Database Examples, Schema & Types | What is a Database? - Lesson |
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Database Examples, Schema & Types | What is a Database?

Jennifer Carnevale, Szymon Machajewski, Christianlly Cena
  • Author
    Jennifer Carnevale

    Jennifer taught 9th grade ELA and AP Literature for over 8 years. She has a dual master's in English Literature and Teaching Secondary Ed from Simmons University and a BS in Psychology. She is a full-time senior content writer and certified AP Test Reader.

  • Instructor
    Szymon Machajewski

    Szymon has a PhD in Education, an MS in Information Management and a BS in Computer Science. He has taught Computer Science at a number of Higher Education institutions.

  • Expert Contributor
    Christianlly Cena

    Christianlly has taught college Physics, Natural science, Earth science, and facilitated laboratory courses. He has a master's degree in Physics and is currently pursuing his doctorate degree.

What are databases? Learn about the different types of databases and what database management systems are. Also learn about database software and challenges. Updated: 11/21/2023
Additional Activities

Modified True or False Exercise on Databases


Check your knowledge of the lesson on the examples and types of databases by determining whether the following statements are true or false. For this activity, print or copy this page on a piece of paper. Write TRUE if the statement is valid and FALSE if otherwise on the blank space provided. If the statement is FALSE, write down the word or phrase that makes it wrong.

_____ 1. Desktop database programs are the most innovative structures for storing data as of today.

_____ 2. Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database by breaking up data into its smallest possible parts.

_____ 3. A library is an organized container of data, generally stored and accessed electronically from a computer system.

_____ 4. Text databases are intended for a single user and provides the ability to store large amounts of data while keeping manageable system performance.

_____ 5. A number of schemas create a database and multiple databases can be created on a single server.

_____ 6. A database is typically represented by a cylindrical diagram.

_____ 7. An operational database provides support for transaction processing especially in managing, changing and storing data in real time.

_____ 8. Warehouse databases are designed for query and analysis of business performance and long-term changes.

_____ 9. NoSQL specifically attempts to simplify bookshelves by storing data in a normalized way.

_____ 10. Object-oriented databases are the most common database systems.

Answer Key

For False answers, the correct word or phrase is written in italic right next to the incorrect word for comparison.

1. FALSE, Desktop database programs, NoSQL and object-oriented databases


3. FALSE, library, Databases

4. FALSE, Text databases, Desktop database programs





9. FALSE, normalized, denormalized

10. FALSE, Object-oriented databases, Relational databases

To answer the question what is a database, it's important to understand the concept of data. Data are units of information, such as facts and statistics, that when analyzed in digital form, can provide insight for business purposes and scientific discovery. Therefore, a database is a computer structure that saves, organizes, protects, and delivers data.

Essentially, a database is an online container that houses data, just as a library houses books. Databases are commonly represented by a cylindrical diagram and are comprised of database schema which are objects such as tables and columns.

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  • 0:01 Defining Databases
  • 0:39 Types of Databases
  • 4:00 Databases Categorized…
  • 5:55 Example: Text Database
  • 6:49 Lesson Summary

A database management system, or DBMS, is a system that contains databases. This system allows a user to store, organize, and retrieve information from a computer. Some of these systems are designed as single-user systems and include:

  • Text databases - the simplest type of database where data is organized in a text file by rows and columns and includes lists such as names, important dates, locations, etc.
  • Desktop database programs - provide a container to house information and are more complex as they can manipulate data on a quicker and larger scale.

While most computer users are familiar with single-user systems, there are more complex databases that allow for multiple users and advanced security. See the list below for more types of database examples.

Relational Databases

Relational Database Management Systems, or RDBMS, are the most common database management systems and are characterized by the following:

  • Multiple users can work on the same data at the same time
  • Little to no system performance issues
  • Advanced security for sensitive data to be stored safely
  • Puts data into columns and rows which create tables through a process called normalization

Normalization organizes data by breaking it up into the smallest possible parts. For example, instead of putting someone's full name in one cell, normalization asks you to separate the name by first and last which will allow a user to sort and search that data in smaller sections.

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It's clear databases are used in business, but what are databases used for in everyday life? Since databases house information in various ways and can be used to edit, store, and organize any data a user wishes to collect, it seems programmers aren't the only people using databases on a daily basis. See the list below for common/everyday database uses.

  • Medical Records
  • Online Television Streaming
  • Social Media
  • Finances
  • Online Shopping Platforms
  • Photo/Document Storage
  • Gaming

Differences Between Databases and Spreadsheets

While they might feel like the same concept, databases and spreadsheets are different. Spreadsheets are electronic forms or ledgers that aim to store data and make basic tables and calculations. Databases are able to complete the same tasks, but the way in which they house the data is the key difference.

This is a simple budgeting spreadsheet that stores data within the cells.

 budgeting spreadsheet

Spreadsheets store the values in cells, whereas databases store values in tables. While they both contain data, databases can store a lot more data than spreadsheets, and they create more complex relationships between the data stored in the system.

This is an example of a database. Notice the software complexity compared to the spreadsheet.

database software

For example, you could create a spreadsheet of patients at a hospital. This could include names, appointment dates, demographic information, etc. But say you wanted to house that information along with doctor's notes, test results, and upcoming appointments. A database would allow all of that information to be housed and edited in one spot and each aspect of the system would speak to the others. Think of a spreadsheet as a 2-D model, whereas a database is a 3-D interactive system.

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A database is a computer structure that saves, organizes, protects, and delivers data and is commonly represented by a cylindrical diagram. Text databases are the simplest type of database as they use rows and columns to organize data in a process called normalization as opposed to denormalization which stores data in large chunks. Using a database management system (DBMS), a user can house databases and create relationships between data sets to help businesses better understand customers, finances, and productivity.

Types of database management systems include:

  • Relational (RDBMS)
  • Object-Oriented
  • SQL
  • Network
  • Graph

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Video Transcript

Defining Databases

Databases are basically containers for data. Because a public library stores books, we could also say that a library is a database of books. But strictly defined, databases are computer structures that save, organize, protect, and deliver data. A system that contains databases is called a database management system, or DBMS. The typical diagram representation for a database is a cylinder:

Figure 1: Database Icon
Database symbol

In its most general sense, a database is used to organize data. It allows you to quickly add, change, and update data.

Types of Databases

The simplest form of databases is a text database. When data is organized in a text file in rows and columns, it can be used to store, organize, protect, and retrieve data. Saving a list of names in a file, starting with first name and followed by last name, would be a simple database. Each row of the file represents a record. You can update records by changing specific names, you can remove rows by deleting lines, and you can add new rows by adding new lines.

Desktop database programs are another type of database that's more complex than a text database but intended for a single user. A Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or Microsoft Access are good examples of desktop database programs. These programs allow users to enter data, store it, protect it, and retrieve it when needed. The benefit of desktop database programs over text databases is the speed of changing data, and the ability to store large amounts of data while keeping performance of the system manageable.

Relational databases are the most common database systems. They include databases like SQL Server, Oracle Database, Sybase, Informix, and MySQL. The relational database management systems (RDMS) feature much better performance for managing data over desktop database programs. For example, they allow multiple users (even thousands!) to work with the data at the same time, creating advanced security for access to the data. RDBMS systems store data in columns and rows, which in turn make up tables. A table in RDBMS is like a spreadsheet. A set of tables makes up a schema. A number of schemas create a database. Many databases can be created on a single server.

The most innovative structures for storing data today are NoSQL and object-oriented databases. These do not follow the table/row/column approach of RDBMS. Instead, they build bookshelves of elements and allow access per bookshelf. So, instead of tracking individual words in books, NoSQL and object-oriented databases narrow down the data you are looking for by pointing you to the bookshelf, then a mechanical assistant works with the books to identify the exact word you are looking for. NoSQL specifically attempts to simplify bookshelves by storing data in a denormalized way; this means storing it in large chunks.

Normalization is a database business process to break up data into the smallest possible parts. Instead of storing first and last name in one bucket, or field, normalization requires that you store the first name separately from the last name. This is helpful if you want to sort the data by last name or by first name. RDBMS systems require that data is normalized.

Databases Categorized by Local Design

Depending on how databases are designed, they can be divided into operational databases and database warehouses. When databases store everyday data with fast updates, they're transactional or operational. These are most common. For example, inventory databases and product databases are all operational. Such databases require high speed of writing and high speed of reading. This makes them special and very sensitive to performance.

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