Intel Core i9 10900KF vs AMD Ryzen 9 3900X: performance comparison

Intel Core i9 10900KF vs AMD Ryzen 9 3900X

We compared two desktop CPUs: the 3.7 GHz Intel Core i9 10900KF with 10-cores against the 3.8 GHz AMD Ryzen 9 3900X with 12-cores. On this page, you'll find out which processor has better performance in benchmarks, games and other useful information.


General overview and comparison of the processors
Single-Core Performance
Performance in single-threaded apps and benchmarks
Multi-Core Performance
Measure performance when all cores are involved
Power Efficiency
The efficiency score of power consumption
NanoReview Final Score
Generic CPU rating
The "iGPU" and "Power Efficiency" have a minor impact on the NanoReview Score when comparing desktop CPUs.

Key Differences

What are the key differences between 3900X and 10900KF
Advantages of Intel Core i9 10900KF
  • Newer - released 10-months later
  • 15% higher Turbo Boost frequency (5.3 GHz vs 4.6 GHz)
Advantages of AMD Ryzen 9 3900X
  • Has 45056 KB larger L3 cache size
  • More modern manufacturing process – 7 versus 14 nanometers
  • Newer PCI Express version – 4.0
  • Has 2 more physical cores
  • Around 1.88 GB/s (4%) higher theoretical memory bandwidth

Test in Benchmarks

Comparing the performance of CPUs across various tasks

Cinebench R23

Reputable cross-platform benchmark for high-performance processors
Cinebench R23 (Single-Core)
Cinebench R23 (Multi-Core)
Cinebench R23 CPU Scores (82nd and 67th place)

GeekBench v6

The new version of this benchmark emulates common operations often used in real-world apps
Geekbench 6 (Single-Core)
Geekbench 6 (Multi-Core)
File compression 714.6 MB/sec 872.1 MB/sec
Clang compilation 90.6 Klines/sec 104.4 Klines/sec
HTML 5 Browser 205.5 pages/sec 209.4 pages/sec
PDF Renderer 319.1 Mpixels/sec 299.9 Mpixels/sec
Text processing 182.6 pages/sec 144.4 pages/sec
Background blur 43 images/sec 41.1 images/sec
Photo processing 78.1 images/sec 75.2 images/sec
Ray tracing 20.1 Mpixels/sec 24.4 Mpixels/sec
Sources: GeekBench [1], [2]


Synthetic test that focuses on raw computational performance for low-level functions
Passmark CPU (Single-Core)
Passmark CPU (Multi-Core)
Integer math 85.4 GOps/sec 100 GOps/sec
Floating point math 53.3 GOps/sec 58.6 GOps/sec
Find prime numbers 63M Primes/sec 215M Primes/sec
Random string sorting 46.9M Strings/sec 48.7M Strings/sec
Data encryption 7.9 GBytes/sec 28.7 GBytes/sec
Data compression 377.2 MBytes/sec 449.4 MBytes/sec
Physics 1032 Frames/sec 1815 Frames/sec
Extended instructions 24.8B Matrices/sec 29.3B Matrices/sec
Sources: PassMark [3], [4]

Value for money

Enter the current prices of the CPUs and click "Calculate" to determine which one has a better value-to-performance ratio.


Full technical specification of Intel Core i9 10900KF and AMD Ryzen 9 3900X


Vendor Intel Amd
Released May 1, 2020 July 7, 2019
Type Desktop Desktop
instruction set x86-64 x86-64
Codename Comet Lake -
Model number i9-10900KF -
Integrated GPU No No
Desktop CPUs rating (83rd and 84th place)


Performance Cores
P-Cores 10 12
P-Threads 20 24
Base Frequency (P) 3.7 GHz 3.8 GHz
Turbo Boost Frequency (P) 5.3 GHz 4.6 GHz
Total Cores 10 12
Total Threads 20 24
Bus Frequency 100 MHz 100 MHz
Multiplier 37x 38x
Bus Bandwidth 8 GT/s -
L1 Cache 64K (per core) 64K (per core)
L2 Cache 256K (per core) 512K (per core)
L3 Cache 20MB (shared) 64MB (shared)
Unlocked Multiplier Yes Yes


Transistors - 3.8 billions
Fabrication process 14 nm 7 nm
TDP (PL1) 125 W 105 W
Socket LGA-1200 AM4
Peak temperature 100°C 95°C

Memory Support

Memory types - DDR4-2933 - DDR4-3200
Memory Size 128 GB 128 GB
Max. Memory Channels 2 2
Max. Memory Bandwidth 45.8 GB/s 47.68 GB/s
ECC Support No Yes


Official site Intel Core i9 10900KF official page AMD Ryzen 9 3900X official page
PCI Express Version 3.0 4.0
PCI Express Lanes 16 16

Cast your vote

Choose between two processors
27 (30.3%)
62 (69.7%)
Total votes: 89


So which CPU will you choose: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X or Intel Core i9 10900KF?
Warzone lover 14 November 2021 19:23
Of course the ryzen 9 3900x !! It is far more powerful
0 Reply