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2024-02-14 12:43:30


圖1. 最近一項針對豆科植物的研究已經揭露,在根瘤菌共生期間,IRON MAN (IMA)胜肽(縮胺酸)促進了,將鐵收集到根瘤中的角色。就植物生長及氮衡定性之關鍵層面的氮固定而言,此過程是至關重要的。 A recent study on...

2024-02-13 14:34:14


Tandem electrocatalytic-thermocatalytic conversion could help offset emissions of potent greenhouse gas by locking carbon away in a useful material 串聯之電催化與熱催化的轉化,藉由將碳鎖藏於有用材料中...

2024-02-08 21:04:12


Using a DNA-based scaffold carrying viral proteins, researchers created a vaccine that provokes a strong antibody response against SARS-CoV-2. 使用具有病毒蛋白之以DNA為基礎的框架,研究人員們創造了一種...

2024-02-03 19:48:20


In the past, wetlands were often seen as undesirable landscapes– waterlogged areas that were difficult to navigate, impossible to build on or farm, and a source of pests such as mosquitoes. But ...

2024-02-01 20:48:48


The European Union is negotiating an Artificial Intelligence Act, the world’s first comprehensive law that aims to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) based on the risk it poses to individuals...

2024-01-29 22:17:05


圖1. 一種於菸草植物中,生產關鍵疫苗成分QS-21的新方法,已經被開發出。為從皂皮樹之傳統萃取法提供了,可持續的替代方案,且提升了疫苗生產。 A novel method for producing the key vaccine ingredient QS-21 in...

2024-01-29 09:27:10


Many people are wired to seek and respond to rewards. Your brain interprets food as rewarding when you are hungry and water as rewarding when you are thirsty. But addictive substances like alcohol and...

2024-01-26 21:26:10


A risk-benefit analysis of gene editing tools in stem cells revealed that base and prime editing carry vulnerabilities similar to those of CRISPR-Cas9, but at a reduced rate. 基因編輯工具,於幹細胞中...

2024-01-23 14:02:24


圖1. 美國冷泉港實驗室(CSHL)的科學家們發現了第一個致癌基因,並完成了單一腫瘤內多個個體癌細胞的第一個基因體圖譜。此些是癌腫遺傳學史上,最大的兩項突破。這已經為更有效的癌腫藥物及精確的治療策略開了路。圖上...

2024-01-22 14:22:09


圖1. 具有APOE4基因變異的個體,在腦部組織(多色彩小點)中,更有可能形成TIM(大藍點)。在驅動阿茲海默氏症中,這可能扮演一種關鍵角色。 Individuals with the APOE4 gene variant are more likely to develop TIM ...

2024-01-20 13:18:19


Bursts of gamma rays from the center of our galaxy are not likely to be signals of dark matter but rather other astrophysical phenomena such as fast-rotating stars called millisecond pulsars, accordin...

2024-01-16 20:20:59


圖1. 一項新研究業已揭露一種,在捕獲光的複合體II (LHCII)中,對高效光合作用至關重要的量子轉換機制。該項透過先進之低溫電子顯微鏡術(cryo-EM:Cryogenic electron microscopy),及理論計算獲得的發現,證實了LHC...

2024-01-15 16:31:35


Researchers generated complete genomes of two important bat species and explored their immune- and cancer-related genes. 研究人員們產生了,兩種重要蝙蝠物種的完整基因體,並探索了其免疫及癌腫相關的基因...

2024-01-12 09:43:43


圖1. 該地圖顯示了,在一項由該研究,就2045年的分析所預測,被稱為“火災天氣指數”(FWI)之估量的全球變化(紅色:極端火災天氣加劇;藍色:較少)。FWI獲得了,包括低降雨量及強風在內等狀況,一起增強一種...

2024-01-09 08:58:45


Vaccines have been reliably and affordably protecting people from diseases worldwide for centuries. Until the COVID-19 pandemic, however, vaccine development was still a long and idiosyncratic process...

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