you would enjoy and find happiness in …you get what you give

  11. Plus she seemed uneducated of the fact that warlock is a "Joe Hollywood" name that someone knowing nothing about the craft might use. A warlock is a traitor to his/her own community who has been essentially excommunicated from the group. To use this term when refering to a true practicioner is the equivalent of spitting on his/her shoe! If she knows so little, why would anyone entertain this article as anything more than serious ATTENTION SEEKING????? Been a witch since I was 11. I'm now 41. I guarantee she'll never see a cent from my pocket. I suggest people find a credible author.

  12. i think this things can harm many people but i believe it will trully works for bad,
    if bad people hurt someone u love even yourself how far can you go to hurt them in return?
    yes i will try anything to fight them back, thanks for this goodess things i think it will help me alot!
    believe in dark force if you wont means your scared!

    • You forgive them and bless them and let God handle them , because that removes the power and control they have over you to hurt you and make you angry and want to retaliate ..those feelings are you allowing them to continue xto have power and authority over you and continue to control your emotions, thoughts attitudes and life instead of forgiving and blessing them and moving on with your life doing what makes u happy…what you are passionate about

  13. Healing spell? Why would you give them heal if you want them cursed? Honestly, I'm still full of grudge coz of this Muslim. I think everyone should know just recently he had a motorbike accident. He broke his elbow. I cursed him to have an accident. I guess the power of mind and vibration worked.

  14. how can i curse the theft who got my two cellphones in a public jeepney last night? he even mocked me by waving my cellphone in front of me. i saved my salary for that phone and he easily grabbed it from me. pls reply. i want revenge but i dont know his name but his image is still clear in my mind. i will not forget his face. i tried maledictus curse but i dont think it is enough. i want to curse his whole family. email or add me in facebook.

    • Hi Elaine,
      Understand how you feel. May I give you an advise if you allow me……you may curse to the person who stole your phone but not the family, because whoever did bad thing should be responsible and get the punishment, no one should responsible for his mistake.
      I want to out a curse to people too, but I want a "reverse curse" because my boyfriend's parents have been humiliated me over the years since day one while I never do anything wrong! They insult me, they don't allow my boyfriend to care for me when i am sick, rude to me, influent my boyfriend…….and more! So, i want a curse to stop them, and make them learn how to appreciate me, anyone can help please email me at :
      appreciate and thanks!

  15. my ex sneaked around for 2 years with someone behind my back when i found out i was upset and yelling at him she called the cops and tried to get me arrested the cops didnt come but they kept going to them again and again trying to cause me trouble they rang in all types of authorities trying to get me in trouble they were the ones who cheated on me and yet they were trying to cause me problems the cops came to my house 5 x and 5 x they saw i did nothing wrong …. they are now married with a child i have noone
    and nothing these kind of people need cursing i used to imagine her head getting cut off and rolling along the road i knew it was bad to think these things but it was the only thing that took away the pain…]
    when he did this to me i was still in love with him im not anymore but it took a long time to recover .. i still wish something bad would happen to them there is no karma … there is no god

  16. This is my guide to making 'luckycharms'.
    Step1:Pick a reasonable sized leaf from somewhere(has to be green).
    Step2:Put only ONE water droplet on it!!!
    Step3:Then put it out in the sun intil the water droplet evaporates.
    Step4:Say something like "I bless this leaf with my soul'
    Step5:Place inside your pocket and can give you luck for a hole day!
    This is Sebastian's create a luck charm guide

  17. omg it actily works i cursed my friends bully at school my friend found out tht i can curse and he made me curse him. At first i said lets not do a show off power and thn he realy beged and got on my nuves so i said give me a picture of wut he looks like so he gave me one and he was realy ugly like so i said i curesed him and he told the bully wut i did i made him puke in 7 days and he didnt beleave my friend so in 7 days later he puked lol owned

  18. i tried this…i worked however if you where to have a change in heart it is easly undone if the curse was emotional not physical ex: broken limbs scars DEATH! but things like depression anger hostillity torture there easily fixed by doing the same thing but the complete opposite instead of evil say good and instead of thinking bad things think about reversing it

  19. mwuhahahahahahahahhaha yay fu fu fu fu fu fu fu fu i am going to curse my chinese teacher hahahah for giving so much home work hahahahahha she will die mwuhahahhhaa!

  20. This is messed is this the real deal or not like some people need to hurt their anymes and savor it so tell if its the real deal so i can do iit

  21. :sigh: witch? voodoo? black magic white magic….it is all the same the only difference is how it gets used….yes there are rules of course but just as in society there are people who do not care about it….thiefs and murderers etc…

  22. Can someone help to cruse a person to get sick forever? Because this person lives in my home without paying any rent and damage my property a lot. I want to cruse his whole family to get sick and be homeless forever.

  23. i wanna try it, if theres a backfire effect on someone, i would want them to pick on me D= , i srly hate my brother, hes selfish, idiotic and bossy, heres the story : "he took $900 from my mother even though the family is about to go bankcrupt, he always ask people to help him open the door, take something, wash something, take cloths, like almost everything, the only one that can stop him is my mother, she have to work very very hard to support us + my useless brother , when she not around, if we do not listen to him, he will bang our heads agains the wall, i would want to try it, but i can't seems to remenber the lines, as long as he would have a miserable time, epic bad luck, or death, any of it, i would be happy to die =D [Since my useless brother is old enough to rule over us, the gods nv did anything but gave us more bad things one after another]

  24. I want to curse someone for ruining my life. I wish all the bad things to happen to him but it seems he still reigns. I hate him for what he did to me. And he is still doing it to others. I want him to suffer as much as he can. Will anything work?

  25. i want to curse someone with their photo or any other easy method without lighting candles??? or if you could do it for me i send u the photograph, i really been hurt deep down.

  26. I don't think I can do this…If I am going to do those steps for cursing someone…it just means I don't want God in my life…in the bible it says that you must love your enemy…sorry but it is just so scary and devilish…

  27. hi to everyone,I'm begging for a help!,pls I know there's still people out there who can help me and open their heart in my bestfriend bestfriend was raped twice with this man,this man won't stop bothering her.his bad and selfish he ruin my bestfriend life,this guy is married and really really ugly so if he's not going to rape a woman no one will like him plus he's bad person.Any body can help me to harm this guy he deserve to punish pls help help…here's my email add.

  28. sorry, but you are a wiccan witch. I am a necromancer and this goes along with my teachings. Respect the thoughts of others.

  29. i have a question for u.. my sister just got married to someone who is a wiccan and they only knew each other for like 4 months and them got married… my sister had a boyfriend right before that and just dumped him.. sumthin doesnt seem rite i was wondering if there is such thing a a bad wiccan.. like if he put a spell on her or sumthin? it says to if wiccan wear the pegan cross around neck they believe in the devil, well he has a tatoo of that cross around his neck… if u could please respind and hel p me out thanks

  30. This piece on how to curse someone in four steps is great
    You think bier is going to be cursed by Miley for dating kardashian?

  31. I really wanna try it hope it works for me coz i've just had about enough pain i can take as a person. Why is it that people wanna be happy at the expense of others, i'm not resting till i get my revenge!!!!

  32. Ya all crazy I swear. If u want ur enemy to respect u show them respect as much as they hate u n u hate them. That's the only way. Btw sorry sometimes fixes the problem

  33. i just want my sister to know that im not playing anymore and shes really pushed me over the edge. she will pay but not so it will kill her or anything.

  34. Mia, anyone is open to their own decisions. If they want to curse someone, they have that right. I personally plan on doing this to a person who has made my family suffer for over a year. So, if you dont believe in curses, thats you're opinion. But not everyone believes as you do. I believe those who deserve Karma recieve it. I am a giver of Karma, but also of love. So what you and what I believe are completely different. Don't push your beliefs on others. It pushes them away.

  35. canna i see your problem and all who have the same if you want good revenge you get a better looking mate and pay the previous lover no attention whatsoever it might not bother them and it might but the thing to remember is you moved on and thats not what you wanted you wanted that person but its already to late ive learned that once a relation has gone astray its almost impossible to make it better even if you break up and make up again the relation will follow the same path as before so just start another it might take a while to forget her/him but soon you will. thank you all for bringing to my attention that this fantasy world of witches and warlocks and black magic is so childish id never believe there were so many posts if you try my method i guarantee satisfaction for both parties

  36. my nan put a curse on someone let me tell you the story…
    one day my nans sister boyfriend {steve } sold us a car that was fualty so in a week it started falling apart and he kne about and he knew that we didnt have a lot of money so my nan went
    : you will never have luck with any cars again ! : { a few beeps } next week his engine blew car :broke on moterway. car 3 : car crash .
    never mess wiv ma nan 🙂

  37. hi every one
    im a muslim but im an iranian one and im not gonna suport the perivious one cause he was an idiot
    islam says the curse is true and its possible but its a sin but parents can curse their children if the children be so bad and cruel to their parents
    i believe in that and i personally have cursed some people several times
    my mail is if you have any question about true islam and muslims please contact me
    shahab aldin

  38. The best revenge is for you to take away their power over you. This is done by moving forward with you life, finding peace within yourself and focusing on succeding in your life goals. As long as your energy is directed toward them you are allowing them to control you. Trust me, there is Karma and it will come without being summoned.

    • You forgive them and bless them and let God handle them , because that removes the power and control they have over you to hurt you and make you angry and want to retaliate ..those feelings are you allowing them to continue xto have power and authority over you and continue to control your emotions, thoughts attitudes and life instead of forgiving and blessing them and moving on with your life doing what makes u happy…what you are passionate about

  39. Canna, I know exactly the way you feel. I know what it's like to be hurt by betrayal and watch them enjoy their life and throw it in your face and gain so many things in life that you wish you had. My wife did the same thing, left me, cheated, took the kids and my kids are hurting to this very day because of it.
    I know how it feels to believe karma doesn't work and there's no God. I wonder how He could let my kids suffer so much without punishing them.
    Sometimes, I want to put a curse on her so she'll get really sick or something messed up will happen to them both then I'll get the kids and I can put them in a good home. But, i'm afraid of the curse backfiring on me. So, instead I just watch them suffer…..and suffer…..
    My son told me tonight that he's use to her and her boyfriend now that it's been a couple years, but he says there's this pain inside that just won't go away….
    It's just not fair.
    :: HUGS ::

    • canna, am here coz am going through the same pain and agony of seeing someone you loved leave you after using you for several years without your knowledge, get someone else and marry them right away. am in so much pain and i wish the worst for them and wonna know how i would place a curse on them to never enjoy their life together. please somebody let me know how i would do this.

  40. That is not true Mr. Muslim..I for a long time was confused to my powers, i still dont understand them because part of me is good. The other part of me is strong and can cause great evil among someone i did it many times not relizing it was my inner wishes taking and putting spells on all the men that hurt me and my family. I now know i have this power gift but from whom i posses it from i dont know. I went to a voodoo woman she showed me how to used this power and now the man who try to kill be is dead and i didnt even have to touch him at all. So its true i been in churches and im not excepted by any type of christian person. My latest ex boyfriend father a pastor and he taught his son to abuse me use me and then leave me with great pain and poorness. I want his father to pay for what he did to me and my relationship. So i am going to use my inner wish again and i will come back to this site and tell you the day his father had died. Is there any witches in this site that canhelp me understand my powers? Before i use them again..
    Ms million dollar lady..

  41. a curse but not a curse in effect …picture in your mind the person who has wronged you and say
    "before this night is over.before the day is through,the evil you have done to me ,will come right back to you!" you are bouncing whatever back to them without actually out and out cursing them its like Karma and the what goes round theory

  42. Please who can help me curse a woman that never want to see me progress in school, she is judgemental, bullying, gossiper and racist. she said she will make sure i don't succeed my diploma, she reported me with no reason and never allowed me to write the exam last week and saying she will make sure to do everything in her power to make immigrations to send me back to where i came from. Her name is marie-christine help pls thank.

  43. this is so stupid..its haram to curse in islam and why would u bow down in front of the evil to bring harm to some one??..instead pray to allah than who ever is the culprit should get his punishment in allah court and that will be his real punishment..being a follower of god i would not suggest anyone to bow down infront of evil spirits simply to fulfill their desires of cursing some one..
    allah bless us all..

  44. i got real bad luck some one is extremely jealious of me because i married my husbad i never use to have bad luck. do you know how to get rid of it??

    • A terrible curse from the Almighty Creator is already on muslims and they know it not. That is why they snout the ground like pigs. But a worse destructive curse is coming upon them until all moslems are completely wiped off the earth because they are just like blood sucking demons and children of satan.

  45. We should all get togheter in a big curse on all muslims,…..I say let them lose their faith in alah….how do you like that curse? Curse for them, blessing for the rest of us…..

  46. How about this?……We all get togheter and curse all the muslims!….Let's start: I hope all muslims will lose their faith!!!!
    The good part about this: Curse on them means a blessing for the rest of us

  47. Please Everyone who is reading this read on. I agree with Mia and anyone else who Thinks against this. I am a fellow witch young only 11 but hear me out what you do will come back on you. Why curse when you can bless? Let those who curse not be cursed back they already know hate but let thy God or Godess Bless you deeply for you do not know the Love and kindness of a living being.
    Blessed Be!!!

    • I love that you Isis are a true inspiration to all magick practioners we sometimes forget black magick wasn't always so it became so after the inquistion black magick came from protection spells that caused harm to the ones that were the target only men feel this hate may the gods and goddesses forever smile upon verry blessed be to you

  48. I am with you on that one
    Its an attempt to grab attention but the way kids my age are now they will pick up anything that even seems like its a way to get what they want

  49. no the pagan cross is not the sign of the devil its the sign of the creative forces bound by the spirit
    it keeps evil away if you feel a spell was placed on you psalms 91 can reverse it

  50. what if you are the one to act out the 3 fold rule. they hurt you so you send it back three fold.
    in doing such and believeing your in the right the world will agree.
    the key is to believe. power of the mind rules and the world will bend to your will

    • my husben beaten me and my 3 kids so bad.he left with a yung gril,my husben name is george miller.his brother ablter rape my little gril and tuch my older boy in the bad way.all my 3 kids are in frostcare if the state gives him my 3 kids i can't stop him beat my kids

  51. an evil being hurts me and all i love my beautiful daughter i m ill have no help but praying to God i have tried praying for him to no avail. he hurts to many to dear now i want him to feel the pain and suffer i pray for help please pray with me Hitler he is and evil beings he is like, a sick coward preying on ths sick and week, warren needs to feel al he has done for sooo long he must not hurt my daughter anymore the coward he is. i m suffering enough it is now his turn to suffer.i will contact whomever i can my spirit keeps me alive and faith in God and the ones i have lost for help.he killed his own mother i believe. if i pass my will willbring me back to get him good just like the dream he always has 24 yrs that i know will b a good thing for everyone

  52. dude you don't need to push your religion on to people… I don't appreciate it and from what i see not a lot of other people like it… SO KEEP ALL RELIGIOUS COMMENTS TO YALLS SELF'S! that go's for ALL religion comments……and for the spell did any one do it? just wondering if it worked for someone….

  53. catholics rule then devil worshipers and goths if u belive n the devil it will only cause great pain but God can grant all your wishes come true the devil is only has the power in decstrution and evil he can only grant your greatest nightmare now people do we want this lets say it all together god god god god god god god of all mighty

  54. i have a problem with my stepmother, she makes my life and my sisters' as miserable as possible.
    i need someone to help me live my life happily. she has put a curse on my dad and he does whatever she wants. i spoke to god but he wasn't there, if there is anybody or anything that can help me, please, i'm suffering too much because of her and i cannot support it anymore.

  55. I will curse anyone who tries to come in between me and my lover! May you be cursed and be hurt like nobody can help! Get the hell out of my life!

  56. I believe all the cheaters, whores, con-artist, adulterers, and liars, deserve the black curse. May the curse bring death upon them.

    • I bring good on the out side world I will put a curse on you the hell underworld is the devil of your grave right off fake news I hope you suffer

  57. I believe all the cheaters, whores, con-artist, adulterers, and liars, deserve the black curse. May the black curse bring death upon them.

  58. To the comment post by "I am evil". No one wants to be in your life. No one cares about you and your lover. The black curse will deal with you soon because of your past and the harm you brought to innocent people.

    • Whether the person curse anyone, what business is yours? You do not know the magnitude of the hurt the person has gone through to want to curse anyone. Who on earth wants to do this if they can help it? So what if the black curse will deal with the person? What makes you think those cursed people are innocent people? So pls leave your opinion to yourself. If you do not like what is being advocated here, then don't visit this site. The fact that you are visiting this site says much about you.

  59. please stop this women; DULCE V. BALDE and ALECSSANDRA V. BALDE accusing my husband.. i hate them so much.. We are a happy family but they started to accused my husband, my husband is jobless right now and i am the only one who works for my family; especially for my baby that needs alot.. Thank you for responding..

  60. Please help the 3 filipinos who was sentenced to death receive fair justice..they was just used by foreign nationals in the philippines who promise them a good life in exchange they must deliver something(which they dont know is Drugs) to china…may they die and rot to hell! I hate them!

  61. Please help the 3 filipinos who was sentenced to death receive fair justice..they was just used by foreign nationals in the philippines who promise them a good life in exchange they must deliver something(which they dont know is Drugs) to china…may that foreign nationals die and rot to hell…

  62. This spell is great if you want rapid revenge for those who deserve misery. But beware to karma Before, I used to cast evil spells against my harasser, it is truly works but later on, the bad karma bounced back at me. It's sad because my harasser is really bad – liar, hypocrite, cheater. Now I believe that revenge is not in our hands, is in God's hand. So just let God handle bad people. I also do believe that forgiveness helps us to lessen our burdens. I know its hard to forgive wicked people but this is the only thing we could do.

  63. ok I'm gonna use this spell, (i'm doing this for my bff), to a girl in my grade, she is hanging around my bff's crush, and that my bff hates it. ND I used to be that girl's bff. She treated me like a slave. "get me a tissue.", 'get me a coffee.' until I got tired of her and broke up with her. I'm gonna curse her badly to death. Cause she deserves it, plus she has hurted my feelings alot. If this spell doesn't work, I'm going to comment here in very terrible words which people won't like to hear.

  64. There is a guy at my college who thinks that everyone should like him. How can I make him more humble without cursing him?

  65. believe in karma worry about ur family n ur self not other pointless people!!! the more negative u put out the more negative u attract same vice versa fix up the lot of u!!!!

  66. Hey mate, you can't end a marriage without causing some degree of pain, besides why did you marry someone you don't love in the first place, doesn't that just defeat the whole purpose of marriage?

  67. While i believe that success is the best revenge and do unto others as you'd want done to you, I have had a lot of horrible unforgiveable things happen to me by many bad feral horrible people and I never see or hear of anything bad happening to them. I honestly don't believe this curse will work and its all mind over matter and that your life is what your thoughts make it, but I guess anyone reading this will think; well why are you viewing this then and my response is well until you've had a can of jim beam thrown at your stomach while you were pregnant and had your whole pregnancy destroyed by complete utter feral crackwhores, have the loser you got pregnant to never defend you ever yet he'll defend everyone else, you simply cannot understand why I wish this sort of thing on these individuals.

    • I suppose, but then why couldn't he have been stronger and just firmly refused? Or was it a shot gun marriage? Did he have a gun to his head? Seriously, everyone is responsible for their actions, just get a divorce mate, don't look up curse sites, be a man and admit your true feelings and take an adult appoach or whatever you deem appropriate

  68. you should kill this girl Christina Krieger. Lives in oakley california in a neighborhood called rosegarden. She lives on picadilly lane. You'll know what she looks like. The typical high strung teenager.

  69. Rise from your bed at midnight, sit on the floor crosslegged and scream out "I'm cheating on my wife because she's an ugly whore" every night until you are served with divorce papers.

  70. To all the people out there, please put a curse/hex, evil eye on an individual named Pam Chockalingam, she is a sociopath who pretends to be a good hearted person, but who in fact casts evil spells that she has received from her native India. She is an evil despicable individual who has caused alot of pain and suffering to many kind and inocent people that she chose to hate for no reason. She also turns people against you which those suckers she somehow convinces believe her! God only knows why.

  71. To all the people out there …please place a curse on Marwan Waheeb .He is a scamer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is a Psychopath and a selfish cold hearted ungreatful human being that has great pleasure hurting others.

    • gina, where do you live and how do you know him….i am finding out about this man for the first time, I also am one he has led on. Please email me. thanks

    • He is a married man…told me he was divorced.He is a Pchychopath…Watch out for him…he will only hurt you!He is not a good person…everything he says is a lie!

    • Marwan Waheeb (Mario) is a player!! He preyed… decieived …and voilated many woman.He uses people in any way to get what he want's,then moves on to his next victim.He appears to be a good,kind person…but that is just a cover-up…He will lie…use you and then run!!!!!!Every woman should watch out for this man.He is on several dating sites stating that he is divorced,but in fact he is married…What an actor and SCAMMER he is!!!!!!!!!

  72. can anyone do a blackmagic spell on a girl called Sana Cheema from manchester . Anything evil to hurt her feelings and make her a loner who is thirsting for love but never gets it. Because she is a evil soul who doesnt care about anyone else but herself and has a evil soul. Can you do the most evil blackmagic ever to make her loose her friends and suffer and make her cry every day of her life. much appreciated.please let me know when you have done this.

    • Please do a curse to Justiniano S. Jaojoco from Brea. Anything evil to hurt his feelings and will be empty, unhappy, alone forever.

  73. Please, if anyone can help me put a death curse on Victor M. Jimena III, may the powers that be bless you. This Victor is really a crappy b@st@rd. He abuses his mom repeatedly even though the poor woman put him through school, and housed him, and fed him, even if he kept failing his subjects several times, and didn't even get to graduate 'til several years after. Then wouldn't even pick this poor woman from work when she asks him to. And also, his room always smells like he did nothing but jack off to some porn. Maybe a death curse might be too severe for some of you (not to me), but perhaps having a dozen zits propping up overnight inside his nostrils (those things are painful), or having his p*nis turn black then fall of from some medieval disease would be punishment enough. Not to mention extremely funny.

  74. Please can anyone curse Tshepo Neville Makinta from Pretoria his evil doesn't care about anyone goes around hurting people and doesn't give a damn, I want him to suffer loose his legs and end up in a wheelchair, loose everyone closest to him, coz he goes around distroying and killing .

  75. Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help put a curse on the following person named Juan Ambida born on the 24th of June 1975 in the Philippines. This person is pure evil and has no compassion for human life. They have caused me serious pain and suffering and caused me a chronic form of depression. I am hoping someone can help so this person cannot hurt anyone else again. This person needs serious pain and suffering immediately.

  76. Hi everyone, I'm hoping someone can help put a curse on the following person named Juan Ambida born on the 24th of June 1975 in the Philippines. This person is pure evil and has no compassion for human life. They have caused me serious pain and suffering and caused me a chronic form of depression. I am hoping someone can help so this thing cannot hurt anyone else again. This person needs serious pain and suffering or even death immediately.

  77. Please someone I need someone to help me put a death curse on a person named Juan Ambida born on the 24th of June 1975. This person needs to die as soon as possible. Please get back if anyone can assist.

  78. Could someone put a Death curse on Alicia Danielle Wilkins… She was born ion Jan 3rd, 1985… She has left our home with our 5 year old Son who know suffers abuse at the hands of her present boyfriend… We have involved child protective services but they take forever where we are from… we are going into the 5th month and my Son still suffers…nothing has been done yet… all my little boy doe's is cry and plead… it seems as if nobody listens… its all tears and no hope in sight… could someone who cares and knows how please put an end to my Sons suffering???

  79. to anyone out there please put a death curse on this girl angela roach and her husband and family they had brought me and my family great suffering she had basically bullied me into trying to end my life for no reason make it sever and please make the attacker send me any videos she has of her and her laptop and cell thatnks

  80. Can anyone do a blackmagic spell on a women called Rose Kobair from Guyana Anything evil to hurt her feelings and make her a loner who is thirsting for love but never gets it. Because she is a evil soul who doesnt care about anyone else but herself and has a evil soul. Can you do the most evil blackmagic ever to make her loose her friends have car accident lose both legs and eyesight and destroy her voice cause she make up many lies and gossips on other people.

  81. PLease I will be greatfull forever if you could put a curse on Mr Alick Sylvestre in sutton. He has cause great harm to me and he deserves the worst. I do not want him to die because I want him to live the most miserable life, like a cockroach so whoever sees him would be disgust by him and want to crush him like a disgusting insect!

  82. Marwan Waheeb is a scammer…he is married but says he is divorced.He decieves women…watch out for this guy!!!!!!

    • I met this guy on Sugar Daddie web site…he wanted to come and see me…wow I did not know he is married.

    • I met him on POF and kept in contact with him for 6 months until finding out he was married, as well as seeing women from different states. Telling them the same lines, emails, and videos….What a dirtbag!!

    • He told me he is a soldier in the U.S army…told me he is half Greek half Jordanian.I later find out that he is Iraqi and muslim! and also married!!!

    • I wanna place a curse…on this dirt bag Marwan Waheeb….for being such a dishonest person..what does he think????that he can come to this country and play us American women?Go to hell ''MARIO''

  83. can some one please curse arceli aligam navarro, let suffer or be comatose and leyan pearl navarro let her break her legs and hands when she practiced tai kwon doo. dz 2 person are so unethical giving us shame to many people….. pls am so angry with this two. i want them to suffer till they're gonna die….. thanks a lot pls help me

  84. to add on let them feel the pain inside out……………. until they can't stand and will just want to die………. i want them dead………………………………………….. arceli aligam navarro and leyal pearl navarro ur deadddddddddddddddddddd

  85. you can only curse somebody evil,somebody who deservs it.if somebody did you wrong and is guilty you can curse them.if somebody is innocent-it will come back to you.

    • hi the person is not evil but he did very wrong to me..he curse and beat me very bad.and he was wrong and he knows it …can i still do it? pleace help me i had enough

  86. hi can someone curse erika vallieres make her suufer, kill her, maked everyone hate her just do something very bad to make her suffer for thethings she did to me

  87. Allen Ellis Tatom, Jr. (412-47-4381, DOB 06-/15/1980, 2133 South Main Street, Tennessee Ridge, TN 37178) Rid me of this horrible being. An evil soul that deserves anything and everything an evil person deserves. He has taken my children from me, has made my children not like me, has turned my cousin on me, he raped and beat me while we were married and even after our divorce, he's conned my mom and my grandmother out of money, he threatened my dying grandfather that he would take his grand children away so my grandfather couldn't see them anymore, he's ruined relationships in for me, he's threatened to take my children away from me also. I cannot stand this mad and want to see him suffer. I want my children back with me and to see him as miserable as hell. If it's cancer he should get, so be it. If a fast death, so be it. No death at all and just shear agony for the rest of his days, fine. Someone please help me.

  88. I have felt like I've been cursed. Moved to this area year ago. Been very sick and also lots of depression and feeling of spirts here. HELP someone please.

  89. To people who want to curse someone :forget about the person mentally and move on if you can. If possible , avoid that person altogether.Try to forgive that person because the hatred and anger you have can harm you mentally,physically and spiritually. I know this from experience.

  90. PLEASE PUT A DEATH CURSE ON the motherf*ckin' sonofabitc* who goes by the name Victor M. Jimena III, or Victor Jimena, or Bobbie Jim, lives in Lancaster, California, at 5124 West Avenue J7, Zip Code 93536. That devil's spawn had made my life a living hell from my earliest recollection. It's about time his evil reign here on earth comes to an end, preferably with his mangled body in a horrific traffic accident, burned and battered beyond recognition. A fitting end to the monster that he truly is.

  91. humiliation hatred by others an ruined lives are the only curses that should be down for being picked on or bullied death wont bring u peace infact now that the persons gone crippled sum how more people will feel sorry for them insted of hating them which is wat u want isnt it? i no its wat i want i want payback! curse monica ochoa she soeant deserve anything she deserves to suffer for the rest of her life for ruining mine sum1 do it ill even pay if thats wat it takes but first i need results!

  92. I'd like to curse someone , he's an abuser he beats his wife and kids all the time but they won't file charges ,I'd like for him to get sick everytime he raises his hand to hit someone or even thinks about raising his hand and its worse when he drinks which is all the time , he cheats on her but accuses her of being the one who cheats . any hel-p but be appreciated

  93. i curse this guy deep from my heart…i want him suffer from accident..but pls dun die..i want him handicap for life..

  94. Please place a curse on Anushka… she is the fiancee of my bf…i cant jst bear it!!! that guy is mine …and if he cant be mine, he won't be someone else's !!!

  95. is it really working? i want to curse the guy who rob my necklace. i so remember his face because before he grab it, he said Hi to me… damn ><

  96. I'm going to put this onto an evil girl who ruined my life. She will pay for all she has said and done to me.

  97. I put curses on others before…. The pain that you will suffer is the severe hurt & guilt u feel for doing it after something happens to the person or their loved ones. Its a pain that is unexplainable… It causes anxiety and other health problems. But yes, curses…if done correctly… do work.

    • @ donte can you help me? a guy is ruining my life my good name in society and evrything. he snatched my boyfrnd,my job from me and made me to marry someone else.i am in a place now where this rituals are not possible to do.can you do this for me? ruin him kill watever you can do.I am in such helpless condition that asking help from someone i never know.please reply.

  98. please help me, I am in a deep sorrow, my husband cheated on me, and the girls always laugh at me, and insulted me…. i want her face destroy, so she will not be able to insult me….. his name is mary ann dela cruz. her email add is

    • If you do not like anything about Witchcraft then why search and waste your time writing this down?… You have your own oppinion, as do I. so, instead of telling us that we are 'nuts', you should keep that oppinion to yourself.

    • Okay sandy y dont u tell us somethin about yourself like ur name and number and address and see for yourself how nuts we can get. of course we're nuts. most people who have been wronged and abused andhas no other avenue for justice resorts to something like this. makes them feel better about themselves and relieves themselves of most any ill feelings, without doing any real harm on anyone really .. . are u going to take that away from them too? stop posturing that holier than thou attitde and let people be who at this point dont wish you harm anyway. but just the same, i curse you to death sandy, for being a bigot

    • Hello please put curse on my enemies ……he is suffering me a lot……please meet him in a accident and losr his one hand and eye…please do it……

    • ..please.. witchsandra. i don't know what to do.. please help me.. please put a curse on a gurl named nely bermundo.. please..

  99. Please curse Amber Lowe of Utah who had multiple affairs. She's a liar and and an adulteress, I hope her and her boyfriend Russell Hansen… have bad luck

    • hey please put curse on my enemies ……he is suffering me a lot……please meet him in a accident and losr his one hand and eye…please do it……

  100. HEY the Person who posted this! it would be very very very convenient to also add a link to what book your referring to! I wanne know, I'd like to read more of this Damien Mulkrin. 🙂 please? 🙂 thank you! 🙂

    • Yes it does… but I can promise you that when the bad things happen to ur enemy ur left with a feeling of guilt that I cant explain. Its almost like a punishment to get u to confess ur wrong doing to them

    • You enemy didn't feel gult when they did worng doing to you and hurt you so badly, why should you feel bad about what happen to them ?

  101. A curse please for William. May his drinking days of driving drunk catch up with him and he be caught given a DUI. He will never learn without being caught.

  102. hey there is one person i hate him too much because he suffer me a lot and left the worst memory in my life.I cant concentrate on my studies and if i would get chance i'll kill him brutally.So pleas do make curse on him and make him dead…………..and believe me there are a lot of people like so please i am not one but all those 25 people requesting to do this curse……….PLEASE

  103. i hate my sister inlaw who copy a vid of mine in my celphone for my hubby…she so bad i want her to have bad lucks…all her life…she took my celphone without permission…i want her a bad lucks….and lost everything…just to give her a lesson that she wont do that again…

  104. this women is consided the town crazy i didnt know it but we had befriended each other but i notice she started wanting to eat at my house and trying to lust after my husband i started relizing she was trouble i notice artificail flower in my yard dirt in my yard she in a program with me and she is trying ti turn people up aganist me because i want be bother with her i dint know what to do she is crazy.

  105. I suggest the emotional release of satanic curses. besides that, finding peoples weaknesses and exploiting them, is all it takes to wreck their lives. Good luck to everyone on the board who seeks your revenge.

  106. Its so sad to hate a person so much that you would curse or will a person to die but it is worth the sacrifice because u cant physically kill someone for justice without the impact of the law but u can take it up with the higher powers of the human mind if u think strongly enough about your enemy being punished than the curse is already in place no need to practice rituals sitting on the floor with your legs crossed chanting in the dark unessasary

    • so so true, yes you don't need any rituals or that, just from the heart deep deep down and what you say will come true. but remember you just cant say something, you have to truly deeply mean it

  107. We all know there is heaven and hell. This is from the pit of hell, and if practiced you will end up there. Jesus say's love thy neighbor as thy self. The only way to be free of past hurt and resentments is to forgive. Forgiveness doesn't say hay it's okay what you did, or now i'll forget, forgiveness releases you from the power of the enemy that would hold you with the chains of bitterness, anger and resentment. If you want to be free then you have to ask Jesus to come into your life and set you free. As of now you have chains on you, and vengeance is the Lords!

    • I am 49 years old and have always worked with love thy neighbor will get rid of you anger. I have always put the words to paper and held on to faith, this is different. Hitler is with the soul of this evil entity, she need to hold her tongue she needs to dribble her words her mouth need be cut,. I am asking vengeance from the lord be placed in her mouth. She needs to dribble from her mouth from this day forward. The chain you speak of is broken. And I mean broken. I am done. What happens to me so be it. So be it. I am done. All I need now is her infection disease. Then I will work my powers in a different direction and I have them in my mirrors.

  108. Umm, I want to try this. But I'm kinda hesitant. Has it ever worked for anyone? And if so, were the results accurate? How long, on average, do you think it takes? Thanks, any help is appreciated. 😛

  109. this things realy work u just have to belive in it, just get a black kandle write the name of the person u wont to curse and concentrate on what panishment u wont for the person and then light the cande ………….just make shore the cundle burns all with no disturbence.the efect if emidiate
    u can burn with the candle the persons picture,or enything that belong to this works trust me , just make shore u dont do this just for fun coz then the curse will turn agenst u.

  110. I so did the spell on this idiot girl im glad and just to let you guys know she was pushed of aa cliff and died that afternoon o my i am going to get ready for her funeral but o well i still hate her and she may burn in hell …..!!!!!! 🙂

  111. my husbands sister told him he had 6mos to live then she took him to her home and asked me for our bank acct number we have been married 12 yearss and he turned against me in a blink of the eye she is always praying for people and her closest friend is a west indian woman i dontt know what to do i am alone and i feel as if my heart is going to stop beating she is doing this to get his disability check from the va what can i do to reverse this curse i feel so terrible i cant eat or even think he is in liver failure and yes he is going to die but why did she do this to us we have done nothing to her nothing i wish her all the bad that she deserves now

  112. i just want my ex legs to be broke like he broke my heart.and didnt care,just walked away.also i want him to never have happiness or find love as long as he live.

  113. I am going to try this tonight, Because my SOB of an ex boyfriend lied cheated and stole from me. He also verbal abused me. Please put a curse on Timothy Dean Carpenter and his so called new person that he is seeing. I hope something on him falls off and he can't use it anymore. I also hope that this so called girl he is seeing leaves him as well.

  114. I want ma girlfriend sandra adjoa tagoe to come to me and take of Nanayaw out of her life n mind n better still forever

  115. What about KARMA? I do wish my abusive parents died and me and my brother inherited all their riches that we deserve. Anyway, cool article

  116. Please add Lim Yingfen, Yvonne to the list. She is a devil who should be cursed to 1000x generations and beyond. She doesn't deserve to exist at all, enough said. The evil woman this list desperately needs.

  117. I was really hurt by this guy I was with for about 3 years. He left me in July and 4 months later I am still hurting. I hate him so much now that I actually did try to curse him in the most terrible way a couple of days ago. The only thing is that I do not seehim anymore and do not know what he is doing in life. My question is how do I make sure that this curse worked if I do not have any contact with this person? I want to know he is in pain for life mentally and physically that would be my sweet revenge……..

  118. I have a problem with my brother,! he has the worst personality of a human being, I wish him bad luck and i hope he will never ever find peace

  119. I'm not a believer
    but something has to work… has this work for anyone here?
    I decided live as illegal and moved for a place just because someone's lies I was hang onto it….
    After months i found out at worst way:
    He show up with his gf and start to humiliate me in front of my friends and let his woman disrespect me.
    He look me with despise and provocated the situation with all affectionate ways possible in front of me…looking me in the eyes and doing to her what he did to me…what days before he swear for god do just with me just to keep my trust n love on him.
    He never said sorry, came clean or care about the bad effects his attitudes did to me.
    I went thru nervous breakdown, without place to live, no money, lose my hair, my healthy and almost my sanity so hard was these emotional problems on me.
    He did all on purpose, to hurt n break me down.
    I told him in person to dont do it, to leave me the fk alone and be a man….my male friend told him to go away and dont be kissing someone in front of his ex long date gf that still in love for him…but he did …
    I almost end up at jail , broke toe, broke hurt, humiliate in front of more than 200 people and he never ever looked for me to say sorry for so many lies, for have came to my house days before and used gods name to make me believe his lies about his feelings n intentions.
    In the end, I was the only one really devasted, without options bc all mine was him, as he made me believe with words n attitudes about that.
    please, does this thing work?
    My wish is not that he die, I loved him too much for that…
    I wish that he never more be able to be in a relationship or even sexually function with any other woman until the day he be forgiven for all woman he caused bad bc his lies and coldness and mostly, until the day he get back my respect n forgiveness.

  120. 2 of the most evil people in the world:
    JORGE L. JIMENA & his worthless sh*t of a son, VICTOR M. JIMENA III.
    May they both die — painfully and excruciatingly — in a blazing pit of fire, gasoline, and burning rubber through a horrifying car crash, on the 14th freeway, before the end of this year, 2011. And may they carry that same torture as the fires of hell eat their flesh away for all eternity. That sh*thead Victor always seems to have an irrational fear of driving on the freeway, and always takes sideroads, and never takes long road trips. And that is precisely what gave me this idea. They both really are horrible people, and the world would be a much better place if they join their minions in hell before the year is over. Powers of darkness, make this so.

  121. I want you guys to send your demons onto a man called bob francis of radio station 5aa, number 4 hindmarsh square, adelaide, south australia- to make him be involved in a traffic accident that will leave him with permanent brain injury. He NEEDS to be punished for the way he mouths off at the unemployed and disabled for being big fat lazy slobs who partake in voluntary work 'Because they are too lazy to get a job'. please send your demons to him to make him have a road accident and suffer permanent brain injury

  122. I want a curse put on bob francis of radio station five aa at hindmarsh square, adelaide. He is abusive to Unemployed, disabled and intellectually challenged people. I want him to be in a car accident that will leave him with permanent brain injury.

  123. I want the sorriest, nastiest, piece of s*** b**** excuse for a human being named Angel Hall to have everybody that she comes across, both male and female, to hate her guts very deeply and not want to have anything at all to do with her. She is no good, and she doesn't deserve anything nice in her name. She steals, she lies, she has AIDS with other STD's and intentionally spreads it to everybody she comes in sexual contact with, she don't care if someone is in a relationship-she'll steal your partner away from you, she's a crackwhore-you get the picture, she ain't about s***. And to make it worse, she seems to get away with some of the stuff she does! If somebody can do this really well and let me know that they have performed it, you'll be saving alot of innocent lives! ( I don't want this to cause death to her since the AIDS will do that eventually and she's not taking meds for it). I just want the rest of her days to be miserable and with everybody just hating her and not dealing with her.

  124. My wish is for Linda Mc*** of 13 Trustams Road, Broadwindsor, to die the most excrutiating
    pain and be struck down with MS and her partner leaves her disabled and ill. She is bad to her children, she is a bad m*** f***

  125. There is one other person I need to curse, unusually it is not in my nature, but he was my brother….he took mum and dad's house from underneath me and he needs to die a really bad, uncomfortable death from sickness, and illness, even cancer……because he is a cancer…and very greedy and unforgiving of people…….hope this one really works.x

  126. There is a medical doctor who needs to be cursed. His name is doctor brendan o'leary. His address is 499 goodwood road, colone light gardens- south australia. He gave my nearest and dearest overdose of a vaccine which made them very ill. I want this doctor to get very severe dementia.

  127. I want a curse put on dr brendan o'leary of 499 goodwood road, colonel light gardens. I want him to have severe dementia as a punishment for giving my nearest and dearest an over dose of a vaccine

  128. I curse with every breath leaving my body and evry beat of my heart that maqsood of 60 caistor street who robbed my money and wasted my life, let his fmily break up, may he break up with his wife, his children hate him and let every pain that he has given to me cut through him million times sharper, may he neva find peace and happiness; let him beg me to be in his life, let him torment in fires of hell……..

  129. I want you guys to bring all kinds of misfortune to everyone that has done or will do harm on me. They deserve it. Wished they'd suffer so much that it will lead them to destruction.

  130. I want my supposed friend that stole my husband and took everything from me dead she purposely caused us problems and ruined a 7 yr marriage now is hitting on my 5yr old and has my ex doing herion so if anyone can help her name is Deanna donnadio of 9 Scott liberty oh she has cost me my house my job my car my husband my kids r all screwed up and r depressed my life is ruined cuz of her

  131. This CURSE to be done on Charles Michael Vo and his family (Rhoda, Corrin, Faith) who lives at 6733 Audubon Trl Fort Worth, TX 76132-3081. I will glad PAY when it's done!

  132. Ok let me start from the beginning 2 yrs ago I met my ex I was 2 months pregnant and he was interested in me. We dated were together day in and day out he held my hand through my daughters birth cut her cord he bought every piece of clothing I have he bought an engine for my car he treated me like gold. Couple months ago we decided to take a break we still talked and just saw each other three weeks ago. Last night I text him and some girl texts me back saying shes his girlfriend. Im in complete shock I never knew this was the kind of person he was. Then he disconnected his number today. I tried to tell him I couldnt have him as a friend but he begged to.still be friends and he does me this way. I just dont get it. What did I do to be treated this way? Nothing thats what. So if a hex works or someone can make one work for me id like one put on johnny ray wright the 2nd of pearl mississippi I want him to never be happy to hurt like hes hurt me I want him in so much pain every woman he meets I hope he falls in love and then they just crush his a$$ plz thank u

  133. It took me a long time to think about this testimony! helped me so much lately that I really wanted to express all the feelings I have since I met this caster. Of course, I am really happy that he reunited us. Yet, what I will remember from that fantastic experience he made me live with this spell, it s that he have always been a very kind and sincere person. Now I consider him like a confident, and not only a simple spell caster. and he also remind me a lot of my grandmother who was counting me many stories about voodoo when I was young. this caster is a rare person and I m glad that I met him. I can feel all his spiritual goodness in all the emails he wrote, from the first day until now! I ll be forever thankful.

  134. I want Allen Scott Crites junior to die I don't care how he dies I just want him to die rather with poison,ran over by a mac truck with his body smeared all over the pavement,his body slaughtered to where there is nothing left of him,or he has been shot a million times I don't care I just want him dead.he is 22 years old he turns 23 on February 21 he was born in 1989

    • let me no if something really bad did happen to allen scott.ok .. im curious to see if the evil thoughts you have so deeply in your heart worked…

    • does these cruses really work? i have no idea i am not to familiar to this but i really would like to perform it on my parents..

  135. I want Zulma Justiniano cursed to be alone and for her relationship with Johnny to be destroyed and for her to. Suffer all the pain she has so unjustly inflicted on me and many other woman by destroying relationships… if u can relate to having you're soul tortured by another I beseech you intervene on my behalf

    • I am begging you to take on my cause… i know you can here me. Please stop zulma from trying to destroy me, trying to take my child and instigating my abusiive ex into trying to steal my child since he in the womb. The sadness and pain is, excruciating. And I know she has unatural hate for me. Please come and hEllen me. My email Is

  136. I understand your feeling Nadeeka. These people deserve to suffer the way you have felt. So tell me if the curse has worked. I want to know the result.

  137. I would like Colin Jones from Brixton Prison to be curse, he is a very bad man and abuses his power there is a Senior Office to attack and racially abuse people, even those that he works with, he needs to be stopped, someone please curse this man to pain and misery.

  138. I want a very powerful curse to be placed on Ramel Joseph who goes to St. Francis Prepatory School in Fresh Meadows. He has made me sad every night with his cursed and has hurt me deeply many of times. I hope his relationship with a white girl ends and he suffers deeply such as permanent paralyzation because he is a soon to be football star. I want the worst of the worst to happen to him. He has taken my spot in the school in many ways and harm must be done to him because of his attitude. He is my enemy and I want him trampled.

  139. I want Kelly Clark from Bright futures Day to be cursed and everything she does to be cursed. She will loose her job, friends and family and everybody will hate her guts. Evil spirits will follow her wherever she goes and she will be tormented with eternal darkness, let every nasty evil come upon her. And that goes for Esi Hardy, Antonia Chadburn, harriet stutchbury, sam webb, Jaipaul thakur and the rest. I wish you eternal evil and darkness and wickedness to follow your pathway, for ever more.

  140. I will be trying this to remove someone for good. I did one spell on that person to remove him from his home and it worked! Within 3 weeks he was evicted from his apartment from unpaid rent! It takes 3-6 weeks for a spell/curse/voodoo to happen. So do it with patience and satisfaction! Because it will work!

  141. I want Aneez Shaikh to be cursed so he understands how his pompous, arrogant attitude hurts other people. Over one small mistake he cost me a lot of money and I am stewing in misery. I hope he suffers for the misery he put me through and he knows that he is pathetic, spineless asshole who doesnt know his own job. he is a horrible human being.

  142. My supervisor at work is a injustice-control freak-dictator. She is proud and prejudiced. She must be punished asap. I want her to loose her job because without this job she is nothing, a zero and powerless. Let her be unhealthy and sick all the time. She must suffer in pain for all her evil, vicious, malicious and unethical actions. She make the rest of us look so helpless and like a bunch of morons. We need peace and a stress free environment. I hope in much anticipated faith that this 4-step curse will work.

  143. As far as I know, there is no need to call upon "Evil" in order to be vindicated when someone has wronged you.
    I would ask myself, "Do I really want to be affiliated with Evil …the force which causes child abuse, substance addiction, animal cruelty, etc. ? Do I really want to join myself to that stuff ?"
    King David in the Bible prayed frequently to God that his enemies should be severely thrashed, and the Bible says that God had a special love for David.
    I myself once prayed to God to vindicate me on a person who wronged me, and such harm came to him that I almost regretted it.
    So maybe you want to avoid getting mixed up with whatever dark powers and just take your case directly to God. BUT,
    if you're doing something against His rules, such as bearing false witness against someone, or stealing, or harming innocent beings, then stop doing those things and resolve not to do them anymore. Then take your case to Him first and see what happens.

  144. all i want to do is to kill them all there pain makes me so happy i like to kill them slow wen i think about it it makes me so smile.

  145. I want Sheila Merriweather to be cursed. soon as I was adopted she ruined my life, shes also a power hungry control freak and something needs to be done.

  146. And lo, as the prophet called evil upon the fore bearers, the children taunting him "go up you bald head", and they turned to dust.

  147. i want steve and pattie elliot as well as anita caicco to be cursed and all three of them to die a tragic death for the thing they have done to me the lies the decietfulness they have done to me

  148. I want DB, EB, CH, AC, and VH to be payed back for their arrogance, self centeredness and harshness towards me throughout the years. Forgiveness is not possible…I hate them all and seek justice…death!!!!!!

  149. My mothers boyfriend got cursed by a girl that wanted to go out with him badly, when he said no to her she put a curse on him. He started getting very very sick and spent thousands of dollars going to Doctors and no one knew what was wrong, ultimately people advised him to see a Witch. That witch told him to read the bible, and after weeks of reading the bible he started getting better. He is now a Christian Pastor..
    It's very immature to curse someone just because of that though..

    • i total agree with u u can do good or evil with the bible but, they better do good by god and not evil. gettin the word and wisdom is from god and the bible help guide us and strenght us, i tell anybody go to jesus.

  150. how may i gain revenge on my city for an accident that left me on the side of the road with a broken jaw and the in ability to speek with out pain /drowning in debt from it and a host of false charges

  151. i want my ex-husband dead! he abused me and my children in such a terrible way, though we are now divorced, he wont stop! he pure evil through and through. i need a spell or curse to rid of him to leave me and my children in peace and safety

  152. i want to get a girl back for me and my friend for being a bully and making once class a living hell for us. but i need to know a few of the consequences and if it works

  153. I want devika and Anupam Jolly to suffer for what they put me through. They deserve to die horrible deaths or suffer from some terrible illness. I want their lives to be miserable and full of pain. i want them to not have a decent's night sleep. May they rot in hell!

  154. im gonna try this 2night. i want all my family to die for all the pain they did to me ! i will laugh at them and piss on their grave.

  155. i want to curse this guy whom is forcing me and i want to curse him died and i will piss ans shit at his grave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  156. I want this guy that i dated for 4 yrs to have everything taken from him.. Escalade, Shop, Money and home.. He hurt me tremendously.. Please let this work….

  157. i want this old friend of mine and her husband to lose all the material things they have and suffer in life for them to see the consequence of intentionally ruining my reputation.

  158. I really want to curse my ex bf and my ex friend, they have played with my heart and caused me great harm in life and work. My whole life is now sad, unhappy , ruined because of them. I can't spend a single day in my life without thinking of taking revenge with them. This spell should kill them and then i will laugh and piss on their graves…!!!

  159. i accidentally lost my blackberry and someone found it ,but i guess they stole it since they removed my sim card so i cant call the phone and i want them cursed and want sores to pop up on their hands

  160. all who reads and cast evil on others must always remember the golden rule he does only mention this once on the previous page all u send out comes back 3 to 10 fold practice of any dark art can be dangerous and always cast shadow upon its users!

  161. I want to put this curse on my bf's mother, and wish for her pain in relationship with her son forever,her son start hating her more than she can handle, and her son wud never listen to her and always disagree, with her… Nd her son love me more then his mother… Plzzz help

  162. dont play with things you cannot control trust me if you dont know what you are doing you will end up worse off!, a warning from some one who can has and will do!.

    • i`m no witch, alchemist or gypsy but after a number of unintended wishes that came true to serious consequences for the intended, i ended up in hospital over the space of 2 yrs with 12 operations my mother ended up with 2 types of cancer my dad had a big operation and my sisterin law had cancer, not thinking anything of it i continued with the wishing again with ill gains to my life!, now i ask not wish BUT asking and wishing are the same if you are just wanting revenge, the powers that be give you what you want, but will take as well without forgivness, beware to you wanting revenge use unselfish ways to help yourselves.

  163. i hope instamedia company falls. they are a cruel ruthless company that treats its people like they are not worth anything. they deserve to fall. moreover, they like to use say they beleive in high standards but their copy editors suck and are stupid. and that charu minocha is the worst editor ever. she is a fat ugly pig and I hope she suffers from an illness. and the other person whose name i dont know is supposed to help is the most dumwitted i have ever known. they are truly evil and they deserve to be punished. they also like to copy content and thght they give credit, it is still not their own.

  164. Leonard from India
    “DR gboco (, I have been looking for a loan to pay up my bills on till i met this Drgboco. and i contacted him for a lotto spell although i was afraid because of the online scammer's but i dicided to give him a trier and the spell was cast after I have received the LOTTO SPELL.i pay for $10000000, and within three days i received the result and now i am very happy with my family again. I’m just to happy to have made up my mind for the LOTTO SPELL.”

  165. I couldn’t wait to update you on what has happened. I requested the absolute good luck money spell be cast only last Thursday. Over the weekend I found $100.00 laying on the ground outside my apartment, purchased a lotto ticket and won $10,000 from that and won a new car from a sweepstakes! To top it off, I went into work on Monday and got the promotion I had been wanting! I could not believe how fast your spells work. I will certainly recommend Dr.gboco.( Spells to any of my friends.

  166. The dark arts are meant for those with utterly pained hearts whom seek meaningful retribution, not those with a twelve year olds mindset and had their favorite toy stolen. Maturity plays a big factor in weather or not the gods that be will allow such transgressions, and if not done for their sake will surely backfire. Rape, torture, and murder are three things that are within the scope of retribution, are fully reprehensible in every aspect, and in, thereby, recompense is justified. Even a blood druid like me cannot force the gods's hands. May the being that brings you your enlightenment shed pity on you in your times of need, but may he as well curse you ten fold for your bitter greed.

  167. i want Desh Raj Sharma to suffer terribly. the guy is horrible at his job. another reject from college who couldnt do any better since he was a failure. i want him to suffer painfully and lose his job so i dont have to deal with his disgusting self. every thing about him is evil.

  168. Desh Raj Sharma is such an disgusting vile ass. he should be sterile so no putrid babies are born from him. I hope he is in an accident, i hope someone rabid dog knaws on his leg. he is unprofessional, lazy and disgusting human being. he cost me a lot of money and shattered my self like him need to be made aware painfully of what their problems are and they need to pay for their crimes.

  169. I curse Dr.Sayed Ayaz Ahmed from UK ,Slough and all hes family. He will die painfully in a car accident this weekend and hes daughters will suffer with miscarrages and son will be drug addict. Susan will loose her job and will make a suicide. and thats will be it.

  170. I CURSE ANYONE THAT HAS TO DO WITH ANYTHING IN TAKING FROM MY DADS ESTATE.!!!!ANYONE FROM FAMILY MEMBERS TO THE MOVER(who moved and stole the crystal from his estate)……..there was no will…..anyone who made money from my dads estate…..may you become gravly ill within the nexy 6 months………let be written… it shall be done

  171. Will this terrible ****ing loser. dog ***hole Bharat BhushanSharma die already!! will a rapist murder him already. will someone end the life of this degenerate slim ball. he is a nasty vile piece of **** who deserves to be punished and i want him to ****ing meet in an accident and join a cult where he will be forced to have sex with a donkey.

  172. My ex-husband needs to suffer like I have. i dont want him to die just suffer for the rest of his miserable life. maybe get alzhemiers so he don't know any of our family.

  173. Will this terrible ****ing loser. dog ***hole Arjun59 die already!! will someone end the life of this degenerate slim ball. he is a nasty vile piece of **** who deserves to be punished and i want him to ****ing meet in an accident and join a cult where he will be forced to have sex with a donkey.

  174. i want Arjun59 to suffer slowly, the heartless enemy ! To whatever in heaven i pray he dies a horrible death. his vile parents become ill. his siblings turn on him. he is filled with evil & pain.i hope he dies in a painful death but not before suffering painfully. he is a degenerate, purile disgusting vile human being who deserves to suffer. I wish the pitiful ***wipe of *****. is violently beaten with a hot poker. dear justice if it exsists. please punish him for the pain he is causing me. please punish him for the pain he is causing me. please punish him for the pain he is causing me.

  175. I wish to curse my Husband's mother, From day one she was nothing but rude, I even helped with the house when they needed and when she broke her leg i was there to help cook, clean, and make sure she was at her app. Then after i did everything for her she back stabbed me by talking crap about me to everyone she knew. She tells me all the time how i am a brown nosier, when i am not i was just helping out and being nice. Respecting my elders. Now she tells me that if we have a kid she wants a test to make sure its her kids. Shes crazy and just making drama so all the attention is on her. She even told me that she needs/wants all the attention.
    I don't wish upon death, i wish upon suffering. To have everything taken away and to be treated like how i was treated for 2 years. For her to feel my pain.


  177. i want endless suffering and torment on my baby"s mama wen we wer engaged and she was three months preg with my daughter i tried to do the right thing and handle my legal matters and the women 3 months preg with my kid and soon to be wife had sex and got back with her ex and now wont let me see my kid or have a phone number or answer my emails i hate the with a f..king passion i will do anything to kno that she is being tormented each and every day of her life


  179. please witchsandra put a curse to my enemy..she makes me suffer a lot and cause me pain so much..please meet het a car or vehicular accident..which she can die..MA. Leslie Plete Aranda is the name

    • dont curse them just tell them hey what you did hurt me and if you hurt me I again I will call the cops

  180. i hope my mom dies and burns in a car crash she treats me like a piece of dirt and nothing is ever good for her. I pray for her death everyday. the day she dies, will be the happiest day of my life, it'd like winning the lottery. please, make it happen.
    im not gonna kill her just that if she gets a heart attack in front of me, I'd laugh and walk away.

    • yea you say this now but when she actually dies I will laugh when you are crying cuz you are just mad that she treats you like dirt your mom probably does what most parents do….. that would be teaching their kids that life is difficult and if that is not what she is doing then you should keep that informationg to yourself unless you are sitting infront of a councelor but you should never post that stuff on the internet where everyone can read it because then you make 1000 enimies by making it seem to many people that you are just looking for attention….. I think I have said enough.

  181. whoever put a curse on somebody will end up in hell. Love your enemy and forgive them. Like god will forgive you. But once you find out you been cursed it wont work…

    • though you do have a bit of a point not all curses are good or bad any cures with the exseption of curses involving death can be used for both good and evil it all depends on the intechens behind the curse but one thing i must address if that just because some one ivockes a curse dose not mean there going to hell besides if you want to get technical hell is a place created by peoples minds.

  182. My wife needs to suffer and so does her father… He molests her and touches her sexually. I'm about 85% sure that they've had sex too… We live with my wifes dad and he is always touching her and feeling her… Now my wife doesn't treat me the same because of this… She is my soulmate and i've commited my entire life to her.. She told me the same thing… Please make him die for the harm he caused my wife (even if she doesn't realize what kind of damage he is causing her). Make my wife come clean and be honest about whats been going on. He is pure evil! and we need to fight evil with evil… I don't want him to touch my son or daugther or my wife… I want him to suffer and any other guy that has put there penis in my wife since September of 2002. Life is pain and if I cant get my wife to tell me the truth and stop this madness then I'll end my life… I cannot live without my wife… waking up next to her and the glisten in her eyes, her voice is so perfect and her body is SO amazing… Maybe thats why she lets her dad do that to her… cause she is so hot….

  183. putting a curse on someone doesnt always go the way you plan it too. It will only work if you make NO mistakes. Look up the book " The Blacks Arts" by Richard Cavendish. It will tell you everything you need to know about putting curses on people. And it always takes time for the curse to work it could take days, months or hell even years before it works. But that all depends. And you cant just ask someone else to put a curse on someone. You should do it yourselves it works better. Because only you know what you want to do to that person!

  184. I want to curse my brother, because he always trouble us. I am married person. My brother is very much selfish. So plz give me proper guidence.

    • hi…can u please tell me how? i really need to know…some people have been really troubling me a lot. 🙁

    • Please put one on my ex husband . He beat me and his children . He is mean, bossy, and no one can ever do right around him. He thinks he's god . Please please curse him with blindness and deafness and or send him to the moon. Please . Powers of darkness make it so.

  185. I want to curse a group of people but I don't know how they look like. How can I do it without knowing how they look like..

    • i curse the woman who destroyed my relationship, with a smug look on her face. Powers of darkness make this so.

  186. I want to curse my now ex-boyfriend's father because he made us break up. He doesn't accept his bi-sexuality and said that every time I sent him a text, his father hit him. I want this person to loose all his hair, his money, his teeth and all type of respect from his friends, wife and family. He borke my heart and I want his heart crushed.

  187. I want to curse my now ex-boyfriend's father because he made us break up. He doesn't accept his bi-sexuality and said that every time I sent him a text, his father hit him. I want this person to loose all his hair, his money, his teeth and all type of respect from his friends, wife and family. He borke my heart and I want his heart crushed.

  188. So these curses work? Im mean these step? So if i wish to harm them, i dont want them dead i just feel this strong feeling like i should be doing this. I just have knowledge of a few web sites. But i want to learn from some one. To show me the way. Im want this like nothing ever before to answer this calling i feel. curse works? Get back at me.∞

  189. I have lost everyting, my job, my gf, my respect, and i was just trying to be a nice guy, o evil powers… come on and destroy all that seeks to destroy me,,,, let the evil ruleXX

  190. "Never in my life have I seen magic work so fast. I ordered 3 spells because my man was acting like he didn't want to be with me anymore and spending less time with me. I order Follow My Love Spell, Love Only Me and Madly In Love Spell.
    The spells were casted and 6 days later he came back around to me. The SPELLS WORKED for me in 6 DAYS. He walked 4 and a half hours to get to my apartment. We made love for the first time in 3 months being apart and it was different in a good way. I give and his spells and potions 2 thumbs up!"… Elaine

    • this may sound mean but that is rather selfish of you using magic to force someone to do something they may not want to do is making them into a slave if you did infected us magic to get him to fall in love with you then the man you are loving is not the man you want but an ilostion created by some infatuation magic sorry hope that helps you sorry if it was not what you wanted to hear.

  191. First off are there any wiccans or voodoo people that read this… If so please contact me as soon as possible at… I need you bad; I just want to talk.
    I have read everyones comments and it sound like we are all going through something. Sometime it feels to me as why should I continue to be nice. Like many of you I have a lover that I loved the very dirty draws he wore and there was nothing I wouldn't do for him. Just recently he has started to change, won't spend time with me, ignore my phone calls, won't check upon me like he use to… I know that many people especially those in wicca would tell me to let him go if you truly love him… that sound good and it is easier said than done. If you have spent your life showing a person you care that much and they started treating you differently and you don't know why, and then you try everything that you can to make sure that it wasn't you doing the wrong… It hurts… He was my best friend… He says that he still want to be with me, but his actions are different.

    • well i have to agree that yes that is a little bit off but don't let your emotions take the better of you if you want to put a curs on someone for that then i can see just cause but pleas be careful because if you invoke something to big there is always a chance that the resippent could get someone to revers it back to you and then you will suffer.

  192. i dont believe this works but i'm going to try it on my ex boyfriend just to be sure and if evil does come upon him it's fine he deserve it

  193. my stepson is marrying the worst woman in the world she has made it her personal mission to tear him from his family. We opened our home, hearts and wallet to her and she has done nothing but rip our family apart. She lies, she pits one person against another and she plays the victum in front of him and pretends like everyone against her. She has made our grandmother who is 90 and in a a wheelchair cry, and goes out of her way to be disrespectful and hateful to all of us, untill they need money, she even has him lying to us to get money. So, I am placing a curse on the wedding may it be a disaster and nothing go right. May she be barren and the children that she threatens to never let us see, never be born untill she learns respect and to give back instead of always taking. May my step son loose his job and be brought down a peg and realize when you are living with your parents and then your grandparents for free and they pay for everything you don't kick them in the butt, because she says so, I place this curse on them until they learn, for all the hurt and pain they have caused.

  194. I want to place a curse …. One that will take away my fear of my ex husband . He beat me and his children. Though domestic violence is only considered a misdemeanor , it haunts us the victims every day . We live in fear every day of our lives. Please please … Take my fears away by making him deaf and blind, or paralizing him, or send him to the moon. Powers of the darkness make it so please !

  195. Please powers of darkness make it so. Make my husband blind and deaf, or send to the moon. He beat me and his children for years but domestic violence is only considered misdemeanor . We always live in fear . Please please make it so!!


  197. curse is not a joke even the christian bible knows how witchcraft works. so dont be fool saying curses and other spells are not real cause i can try it to you if you want a proof. i wanna kill someone using the power of evil. In the name of heaven and earth! i call the creature of darkness to put someone to death! i call the element of water and wind to drown him to death! i call the element of fire to burn his soul! and i call the element of earth to bury him to hell! so mote it be! by the power of darkness! make this so! kill Gerald and Rizalito! make them suffer to death! i wanna see them bleeding do death! i wanna see their body parts seprated from their body! punish them! help me do it mulkrin kill them plz!

  198. Read romans in the bible. Revenge is gods, not mine. Be careful, folks, that what you wish for doesnt turn around and happen to you. Jesus, come against this site and give your word to all these people that they dont bring the karma they just created by their thoughts and words back to them.

    • "The word of gof"??
      Sorry did I just read that correctly? Oh, I did!
      Can you spell F A N A T I C?

  199. My Name is Ms. path tom, I was married to my husband for 13 years and we were both bless with three children, living together as one love, until 2009 when things was no longer the way the was [when he lost his job]. But when he later gets a new job 6 months after, he stated sleeping outside our matrimonial home. Only for me to find out that he was having an affair with the lady that gave he the job. since that day, when i called him, he don't longer pick up my calls and he nothing since to come out good. Yet my husbands just still keep on seeing the lady. Until I met a very good friend of my who was also having a similar problem, who introduced me to a very good love spell caster. But i told her that if it has to do with things that i am not interested, but she said that it has nothing to do with pay first. but the only thing he was ask to do was just to go and buy the items to cast the spell, and that was what she did. And she gave me the spell caster e-mail address and phone number. When i contacted him, i was so surprise when he said that if i have the faith that i will get my husband back in the nest three [3] day, and off which it was really so. but i was so shock that i did not pay any thing to Dr.Magbu but my husband was on his knells begging me and the children for forgiveness. This testimony is just the price i have to pay. This man Magbu is good and he is the author of my happiness. His e-mail address

    • Iam looking for someone like this man to help me with my husband. This woman kim scott will not leave my man alone . I need help !

    • Make Janita de=Wet van Rhyn Tell Dawie that she;s got sifflis and doesn't want anything to do with him. He must to back to his wife and Children and love his wife more than ever!

  200. ive been cursing people for years & all it seems to do is backfire on me! isnt that how it goes? put bad energy out there and it will come back to you?

  201. As someone who has battled cancer, all I can say is that I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It's a horrific thing to wish on anyone and you should reconsider; as what comes around goes around.

  202. On August 26th, 2012, please make the eldest daughter of my father's younger sister get cancer and suffer horribly for seven and a half months. Then two months after her death, please make my father's younger sister suffer the exact same fate as her daughter.
    One month after the death of my father's younger sister, please make the son of my father's older sister die in a terrible singular car crash while driving his grandmother's car alone. Then two months after his death, please make my my father's older sister get cancer and suffer horribly for seven and a half months before dying.
    Two days after the death of my father's older sister, please make her attorney suffer the exact same fate.
    "Evil, live, live, evil." *whispers: “Powers of darkness, make this so.”

  203. I cursed George G. For giving me all the heartache and for abusing me mentally and physically.
    I wish for him to have health problems and diseases..i wish for him to be dumped by women in his life, i cursed his business to go down with the worst bad luck and may he suffer pain and agony for what he caused me..
    I cursed his face to be ugly and disfigured, leg broken
    I wish he be alone for the rest of his life…
    Hes an abuser


  205. curse mr.Om Prakash Kasath for his arogant nature and dumping me from job. He may also get dumped for the same reason which i had suffered and his physical structure get worst. And also he remember the fault that he had done to me.

  206. I am in the same situation with someone jeopardizing my job cuz of jealousy. She is a liar and i need my job soooooo bad i have a special needs child and this girl is lying about me so much she needs to learn a lesson.

  207. I wish to seriously curse someone named Warren J. He's a liar and ripped my heart and soul out. I want his hands smashed so he cannot work or do anything, I want his legs broken so he cannot walk, I want him to be in unbearable physical pain for the rest of his miserable life.

    • I feel for you. I have an X-"friend with benefits", Mohamed Benomar, who is a compulsive liar, cheater, and manipulator. He uses woman for his own sexual gain. He pretends to be their friend, only to want them for webcam shows and other sexual favors. I was one of many women that he belittled and used for two years. At times I really trusted him. I really thought that maybe he was my friend. This guy's friends are the same way, too. It's disgusting!!! I'm sure they already have std's and may not even be aware of it, as many men are a-symptomatic. I want Mohamed Benomar, Imad Nadir, and Hisham Abusalman to die!!! There is NO excuse for this kind of behavior! I curse all of them to death!!!! Evil live live evil. Powers of darkness, make this so!!!

    • hi, i know and i understand what you feel………….but,………i know they are arab people??..i am correct?…you will waste your time to be cursed them………..because they are like that……they are maniac……….they want only pleasure……….after that……search and search again…..and according in their beliefs….their sins are forgiven after they praying………….and if their tribe are shia………they are evil…………….they are evil already…….and mostly of them have Hepatitis B………STD is maybe they have also…dont trust them….all what you said in your first sentence are true………..compulsive liar, cheater exact words for them.

    • I wish exactly the same things happen for Junxxxxro Takixxxxma in New Milford, NJ. Plus, mental pain, too.

  208. Okay Kaitln or however ur stupid unworthy name is spelt, I shall find all these curses just to see you get hurt as revenge!!! Nevermore Shall your cruel, black heart turn my former friends and the whole block against me! I watch as the Devil pulls you into Hell! But yet, even you, yourself, is not worthy to meet Satan.

  209. I curse Diana alba and Miranda Stephens! I hope those golddigging hoes get what they deserve and be miserable for the rest of they lifes!!!! Hope they just die or catch aids!!! They are disgusting females that has ever been created

  210. I want Faruk to have a terrible mental sickness, loose his property values SOOOOO BAADDDDD and cant enjoy his sexual encounters with any women any more. He has fooled TOO many women in his life and toyed around with them ….he deserves this and I want him to APOLOGISE to me for what trauma he caused me….

  211. oh my god! this i a big family dispute obviously.please pray to god almighty to heel your hearts.please read your bible Psalms 3:1-8.i do hope that this problem will be sorted in a nice calm jesus name!

  212. evil live, live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil…power of darkness make this so….bring Faruk's fat so high…he cant perform in bed any more and use women with his ever lasting after another…
    evil live, live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil…power of darkness make this so..Bring Faruk's genital to ROT….even himself cant look at it..
    evil live, live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil…power of darkness make this so evil live, live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil…power of darkness make this so evil live, live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil…power of darkness make this so
    evil live, live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil; evil live, live evil; evil live; live evil…power of darkness make this so

  213. Placing a curse on someone is a double-edge sword you channel a field where evil can possess you and use you make you do things you wouldn't do normally. And perhaps you could curse someone put that would put yourself at risk first.
    If you're reading this don't put a curse on anyone without first understanding that you'll also curse yourself.

    • As much as nobody wants to hear that statement, it is the truth. When you deal with Evil.. Do you think Evil is going to perform to your wishes without payment? You want someone harmed or dead, they may do the opposite and reward them with an evil better life as your life degrades. Remember people. Evil Doesn't pay favors to anyone. Evil has one intention. To see ALL suffer. Think of low life marketers with a more personal estate on your soul instead of your dollar

  214. i finish the ceremony, i done it, i curse my neighbor nextdoor, an old bustard single lady.. first i cross my legs, put my hand top of my lap, then i say evil live evil live…… continously then followed by i imagine her suffer to death, i visualize shes suffering. she cant breath. then past away… before i make an end to the ceremony. i said. by the power of darkness made this so…. evil live evil live….. mulkrin you work is done……… now im in my room alone i feel little headache but not too much.,, but all i wan to know is . is she alraedy death, just the way i want her to be..?

  215. Evil live, live Evil!! I cursed my ex bf George G the worst! He broke my heart, cheated, lied to me, mentally and physically abused me..he is selfish coldhearted disrespectful person who damaged me.
    I cursed him to get into an accident face smashed up, lost an eye, break a leg and live to suffer the remaining days of his life.
    I wish he get dumped by women and hurt him very much.
    I wish he get AIDS and cancer.
    I cursed his business to go down and he be poor and depressed!
    May he suffer all the pain he inflicted on me!!!

    • Amen. I also cursed my ex bf who is a big time cheater to get a permanent ED and suffer his whole life.

  216. I very firmly and fiercely curse Talha Bilal as he is a liar, cheat ,selfish person. May he suffer from cancer or AIDS. He is cursed by me that he will go to prison by his own fault and spend the rest of his life in prison. I curse him that He will become physically handicapped and loose all his health, wealth and beauty forever. May he suffer from all possible physical, mental, psychological, emotional and financial problems and pain.
    I curse him in this life and in all other lives till the time he doesn't realize his mistake and fall at my feet. My curse is true.

  217. hello….., mulkrin…. please reply to my mail if u see my comment… if u curse a person as u say….. and if it works what is the probability of it turning back to u and how will u get rid of that after completing the curse…….. please reply me…….

  218. Evil live live evil..I curse you George Hansen of Denver CO. You have lied about me and caused me to lose my job and cause hardship to me and my family..May you die a horrible death and burn in HELL!

  219. Geez, you people are nuts. I'm having trouble with two people at work and choose to see an EAP to help me cope. Can't change them, just how I cope. Now, give me an animal abuser and I might get as nuts as you.

  220. only cowards use curses!!!!!!!!! if u really want to hurt someone follow action and word .but if u r weak and u really want him to die,u may use curses.dont curse him for a small reason,but bigger reasons like killing,accusing u or hurting u mentally or physically.destroy his or her desire.evil against evil,or light against evil. against just12 now and today is my birthday.i wanted to curse the shopkeeper who hacked my ps3 but i forgave him.

  221. Evil, live, live, evil. I cursed my ex boyfriend who had been sleeping around with many women. I cursed him to get a permanent ED from a serious injury from a cycling accident so that he will suffer for a lifetime and cannot sleep with anyone ever again.

  222. power of darkness i want to put a curse on Lee-Louise Griffin for what she has done to me and my family i wish she was dead and go straight to hell

  223. Evil live,live evil !!! i cursed my ex girl friend Hellen Tenge wost! she broke my heart, cheated lied to me mentally and physically abused me she is selfish coldhearted disrespecful person who damaged me. I cursed her to get in to an accident face smashed up,lost an eye ,break a leg and live to suffer the remaining days her life

  224. There's someone I'd like ro curse as well, because this person is soo annoying, attention-seeker, and he uses others just to save himself and when there are group works he does nothing but just benefit the work of others. It just irritates me when he bullies others and when others bullies him for revenge he plays innocent when someone else superior arrives like the principal in our school and then he will just laugh at those who got the sunctions. He did things to me as well, that's why I want a silent revenge and a curse is the only thing I can think of.

  225. Lol, so many evil people here. I want to curse someone but I don't want the person to die. I just wish he suffers until he realizes what he did was wrong and admits to me that he is sorry for what he has done to me.

  226. Evil, live, live, evil. In the power of darkness, please push Dr. Bonnie Buxton and the rest of the people, who involved in torturing my love one, under the semi trucks and these trucks will grind both of their legs, so they can't walk ever again. Evil, live, live evil. In the power of darkness, please make it happens.

  227. Evil live, live evil I wish Ella Marie Geraghty would go straight to hell for hurtin me an fall my friends I want to curse her to get hit by a car and be paralyzed for ever. She has ruined so many people's lives. She deserves it.

  228. Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil… I want to curse the mother of my girlfriend for trying to force my girlfriend to ignore me and takes her phone for no reason. Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil. The mother of my girlfriend will be burned, jobless, disvorce lifeless with a dark cloud on her head and live in a cardboard box. Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil Evil, live, live evil.

    • sounds like some people i know. the mother, danielle texts replies to the boyfriend of her daughter, michele. she is the one who set them up, but still, danielle will not leave her daughter and marc alone, ever. it's creepy. it's almost like Munchausen syndrome. that's dangerous itself. but mothers like that don't deserve to have children. i send my energies your way and hope it helps.

  229. I want to curse Dolores Saenz. May the whore suffer in this world and the next. May she know the pain inflicted on me..and feel it tenfold. May she struggle and writhe in agony…in front of her family. May shebe bound from harming anyone else. Evil live live evil. Let this beast die alone as she deserves.

  230. Hi , please one of u guys tell me if this curse worked on those your want to suffer or not! Cos I hv someone I hate that destroyed my life n broke my ex n I up, it was his mother, she took away everything I lived for, including my pregnacy ,she cursed me so badly. I'm not a bad person but I just want justice . Please email me Did this curse actually worked. Let me know.

    • It works believe me. But, you REALLY HAVE TO BELIEVE IN WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!! you have to visualized as vividly as possible. However
      Beware of the consequences of Karma

  231. I wanna curse a person who.ruined my life and made me and my ex break up.he has to pay And also his friend Luis he used to beat me till i couldn't take it…i hate them so much and they have to pay and also a person.who.beat my aunt and is threatening my family. Ducking 3 guys have to pay, i hope they hell all OF THEM, I BELIEVE in evil since i was 9, i do spells and blessings and curses but this is my very first revenge curse tell me if it works please Evil Live Live Evil

  232. There was this Singaporean army officer serving national service who abused his power and bullied his men. After a particularly bad session of punishments, the men were all together talking and complaining. Then , out of nowhere , a few men started shouting in hokkien dialect "may a car knock him dead" and everyone joined in shouting that phrase. A year after the officer finished serving his national service he was killed in a road accident.

  233. hi how do u do this curse because i want my aunt to suffer her name is lesile white and i cant stand her, i want to know how do u start off doing the curse please help me please my email is, i want her to suffer i want to end her marriage and i want her to drop dead shes a hateful person and she thinks shes better then everyone i cant stand her


  235. This H()NG KE & K!M (a former H!-Tea) SLUT named “L!Q!ng Ch@n’s” slept around with married men and had sex with them in the car & restaurant for over 3 years. She made them abandoned their families and kids. She has ruined some kids and my childhood forever!
    **** Below, we all curse for L!Q!ng Ch@n’s KARMA!!! ****
    Evil live live evil, evil live live evil, evil live live evil….
    I Curse L!Q!ng Ch@n’s and her family live on 6ty-five Seneca Ave., S.F. CA, USA
    May black cloud forever on her forehead. May she become a whore life after life, may she suffer from AIDS and cancer and may her days be few. May her business to go down, may a creditor and IRS seize all she has. May her future husband physically and mentally abuse her, may another women take her place, may her children be motherless and their father a prisoner, may her family descendants be cut off and may their names blotted out from the next generation.
    Evil live live evil let your work be done now.




  239. Open invites on October 13, 2012 at La Lune Palace 2801 E. Spring St. 3rd Floor, Long Beach CA whoever wants free food n drinks this is the place. Mark your calendar. Bring as many people as you want. Just dress causual. Dinner starts at 8:00pm..

  240. I think I've been cursed. A good friend and I have had many disagreements over the course of the past 6 years. She told me she didn't want to be facebook friends or to talk till after Nov. I deleted her from Facebook as she suggested but later that day she left a message saying she "wrote it wrong" and that's not what she meant. (I had the message to reread). She didn't write it wrong, she said exactly what she meant to say. Probably said it in haste and regretted it soon after. I decided to take the opportunity to remove her and her negativity from my life and I haven't responded to her attempts to contact me. I think she cursed me because the very day, I accidentally poured pineapple in my computer. Trying to clean it out quickly, I must have hit the screen on the sink because the glass of the screens cracked. I've been very ill…had a UTI (haven't had one since 2001). I've been on strong anti-b's for three days but I don't feel much better. I'm very tired and sleepy. I've lost motivation which could be illness related. I got an F on one of my college assignments. My husbands brake line went out on his truck. She comes from a very dark family and I'm not sure if she would be the one to have placed a curse or her mother or sister. I seriously need help to break this. I don't want to refriend her out of fear. I just want to be done with all of it.

  241. I want to curse a girl named Cherise Florez she has been harrasing my friends and talking bad about and 2 me I hope she ends up alone she called my friend a b**** and she told me to shut the f*** up to my face in history class i already hate her and I've only known her for a week and a half and I already hate her I hope she ends up alone and she's the one being made fun of but no one would help her who would she is so mean I aaaahhhh

  242. i wish my husband would die.he use to beat me, humiliate me over and over and when i lost our baby and the chance to ever conceive again he chucked me out, now he has a new girlfriend 17years younger than him. a with him just 5months after we split.i wish he dies in a horrible way.

  243. Open invites on October 13, 2012 at La Lune Palace 2801 E. Spring St. 3rd Floor, Long Beach CA whoever wants free food n drinks this is the place. Mark your calendar. Bring as many people as you want. Just dress causual. Dinner starts at 8:00pm.. Next weekend ppl don't miss it. Good food, drinks, live band, dancing, n it's gonna b fun..

  244. Oh plZ I wanna curse someone any1 tried it?????! plZ answer!I wanna curse my boyfriend cuz he cheated on me Nd he said he love me but he don't I want to cut his legs I want so bad I want to see him weak , I love him that's why I wanna do this Nd I'll stay with him but I don't want any girl to look at him I hate girls cuz I know they wants my bf any girl woul love to just look at him he is so sexy

    • Hi Lona,
      I am so sorry to hear about your distress and the agonizing pain you are in, and here to console you.
      You will eventually find yourself a good man, not a insensitive one. I am only writting you because i know your a woman who has a heart and deserves much better. His own deception and Self conceit will be "marked" as his worst enemy. I promise you tomorrow night i will chant for you regarding this guy and will release a "crown of thorns" emotional crows/ pain/ isolation. whatever direction it may take, i dont know. It may not happen over night, but it will happen. Have a good nights rest.

  245. There'
    s a boy named antonio calderon who thinks
    he's all tough and he says he's gonna kill me and i
    hope he falls down his steps and brake his neck and oh he olso lives at 8 allison ct huntington station

  246. It doesn't work for silly reasons guys. Just keep in mind the person whom you want to chuck off for the rest of your life and think deeply about the curse for that person. The more deep and thoughtfully you imagine the agony for the person you want to happen, the more effective it happens. But he/she should have done so much harm to you the God himself can't forgive(This will keep you out of trouble).

  247. Ii want to curse my sister she is so mean to me and expects everyone to like her for no reason I'm the only who actually who knows who she really is a total lazy bicth and every time I try tell someone who she is they just think I'm lying she thinks just because she's 5 years older than me I should respect her and be her slave today was the last straw I want to make to curse her and make her suffer for the rest of her lfe I want her to be miserable.

  248. I wish my boss would fall down the steps of the shop and then drink and drive his can in a light pole after all that I wish he jump off may pen bright singing I believe I can fly so he can stop been a worried to me and everybody else including is wife.

  249. This actually worked. I curses this b***h named Sam. I pictured her dad having a heart attack. He lived but it was because he was revived. But it that shocked me when it worked

    • Nothing should surprise you about this, life and death are in the power of the tongue. Its the heart that makes the tongue speak such things, as it so much desires revenge.

  250. I would like to curse Randy for raping so many women. For being a hore. I would like evil cloulds to follow him the rest of his life. Evil live live evil live live evil. I hope you lose your job and stop scaming people evil live live evil I hope you lose your house and live homeless evil live live evil live. I hope ever day is evil! Evil live live evil.

    • The agonizing pain and disappoint you suffered due to heartless people may appear to be slow in
      vengeance, but when its strikes boy does it makes up for its tardiness by the severity of its retribution.

    • Satan does exist and self deification is a tool allured by the devil, allowing people to live for themselves.
      I detest the impotent heavenly father of fools, and wish to abrogate him. Stupidity is his will, upon folly and dreams that will never exist to happen.

    • Okay, tomorrow night i will release a curse for you." Knowing is believing it happens and it will". Is there something pacific you want me to release, or i will just curse to your hearts desire. Have a great night, its getting late and i need to get some sleep, need to get up for work.

  251. Evil Live, Live Evil…I Set This Curse Upon Jasmine Kirk For Being Mean To Me Ever Since We Met. Work Your Powers On Jasmine Before Midnight, LET HER DIE…

  252. I held the same job for "21" years, left it for a new job, got assigned to a PSYCHOTIC, OVERBEARING, MICRO-MANAGING HORRIBLE PERSON who had me FIRED after I received a raise only 1 month prior to my dismissal (SHE DIDN'T LIKE ME AND SET ME UP!). I have been out of work for almost 4 months and now, in debt and struggling. She could have put me on probation or anything else, but she had me FIRED. VERY COLD-HEARTED AND HEARTLESS…I'm a single mother and she KNOWS this but didn't care. PLEASE HELP ME CURSE HER!!!!!!!!!!

    • if you really hate her and are really angry you can curse her to death you need to keep the anger you feel towards her and turn it into pure hatred and then curse her to death, my grandmother was born in chiloe in chile were witches are supposed to live and i sometimes dream things and they come true so when a bully at a trade school tried to start on me and i stood up to him i was so angry and hated him so much that i cursed him to death well 2 weeks later he collapsed at home and spent a week in a coma i reckon the reason why he didnt die was cause i let the hate die in my heart if i had kept the intensity of the hatred i reckon he might have died as soon as we were told in class of his coma i smied and my hate left so you need to focus on how much you wish her dead and not loose that hate

  253. evil live, EVIL LIVE….. I CURSE RONALD KENT SR. he is a liar, cheater, deceiver, and so much much more…evil live live evil times 3 I CURSE RONALD KENT SR… evil live live evil evil live live evil.

  254. I hope people understand this is not a joke. I dated a former witch. She once cast a spell on someone. She said it was three steps. The second would make the person sick and the third would kill them. It backfired and came back on her and made her really sick. She never did the third step. Since she just wanted them to suffer. She also did a spell to find the man of her dreams. She wrote all the qualities she wanted. She met someone who had everything she had listed and married them. She was miserable, because he also had qualities she hated. If you invite evil to help you. It wil stay with you. So don't think you can just do something and it won't come back on you. I remember she used to get hurt a lot. She could fall for no reason. Would get bruises for no reason and dr.s couldn't explain it. She would also have horrible nightmares. She said she had ptsd. When I broke up with her. It wasn't good. Not sure why I trusted her, but I did. It was weird. Too this day I have so many questions. Anyway, be careful. I remember she used to say what we do comes back 10 fold, I think it was. So if you ask for someone to be injured it will come back 10x worse on you.


    • Hex Rituals are empowering and people who have been victimized should be exonerated and compensated for other peoples wrong doing. People find me offensive because I believe in accountability and justification, but i total believe people should be held accountable for their actions. Once a Hex Ritual is finished, people need to let it go and realize it has already happened. People have a tendency, not believe in hex rituals and hold onto the anger thinking nothing will happen to the individual. People then become self destructive which defeats their emotional level, not realizing it does work. Hex Ritual are spoken words released into the atomsphere by chanting and is powerful. I did a few chants and nothing happened to me, because i am a decent person who respects those people who honestly deserve respect.

  255. I have to honestly say on 3 occasions, i did a hex ritual and it worked and pleased with the results. Rituals are empowering. Its presence scares me to no end and is dangerous, but the ritual actually works. People find me offensive because I believe in accountability and justification. The hex ritual holds people accountable for their actions and gives self gratification for the person who was victimized. The very spoken words released into the atomsphere by chanting is powerful, but do it at your own risk. I only have one more chant to go and then i am finished.

  256. This whole idea of hex's are alittle frightening to me. The supernatural is real and shouldnt be played with by anyone. I just wrote something a few minutes ago, disregard it.

    • In replying to myself i realize hex's are dangerous, but also believe in justification like anyone else. I am nervous about the supernatural, but validate accountability to those that rightfully deserve it.

  257. I apologize for asking this question, is he attentive and sensitive to your needs. Do you feel he is overly confident in someway that makes you feel uneasy. I would have to say he didnt do you wrong, because you dont want to curse in him, and thats good. There is a tool to use, and that is self deification and pride, it is a way to liberate ourselves from within. We can take charge of our own life, and love and respect who we are as good moral people. If you want a little spice with this Mr. Right make sure, hes the one for you. Chanting is empowering and easy to do, but for the right person. Its all up to you, we can chant if you want.

  258. I want to curse Mike H and Jill J. He was my husband and I caught them in a motel together. He left me for her and I want him to die and her to go where ever old ho's go.

  259. Lets not destroy ourselves about their insensitivity, but chant @ 12 Mid if your awake, its the power and the presence of "deities" that will destroy the undesirables that need to be put in their place. Tonight @ MID 12am sharp, chant along with me. This will be alot of fun.

    • I honestly have to say when i see these posting, i laugh because we dont have worry about retribution.
      Its all in good time every dog has their day, trust me.

  260. Well lets play back at him, at 12 MID chant with me and we will release the curses back on him, its called a ritual hex and works quite amazing, you'll be surprised i promise you. The one thing i hate is when someone uses another persons emotional level for their own personal gain. We can release "crown of thorns" crow/pain onto this individual. Will be awake @ MID.

  261. Although i believe in the power of chanting and have said its very powerful, i would ask your help in chanting with me. We sometimes need others to be in agreement with us. There is a guy named jim who is extremely annoying and very insecure. I changed my Home phone number and he calls my cell, which i will change that number as well. He came to my house this morning and i asked him to leave. Just chant in agreement with me that he meets a attractive woman and memorized by her that he will never even think of me again. I honestly have to say i am a good person and never lead him wrong, and i respect people. Its just him and his insecurity. I would also ask if you could be in agreement with me, i also dont want certain people back in my life from the past. I want to be left alone. Please chant with me…thanks everyone who helps

  262. I am just curious who reviews these comments, before it is displayed to the public and who are the administrators. Are the administrators satanist, and does damien mulkrin read these comments as well.

  263. Its not the girl thats at fault, its your ex boyfriend that betrayed you. If i was in your predicament i would cast a ritual hex on your ex bf. Let us chant that betrayal comes back to him 1000 fold, why not. To chant together is a powerful thing, lets do it @ 12 MID. Lets ask the "deities" to put an attractive guy in her path, and let him go thru the betrayal process of rejection. But under no circumstances do you ever accept him back.

  264. Since the man you love is insensitive, we can have fun at his expense. If your awake @ 12 MID, i will chant a ritual hex in agreement with you. We can chant for each other, i have a person in mind i would like to put a hex on, why not. This will be alot of fun but alittle scary. I chant it comes back 1000 fold, and it will.

  265. I am in agreement with you ritual hex's definitely work, i know because i did it 3 times over the past 2 years, with 3 different people and it happened. The first time it happened i thought it seemed weird to me, the 2nd time a friend of mine thought it was extremely weird, and i knew it was working, the 3rd time i knew for sure the hex worked. I feel nervous about this curse hex ritual, and would say do it at your own risk it can be dangerous. The supernatural is not a game. I have gotten angry with alot of people in my life and never did i ever do a hex ritual, i would let it go. Three people i knew from the past betrayed me and guess what, it came back 1000 fold and it felt great. This has never happened to me before in my life, this started 2 years ago. I will not do it again because it does scare me too much.

  266. Administrators if this is a job you were hired to do, i would strongly suggest you abandon this job and this website, its will put you at risk. I completely understanding people wanting retribution, its the supernatural world that is extremely harmful and dangerous. I cant believe what happened to me this morning, the supernatural is alive and well, and evil. Its a evil not known to mankind, even satanist dont know how evil the devil really is. Its presence was so dark, and has a personality of its own, with a strong force of sometype of rage. I cannot explain this evil that exists, and my words cant really even describe it. It sometimes has an odor. God is good and we all need him.

    • Don't be a fool suicide is not the way they always win when you kill yourself curse him and if that doesn't work kill him instead better that he dies instead of you never let a bully win no matter the consequences

  267. Now i want my step dad to be cursed. He has blamed me for stuff my sister did, mocks me constantly. I am at the point when i am actually considering suicide, that is how bad it is. Curse him to hell for all eturnity. Or if you have a spell to make him nice to me, go ahead.

  268. I want to find a way to contact Mulkrin so I can ask him some questions about this. I suppose I doubt a little… But I know when it comes to wanting to kill someone I'm willing to put all my hope in this. I just wonder how long it would take until what you want to happen to happen, and from there working to figure out when the opportune moment would be to set the curse. This tells how easy it is to curse someone, and it does give a warning about how dangerous it can be, but is there a guarantee that karma will whip around and bite you in the ass for it? I've heard yes and I've heard no, and I want to know.

  269. My bosses are hateful, mean spirited people that take pleasure in making others feel terrible. I dont normally hold onto anger, but this spitefullness has got to end. I curse them to death and wish the nothing but the worst. K&B, die!

  270. Unfortunately Obama is a muslim, and anti-christian. Obama is destroying our countrys economy and will eventually destroy our freedom of choice, turning america into socialism. Not to mention he wants to cut our military. America is now in debt, and the cutting of our military, we will be a weakened country subjected to attack, and obama knows this because he is anti-christian/anti american. He is friends with the muslim brotherhood. I guess you heard Obama has drafted a new constitution for us americans, and supposedly will have the power to enact policy as he chooses without the approval of congress. Also the Obama health care reform read it, americans with be subjected to a rfid " implantable transponder a tracking device" for the government to know our every move. Obama also told the president of russia, once he is re-elected, he will have more flexibility. Hes not worried about iran. Theres alot more.

  271. Suicide isn't the answer because it means you let him win. You lose again. Put his thongs upside down on
    his pillow under the blanket, it should make him leave the family home. How old are you?
    How long has been your step dad? Or better still make cup cakes for the family and put each ones name on it, mum, dad etc that way he will eat his……but put your shit in it and you will feel really happy everytime he enjoys your special cup cake. ha ha ha ha

  272. The impotent heavenly father of fools repulses me with his hypocrisy. He upholds the unrighteous and slow to help the just. His word means absolutely nothing, and to hear god mentioned sickening me. Although i appreciate your kindness, i have to say i honestly seen alot of bull…. with god and his word.. I donated and gave my time to god and $$$ offerings, did good towards others, and god gave to others and disrepected my generosity. I will no longer extend myself to god, its a waste of my time and efforts. I will take good care of myself and do whats morally right towards people that are worthy of it. god is unworthy thats why many people dont seek him.

  273. Some people say it does, but i am a firm believer if you have done nothing wrong, it will not. People should be held accountable for their actions, and if you were victimized i dont understand why it should come back. I am really not sure.

  274. Its the supernatural that brings forth the hex which gives us self gratification. I did a few hexes myself with great results. It definitely works i know.

  275. Hi Sarah, its been 124 weeks ago. I dont know if your situation had been rectified with this person, but willing to do a ritual hex tonight @ MID. Since this person is still disrespecting others as yourself, lets chant and release a curse on him. I am ready………..lets have fun with this, it should be pretty interesting. Lots of fun, yeah……………People call me a witch and i am not, but i enjoy retribution on others that so truly deserve it. I have done a few chants and it works…………..

    • hi guys can you PLEASE also assist me as I would also wanna place a spell on a BULLY for ruining my life completely. He uses and abuses people and gets away with it everytime. He's got all the money in the world and now thinks he has the power. I wish to see him suffer!! PLEASE it will mean so much to me.

  276. On the contrary the devil will have" more" power to take your soul. I was just in the car and god was saying unforgiveness will lead to death. Dont know what to say anymore, my writing to this website will say something totally different.

  277. I've set a curse for a girl to die by car crash last night. When can I expect it to work? If I do it again then will it work faster?

    • I am listening to ex satanist "stephens dolphins "tonight on you tube. He has alot to say and i advise people to hear him…God bless everyone. " You are Gods little babies "and should be heard by the almighty. God will amaze everyone…..

    • I know but i promise you it stopped, its too horrible. Cursing scares me because of eternal life, and that makes it not worth it. Eternal life is our soul, and no person is worth it.

    • … Mmhm. Cursing scares you. Which is why you did it four times. And you actively try to help other people get cursed. At this point I can't tell if your drunk or not, because from what I've read you apparently drink a lot and spew out a lot of things thanks to that. Personally I don't care about your life and what you decide to do now. I just set a curse on someone and I'm just wanting to know whether it's a good idea to try again or not and when it will kick in to work.

    • I understand your frustration and i am still there at times, but still afraid of eternal damnation. The 4 curses have already happened over the years, and it still frightens me. I never believed it would actually happen and it did. Good luck with your future.

    • Rev howard storm story is not good like many others who went to hell and had a near death experience, its very frightening. He was a Professor in 1980's. On June 1, 1985 Storm who was a devout atheist had a near-death experience due to a perforation of the stomach, and had a life transforming experience. His life changed after his near-death experience that he resigned as a professor and devoted his life to God. Demons were waiting for him, like others would had a near death experienced and went to hell. Dr. Maurice Rawlings, a cardiologist interviewed people who went to hell, it horrifying. Again i understand your frustration, but this creeps me out.

  278. I put a curse/hex on someone two 1/2 years ago, she was a very evil and heartless person. This person was evil towards a handicapped eldery man who rented from her. He pleaded with her not to evict him because he didnt have enough $$$$ that month. She had a tremendous amount of $$$$$$ and owned real estate, etc. She also abused her own daughter, and abandoned her in a drug house. Her daughter died do to a drug overdose, and she didnt seem to care. Her priority was her lover and $$$$$$. I did a ritual hex on her to die in a car crash, and needless to say 1 year two months later while she was crossing a main intersection, a car hit and killed her instantly. It thru her up in the air. I did 3 other hexes as well and it was successful. I chant in the name of leviathan, shemhamforash…

    • 2 1/2 years, that's a long time. Successful, but a long time. So there's no guarantee of when the curse will happen?

    • Honestly i did 3 other hexes & it worked . I was totally angry at the time of the hex ritual which opens the doors to the deities. To be completely honest there is no set way to do a hex, its the supernatural that "performs" the hex ritual, its not us. If it was us it would never happen. A former friend of mine/and my family of twenty years screwed me regarding a relationshuip, its a long story but she didnt care so once again, it took 3 years to happen, and eventually it did. I now dont have to sit and wait, i know retribution is right around the corner. Her husband was at work and cut his leg, he never seeked medical attention and was notorious for thinking the body heals itself. I have to honestly say he always bounced back, flu and sickness,etc. His leg became infected and eventually his blood had a very serious bateria infection and he turned blue, then went to the emergency room for help, the hospital was trying to save him but the bacteria was so bad, he passed away 6 years later @ 39 yrs of age. I will never to a hex like this again, just someone to have an accident, its to scary for me.

    • Please forgive for my stupidity of spiritual ritual hexes. I hate hexes and will never again do them, my hard was so hardened due to insensitive people. I asked God and Jesus tonight for forgiveness, and will attend church this coming sunday. Jesus is lord and the devil is out. I was speaking to my sister this morning b4 work, something supernatural happened. God blessed me and i honestly couldnt believe it. I do love God/Jesus and respect and uphold his holy name. IDONAI/YESHUA is EVERYTHING. I thank you Idonai/Yeshua for loving and forgiving me of my sins tonight……..Forever bonded with your love… I love you forever God/Yeshua for loving me.

    • There is a great song on you tube "Yeshua Song" and a Violinist by the name of maurice sklar, absolutely great music. Yeshua is lord and the only begotten Son of God, written in the torah and fulfilled prophecy. Lets have fun people…………….listen and enjoy…

    • I have to honestly say I cried, when my ex friends son 3 years of age asked his mom, when is daddy coming home. I dont know if this was Gods judgement or my hex that worked, but it upsets me to hear this from someone i know. He misses his daddy and wants the elmo tape that daddy played for him. If it was God okay, if this was hex that worked, i will never do it again. This is not good at all, hexes suck if its true.

    • I am starting to believe maybe Gods judgement came back, it cant be the hex. I dont think so. It cant be God wouldnt allow it. i dont think so.

  279. Are you a god unto yourself. Self deification and pride is a wonderful thing. I serve myself and a god unto my own life, the holy bible is for the weak and stupid. god preys upon the weak and stupid, and no one really wants him. god tries to manipulate and control people and guess what, it backfires each and every time. stupid idiot god. shemhamforash………

  280. Sarah, if your awake tonight i will chant , shemhamforash. We will release a hex on that individual, and i as well want to release a hex. We cant do it tonight if you wish to.

  281. Evil live, live evil ! I curse Mary Lou Sánchez for her neglectful manner and betrayal. Only this will make her understand.

  282. "Evil live, live evil" make warren van royen bedridden for ever for making my fiancee loose his job. This must happen b4 tommorow midnight.

  283. I have the same problem with a guy at work, to the stage I come home crying, don't eat or sleep because of him. No one else can see the bullying he does and all think I am trouble making – I really really want him to suffer, not death but harm enough for him to suffer and not be able to come to work. There is enough pressure and sorrow away from work without having to put up with it 40 hours a week. I don't want to sell my soul to evil either as I am a good person, but I want something extremely bad to happen to this guy.

  284. The thing about cursing people out of anger n hurt, is that what you do will come back on u or ur kids. GOD'S way is the harder way, but what u dish out will come back to u. Everyone is so angry and have a lot of hurt, but the thing is that u are playing w fire. Read what happen to Jezebel. Revelations. Do unto others,as u would have them do unto u. i do understand ur pain n hurt. There is a price to pay for playing GOD. ur soul. eternal damnation. Bless those who curse u. I did it;I blessed someone,who hurt me, n i got free from all the hurt, anger,bitterness, and pain. i know people were sick or me going on n on about it. its like a sickness, hatred, n hurt, n anger, n vengeance. u will pay for it now or later if u play GOD. Vengeance is mine saith the LORD. Overcome evil w good. if we all hurt people who hurt us, there would be no one one on the planet.

  285. This sounds like a very unstable family and very sad to hear. Your wife needs alot of psychiatric help, and thru intensive counseling this will definitely help her. Its not her looks, this is a sickness. Please help her and yourself.
    I recommend therapy which can heal her broken heart . Cursing can not help the hurt this has caused her and you. I will pray for you and your wife. She needs help. God bless you. Cursing is for retribution, but in this case
    help is so needed. Good luck .

  286. Hell is real and spirts of witchcraft are very real. This is not a joke, and i am frightening by evil. God said there will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth. There was a news article from 1982 in Siberia Russia ,a geological group heard the “souls” tormented in Hell from the earths crust. Dr. Azzacov, an atheist and his group who were trying to to listen to the earth's plate movements at certain intervals with supersensitive microphones, which were let down through the hole 12.4 Kilometres deep in the crust of the earth and heard the souls tormented “screaming”in agony. They were able to record 30 seconds and heard the screams, it was horrifying to hear.The calculations indicate the temperature where the microphone was placed reached 1,100 degrees Celsius /2,000 fahrenheit, no physical /fleshly body on the face of the earth could ever survive. People disregard the gates of hell as a fabricated story, unfortunately its the truth. Yeshua is lord and we need to accept him, and rebuke the our adversary" satan" the devil. Never again will get involved with a spirit of witchcraft, its not worth my eternal salvation. No way man….not me.

  287. Please dont be offended I understand, because i was sexally abused. I honestly wish you both the best, you so rightfully deserve. God bless you both.

  288. Satan i bind you and all of your foul" filthy" demon spirits/demons to stop powers of darkness on these people who have been victimized by you. Satan you are the mastermind of deception and i know what your doing, i am not deceived. Satan i know your works as the bible has told me, and your days are numbered, by the Sharp Word Of God. You played your cards with the right person who knows the truth, and i will expose you. Yeshua is Lord and satan is the mastermind to bring people to hell. Once in hell he tortures them, one by one. End times is approaching and Yeshua is coming………………

    • Joe, Shaun and M Ped may the forces torment you to death.
      Here are the 13 of the worst:
      ASMODEUS – The orgy-loving ancient Hebrew devil of sensuality.
      ASTAROTH – Female demon worshipped by the Phoenicians as the goddess of lasciviousness.
      AZAZEL – The demon who taught man to make weapons of war and introduced women to cosmetics.
      BALAAM – Hebrew devil of avarice and greed.
      BEHEMOTH – Devil said to take the form of a monstrous elephant.
      BEEZLEBUB – Disgusting and repulsive Lord of the Flies.
      BILE – Eons-old Celtic god of Hell.
      CIMERIES – Demon who rides a black horse and rules Africa.
      COYOTE – American Indian devil.
      DAMBALLA – Evil Voodoo serpent god.
      DAGON – Philistine avenging devil of the sea.
      MORMO – King of the Ghouls and chief consort of Hecate, the Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft.
      MICTIAN – Worshiped by the Aztecs as the god of Death.
      damn you

    • Although i wrote to everyone, i personally dont think god likes me anymore. He has shunned many times, and not sure why.

    • Joe off from work today, the 1st thing i thought about was you this morning,not sure why, it is the goat of mendes. He is coming for you and dont know the outcome. This should be very interesting, would like to know the outcome of this. Keep me posted.

    • I enjoy a good challenge and was joking as i always do, its just me. Have a good night…………I find this website hilarious.

  289. what sounds like BS, i am still afraid of hell. I agree with you wanting retribution, but too afraid of eternal damnation. Thats my fear.

  290. I want to curse my ex for playing with my life and living with me for more than 12 months. He promised me that he would marry me and I called off my engagement and marriage. He fooled me and got engaged to another girl in a very short span of time. Now he is blackmailing me stating that he will post some censored pictures of mine if I tell his secrets. I wish him death.

    • 12 months? You're lucky to be out! Sue him for images (they are of you, right?) and move on with your life. His behavior will be his curse forever. Don't worry so.

  291. I curse Joe2 with pancreatic cancer and to suffer and die a horrible death. He has unrelenting been a terrible pain for me for a number of years.

  292. Bose, I curse everything you put your hands on. May your endeavors lay to waste. May your health, friends, family and home escape you permanently. Everything you have wished upon me will return to you. You are evil and you will return to it.

  293. i really want revenge on a married guy iv been seeing on & offfor 5years, he is a complete control freak, he is abusive to me, shouts at me if i speak out of line etc, dumps me wen im doing as he says, im also not the only other woman he has either, he is just laughing at me, he has made my life so miserable, he has threatened he will put pics & vids he has of me everyway, i want him to suffer as he thinks no one can hurt him, is there a spell or curse i can do or send him via a text??

    • It all depends upon you and the "supernatural, its not the natural physical realm as we know it." How much "control" do you have in the supernatural, and what authority does " the entities" have " in superabundance over your situation. I dont trust them "these" entities, and they are dangerous, but because of their "extreme hatred will do what we ask of them, when we are totally right. My suggestion to you is do a hex ritual, and then move on. Dont play with the entities, they can be harmful but will diffently 100% cast judgement on the accountable person, that's their job. To the answer to your question, it could take up to one year or one week, and will be unfortunate for that person. Chanting" always" works, its like gravity. Your "Spoken words"(hexes) in a chant over a person who rightfully deserves accountability for their actions, and yes indeed it will happen. Keep this in mind and move on once you have done this, dont play with these entities. Good luck in life.

    • I am extremely stupid and put you in danger, the supernatural entities are "very dangerous" please disregard.

  294. Attliah I curse you to die horribly in 7 days. You cause misery in my life. You are an evil b*tch who has wanted nothing to destroy my life. You ruined my relationships. Now you wish you plot on me. You will be killed violently in 7 days. You are cursed by the devil! Fk you!!!!!!

  295. I would like my boyfriends mum sisters and brothers to die they are evil and controlling. They will not let me and him marry and be happy together. We have been together for 8 years and they have been trying to split us apart. I want them out of our lives so me and him can be together happy as planned

  296. I also want my partners sister in laws to be be dead too as they have been stirring between me and him and will not let us b together and be happy. My partners mum, sisters, brothers and sister in laws need to die now and let me and my boyfriend be happy together. With all them still alive this cannot go on. They are evil controlling and nasty and stir in our relationship. They threaten us two and they all should die

  297. it sounds like you have a vey disfunctional family and all of you need help. Also you are stupid for staying with her, and living with your father in law if you know this is going on, Get out before he even malest you.

  298. To all there Bible thumpers out there, with craft is for people who actually wanna do witch craft. Just plastering some Jesus label all over it is taking out all of the fun for those of us with broader minds. Besides, why are YOU looking at in the first place? Honesty, doesn't God curse people too? Oh yeah, he killed everybody that didn't literally fall down in their faces screaming worship towards him. I've read the Bible, live in a religious family, and would know. Hell, God deserves a little cursing too! And so do his "favorite" followers.

    • God is hypocritical and a tyrant, looking to control people with his rules," oh- i am sorry his will". God judges people continuously, and expects us to let it go, and the answer is: NO. Self deification is our freedom to happiness, not a slavishly slave to an unworthy impotent god of fools. God is a fool within himself, and always seems to help the stupidity in time of their need. God and his hypocrisy turn my stomach so bad, its
      infuriating. God will sure take your money, but when it comes to honestly and true justification from the holy god, if it doesn't fall w/in his rules and guidelines, well now thats a different story. God only helps those he chooses, not the people who are good citizens willing to help society. He feels the need to help the ingrates, and the undesirables, that must be the will of the fool and his followers.

  299. (excuse my English grammar) There is this guy who after hanging out the whole day in the booze joint comes back home and torments his wife who is so innocent. He has a very bad suspicious mind. He is so daring that he can hit her in front of her parents and fight with her brother. It's been more than 3 years now that he has never tried to change or maybe he can never do so. The wife's family have tried everything from legal procedures to threats but to no fruition. You people will never know about the gravity of the condition that she has to go through every single hour. It aches my heart to see her this way. His death seems to be the only solution. Let not the judgement be delayed for too long has my dear sister suffered.
    I curse you, AKUM!!!

  300. Please make Durdane Djelal to have an accident, to loose a hand and an eye, get mental sic ,to loose her sleep. Evil live ,live evil.Evil live,live evil.Make something to happen tonight.. evil live,live evil
