Growth of the United States Flashcards | Quizlet
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Which of the following resulted in the doubling of the sie of the United States
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Which of the following resulted in the doubling of the sie of the United States
The Louisiana Purchase of 1803
What was the purpose of the Seneca Falls Convention
To address women's rights issues
How did immigration contribute to economic growth after the Civil War
Immigration provided large numbers of low-cost workers for U.S. businesses
Which of these is an example of America expanding upon the idea of Manifest Destiny
It became an imperialist nation as it annexed the Hawaiian Islands
How did the Fifteenth Amendment expand democracy in the United States
It gave African American men the right to vote
Which movement is most associated with the birth of the women's rights movement
The abolitionist movement
Which factor most encouraged settlement in California after 1849
Gold was discovered in the Sierra Nevada Mountains
In which way were innovations in industry and economic growth related
Railroads and new technologies helped expand farming and industry
Why was Manifest Destiny questioned
Abolitionists worried about the spread of slavery
What was Frederick Douglass's contribution to abolitionism
He was a former slave who spoke out against the institution of slavery