Ingrid Hajek date of birth:

January 6, 1960

How old is Ingrid Hajek?


Where was Ingrid Hajek born?

Queens, NY

What is Ingrid Hajek nationality?

Puerto Rican

What is Ingrid Hajek's occupation?


Short Biography

was with boyfried (first) from 15 years old until 21, mother even put warrent on Mico in Queens. Who was locked up in spartfored juvenile detention refuseing to give her up. She was in court on his 16th birthday when they had to let him go because of age, secondly his best frirnd was her sister Ina beside Ingrid was 3 months older then Mico. She ust like Aries because he is born 03/30/60 his real name was Michael J Stewart fron Jackson Heights. Who went on to make some progress in the music bis. Then to CBS records in NYC for a short while Then to the NYC FDNY and retire after 9/11 due to injuries. Now getting his masters at CW post in CSI. They were first loves and the longest couple that we saw growing up as teens, like marreied but just teens, they broke up and remained friends to some point.