The Best Indie Songs of 2019

Coley Reed
Updated August 11, 2023 47.0K views
Ranked By
7.5K votes
1.1K voters
1 reranks

Updated: check out our list of the best indie songs of 2020!

Expand your music horizons with the best indie songs of 2019. Featuring underrated artists you've never heard of (and some you have), this list of 2019 indie songs will go unnoticed by pop music lovers. Which indie music do you like? Discover more music with the best indie songs of 2018.

From underground rap and indie folk to indie electronic and experimental music, the top 2019 indie songs showcase a variety of genres with up-and-coming musicians not considered mainstream who deserve more love.

Browse this list of top indie songs and vote up your favorites to help determine the best indie songs of the year. If you feel any 2019 popular indie songs are missing, feel free to add them to the list.Â