Editorial:How to ensure that there is not a fifth wave - 20210205 - 英文 - 每日明報 - 明報新聞網


Editorial:How to ensure that there is not a fifth wave

【明報專訊】The fourth wave of the pandemic has been plaguing Hong Kong for three months. Yesterday (February 3), the number of new cases dropped to less than 20 in a single day for the first time in nearly a month and a half, which is at least good news, although it cannot be said that the pandemic has been brought under control. The government is planning a return to normal economic and bread-and-butter activities, with the opening of borders, resumption of classes and gradual restoration of normal public services. However, whether the government can bring the number of cases to zero so that sporadic cases can be quickly eliminated even if they arise is still of crucial importance when it comes to whether a sustainable return to normal can be achieved.

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