Spanish-Speaking Countries & Capitals | List & Locations - Lesson |
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Spanish-Speaking Countries & Capitals | List & Locations

Devon Denomme, Christina Boggs
  • Author
    Devon Denomme

    Devon has tutored for almost two years. They have a Bachelor's in Air Traffic Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and minored in Aviation Safety and Homeland Security. They also are AT-CTI certified.

  • Instructor
    Christina Boggs

    Chrissy has taught secondary English and history and writes online curriculum. She has an M.S.Ed. in Social Studies Education.

How many Spanish-speaking countries are there? Learn about all the Spanish-speaking countries of the world and see a Spanish-speaking countries & capitals map. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the capitals of the 21 Spanish speaking countries?

The 21 Spanish speaking countries and their capitals are:

Mexico City, Mexico

Madrid, Spain

San Jose, Costa Rica

San Salvador, El Salvador

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Managua, Nicaragua

Panama City, Panama

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Havana, Cuba

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Buenos Aires, Argentina

La Paz, Bolivia

Santiago, Chile

Bogota, Colombia

Quito, Ecuador

Asuncion, Paraguay

Lima, Peru

Montevideo, Uruguay

Caracas, Venezuela

Malabo, Equatorial Guinea

What are the 21 countries that speak Spanish?

Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Equatorial Guinea are the 21 Spanish speaking countries. Although Puerto Rico is not a country (it is a territory of the United States), it has a unique form of Spanish and therefore considered a separate entity.

When the age of exploration began in the late 15th century, Spain was at the forefront of colonization in the new world. Like many other empires, they sought to expand their influence and claim land in these new regions, which would spread their global reach for trade and settlement. With the creation of these colonies, the Spanish language was transferred to the natives of the new world, thus further spreading the influence of the empire. The Spanish empire is best known for its exploration of the Caribbean and Latin America.

Spanish is one of the most extensively spoken languages in the world today, with 21 Spanish-speaking countries recognizing the language as their official dialect. Spanish is spoken natively by nearly 450 million people, making it the second most spoken language in the world behind Chinese. For reference, English is in third place with 360 million native speakers. Spanish is also a popular second language for many people to learn and is the third most studied language globally behind English and French. A list of Spanish-speaking countries and territories who have made the language their dialect includes:

  • Spain
  • Mexico
  • Costa Rica
  • El Salvador
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • Puerto Rico (Territory of United States)
  • Argentina
  • Bolivia
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela
  • Equatorial Guinea

There are also four countries who do not speak Spanish as their primary language, but use it often in conversation. Andorra, Belize, Gibraltar, and the United States all make Spanish a popular choice of a secondary language. Spanish lingual influence continues to grow in these countries, as well as those with Spanish as the primary language. This lesson will continue to provide an overview of all Spanish speaking countries and some information about each.

Spanish-Speaking Countries in North America

In North America, the only Spanish-speaking country is Mexico. Mexico was explored by the Spanish during the early-1500s and settled mostly in the early 1700s. The original attempts at settlement in the earliest years of exploration were met with challenge and ultimately failed, but large amounts of land were claimed for the empire, which expanded their global reach nonetheless. The influence of the Spanish empire still dominates the country of Mexico today, with celebrations of Spanish achievements and culture taking place throughout the year. Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, is home to a large population of the Spanish-speaking people within the country. There are about 130,000,000 Spanish-speaking residents of Mexico.

Spanish-Speaking Countries in Central America and the Caribbean

By the early-1600s, the Spanish Empire had explored and settled a large portion of Central America and the Caribbean. They had one of the most extensive spheres of influence in the world during this time.

spanish speaking countries in central america

This region is home to 9 of the 21 Spanish-speaking countries or territories. They are Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico. It should be noted that Puerto Rico is not a country, but instead an incorporated territory of the United States. It is included on the list of 21 countries because it has a unique version of Spanish that is spoken and has been influenced extensively by the Spanish of the exploration age, just as the other countries in this list have.

The Spanish arrived in the Caribbean and began to colonize the region as early as 1502. Santo Domingo was the first successful Spanish settlement, which is the capital of the Dominican Republic. By 1511, they had extended their reach the Florida peninsula of the United States, using Santo Domingo as a base of operations. By the mid-16th century, Spanish reach had extended to Central America and parts of South America. During their involvement in the Thirty Year War in Europe, the Spanish empire was exploited by other powers in this region and lost control of some of its territories. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama declared their independence from Spain on September 15, 1821 and established their own capitals. They are:

  • San Jose, Costa Rica
  • San Salvador, El Salvador
  • Guatemala City, Guatemala
  • Tegucigalpa, Honduras
  • Managua, Nicaragua
  • Panama City, Panama

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  • 0:04 Spain Spreads Its Influence
  • 0:53 European…
  • 1:20 African…
  • 1:41 North America
  • 4:48 South America
  • 6:25 Lesson Summary

Spanish-speaking countries are located all over the world! This map will help identify the regions and locations of each of these countries.

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This lesson has explore all Spanish-speaking countries with the language as their primary dialect and discussed Spanish-speaking countries and capitals. Be able to interpret the following information:

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Video Transcript

Spain Spreads Its Influence

During the 15th and 16th centuries, countries in Europe scrambled to spread their influence around the world. Beginning with the coast of Africa, countries like Portugal and Spain explored new trade routes. In 1492, Spain established itself as one of the most powerful countries in the world. After Columbus's 'discovery' of the New World, Spain planted its roots in the Americas and began colonization. Within just a few short decades, Spain dominated Central and South America, pushing from the Atlantic Coast to the Pacific. Although all of Spain's once-vast empire has been liberated, the effects of Spanish colonial rule are still felt today.

Spanish Speaking Countries
All Spanish-Speaking Countries

Today, 21 countries around the world spanning four continents speak Spanish as the national language. Let's take a look at these countries and their capitals.

European Spanish-speaking countries
European Spanish-speaking countries

European Spanish-Speaking Country

The only official Spanish-speaking country in Europe is Spain. At one point, it was ruled by the Romans, and then invaded by the Moors (a Muslim group from Africa), before emerging as a predominantly Catholic monarchy during the late 1400s. One of the most powerful countries in Europe, Spain's influence declined through the late 1500s into the 20th century. Spain's capital city is Madrid, and the country is part of the European Union.

African Spanish-speaking countries
African Spanish-speaking countries

African Spanish-Speaking Country

Like Europe, Africa is home to only one official Spanish-speaking country. Equatorial Guinea, located on the coast of Western Africa, was originally controlled by the Portuguese before falling under Spanish rule in 1777. Equatorial Guinea gained its independence in 1968. The country's capital is Malabo.

North American Spanish-speaking countries
North American Spanish-speaking countries

North America

North America, including Central America and island nations in the Caribbean, is home to 10 Spanish-speaking countries.

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