Nicholas Simon | Indochina Productions

Nicholas Simon | Indochina Productions

On this episode, Aaron sits down for an interview with Nicholas Simon, the founder and Managing Partner of Indochina Productions. His company has worked on such projects as Da 5 Bloods, Extraction, Kong Skull Island, Avengers Infinity War and Avengers Endgame. During their discussion, they discuss line producing, filming on location, the Beloit International Film Festival, and much more.

Nicholas Simon via

After graduating from Columbia University, Nicholas Simon re-located to Vietnam to pursue a career in journalism. Through networking and serendipity, Nicholas found himself producing Matt Dillon’s City of Ghosts and Act of Valor in Thailand and Cambodia.  Through his passion for storytelling and entrepreneurship, Nicholas founded Indochina Productions and now serves as a hands-on Executive Producer connecting international filmmakers throughout our South East Asian territories.

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About Aaron B. Peterson

Aaron is a Rotten Tomatoes accredited film critic who founded The Hollywood Outsider podcast out of a desire to offer an outlet to discuss a myriad of genres, while also serving as a sounding board for the those film buffs who can appreciate any form of art without an ounce of pretentiousness. Winner of both The Academy of Podcasters and the Podcast Awards for his work in film and television media, Aaron continues to contribute as a film critic and podcast host for The Hollywood Outsider. He also hosts several other successful podcast ventures including the award-winning Blacklist Exposed, Inspired By A True Story, Presenting Hitchcock, and Beyond Westworld. Enjoy yourself. Be unique. Most importantly, 'Buy Popcorn'.