APUSH Chapters 38 & 39 Review Flashcards | Quizlet

APUSH Chapters 38 & 39 Review

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Robert Kennedy
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Robert Kennedy
Was Attorney General under JFK; wanted to focus on recasting the FBI and fighting organized crime; shot to death by an Arab immigrant in the 1968 election, who was against his pro-Israel stand.
John F. Kennedy and civil rights
He was slow to work at civil rights reforms because was afraid to lose the Southern Democrats in congress, and therefore not be able to pass his reforms. He sent troops to protect the Freedom Riders, helped form the Voter Education Project. He committed his personal and presidential prestige to finding a solution.
John F. Kennedy
Wanted to land a person on the moon to return America to its former prestige in the space race.
Flexible Response
Kennedy felt there wasn't much choice between humiliation and nuclear incineration in Asia. He developed an array of military "options" that could be picked out to fit the situation at hand. Increased spending on conventional military and expanded Special Forces. Negatives: lowered the level at which diplomacy would turn to shooting and provided for a progressive steeping up in the use of force.
America went in because anti-Diem agitators were threatening to overthrow the American friendly government and to foster political stability. The aerial bombing was effective in pushing the North Vietnamese to a cease fire which was hailed "peace with honor", but this rang hollow- it was actually an American retreat.
Alliance for Progress (1961)
Kennedy's Marshall Plan for Latin America. Goal was to help Latin America close the gap between the rich and poor, and thus quiet communist agitation. Results were disappointed: the Alliance did very little to improve social problems in Latin America.
Bay of Pigs
CIA wanted to kick Fidel Castro out, Kennedy sent 1,200 anti-communist exiles to revolt, it bogged down and Kennedy kept his hands off, forcing the exiles to surrender. Kennedy assumed full responsibility. Pushed Fidel Castro further into the arms of the Soviets.
Cuban Missile Crisis
The Soviets had missiles in Cuba, Kennedy ordered them to be removed and set up a naval quarantine of Cuba; told Krushchev any attack would be means to use nuclear weapons. Krushchev backed down and agreed to remove the missiles if America would remove its from Turkey along with the blockade. Disgraced Krushchev.
Civil Rights Movement
Was generally met with very violent resistance. Lyndon
Lyndon B. Johnson
More effective than Kennedy at getting his legislature through congress, even if it meant stepping on some toes. He sent the CIA (against its charter) to spy on domestic anti-war activities. He encouraged the FBI to go against the movement. The FBI even accused some "doves" of being communist, making them look like the president's police.
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Banned racial discrimination in most facilities open to the public; strengthened the government's power to end segregation in schools and other public places; barred employers from discriminating based on race. Also included women.
Gulf of Tonkin resolution
Congress gave up their war declaring powers and gave the president a blank check for further force in Southeast Asia.
Great Society
War on Poverty; Department of Housing and Urban Development & Department of Transportation; National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities. Big 4: aid to education, medical care for the elderly and indigent, immigration reform, and a new voting rights bill. Not completely victorious, but somewhat successful. Goal: "better lives for Americans"
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965
Abolished the "national-origins" quota and doubled the number of immigrants allowed to enter annually. Allowed close family members to be excluded from the count. Immigration was largely from Asia and Latin America.
Black Power
Goal: for many not all, was black separatism. Activists were less focused on civil rights and more focused on economic demands. Located mostly in the North.