8 Best Robot Vacuums for Your Home or Apartment | Man of Many
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A eufy robot on floor going under a table

8 Best Robot Vacuums for Your Home or Apartment

Look out Roomba, because there are more robot vacuum cleaners now than ever before. To run the full gamut is to go from cheap and clumsy to luxurious and laser-sharp. We’ve officially entered a new tier of domestic convenience and that’s not to mention the somewhat adorable designs. Speaking of which: is it just us or do most robot vacuum cleaners look like something out of an old Spielberg movie? But we digress.

Not only have the best robot vacuums come a long way in little time, but consumers have easily kept pace. What was once a futuristic concept is now a common household appliance, the kind of which we basically take for granted. Heck, we might even complain when our Roomba or robot vacuum of choice doesn’t operate at peak performance, and with good reason.

So what are the best robot vacuum cleaners? And while we’re at it, what even makes for a great robot vacuum in the first place? Let’s find out.

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Best Robot Vacuums

What to Look for in a Robot Vacuum

As you’re likely aware, not all high-powered gadgets are created equal. That’s why you should read all the necessary robot vacuum reviews before making any sort of purchase. Be sure to consider the following qualities:

  • Scheduling – Is the robot vacuum easy to schedule?
  • Volume – Does it make a lot of noise or is it sleek and quiet?
  • Self-functioning capability – Can the robot vacuum complete a full cleaning cycle without getting stuck, tangled, or deterred?
  • Design – Is it slim and agile or bulky?
  • Upkeep – How easy is it to replace certain parts or clean out certain areas (dustbin, etc)?
  • Performance – Does the robot vacuum work on carpets and hardwood floors alike? How does it handle tight corners and other hard-to-reach areas? How powerful is the suction?
  • Battery life – How long does it run before needing to power up?
  • Adjoining app – What kind of features are available on the app?
  • WiFi connectivity – How reliable is the connection?
Best Robot Vacuums

Robot Vacuums vs. Upright Vacuums

As great as something like the iRobot Roomba i7+ might be, it’s not necessarily for everyone. Along similar lines, upright counterparts still deliver certain advantages. When comparing the two, evaluate the following factors:

  • Layout of your domestic space – Generally speaking, robot vacuums work best in open areas without too many obstacles in their way.
  • Maintenance – While robot vacuums are convenient on principle, the cheaper ones fill up with dust more quickly, break down more easily, and require more maintenance than upright vacuums.
  • Cost – A dependable robot vacuum will typically cost more than a dependable upright vacuum.
  • Type of mess – Robot vacuums are good for maintaining consistent (i.e. baseline) levels of cleanliness, while upright vacuums can tackle harder jobs.
  • Control – Do you like to have complete control over your cleaning? If so, you might be better off with an upright vacuum.

Are Robot Vacuums Worth It?

The best robot vacuums will generally cost you, but we say it’s worth it. After all, there’s a reason they call traditional vacuuming a chore. Take good care of your little robot vacuum so that it doesn’t require constant repair and you’ll reap the kind of convenience that upright counterparts simply can’t provide.

The Best Robot Vacuums

Hopefully, you’ve decided that a high-quality robot vacuum is indeed worth the price of admission. Here are some of the best you can buy.

Best Robot Vacuums - Roborcok s6

1. Roborock S6

If money isn’t an issue, your journey ends here. Firing on all cylinders, the Roborock S6 sucks in the best of ways (i.e. it delivers truly powerful suction). It’s also one smooth, smart, and silent operator. What more do you need?

Pros: powerful suction, adept sensors, high-end features, smart home compatibility, works on carpets, quiet performance
Cons: fairly expensive, bigger than certain counterparts, adjoining app leaves some things to be desired

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Best Robot Vacuums - Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo

2. Ecovacs Deebot Ozmo

With a name like Deebot Ozmo, this nifty gadget from Ecovacs puts the “robot” in robot vacuum cleaner. Control it using just your voice and behold its wondrous multi-functional powers, such as the ability to vacuum and mop at the same time. The price might be on the higher end but you definitely get what you pay for.

Pros: smart mapping sensors, multi-functional cleaning, smart home integration, voice control (Alexa or Google Assistant)
Cons: fairly expensive, relatively long charge time, mopping feature can be underwhelming

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Best Robot Vacuums - Eufy RoboVac 11S

3. Eufy RoboVac 11S

Want some bang for your budget? Look no further than the RoboVac 11S, which punches well above its price tag. Use it on hardwood floors and medium-pile carpets and expect smart, strong, and quiet performance.

Pros: slim design, affordable price, quiet performance
Cons: can underperform on carpets, doesn’t come with high-end connectivity features (zoned cleaning, etc)

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Best Robot Vacuums - iRobot Roomba i7+

4. iRobot Roomba i7+

The one, the only: iRobot Roomba i7+. No matter how many competitors enter the fold, this brand continues to churn out some of the world’s best robot vacuum cleaners. If you can afford one, get one. Then schedule it and go back to your video games. It’s just that easy.

Pros: powerful suction, works on carpets, quiet performance, smart home integration, automatic dirt disposal, highly intelligent, good for pet hair
Cons: expensive, zoned cleaning can occasionally underperform

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Best Robot Vacuums - Samsung Electronics R7040

5. Samsung Electronics R7040

When it comes to incredible value and solid reviews, robot vacuums don’t get any better than Samsung’s R7040. Despite its affordable price point, the gadget still delivers plenty of premium features. It’s also great at handling those tough corners.

Pros: terrific value, WiFi connectivity, smart assistant integration, can handle tight corners
Cons: short battery life, wonky app, not so great with pet hair

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Best Robot Vacuums - Neato Botvac D7

6. Neato Botvac D7

Powerful and easy to program, the Neato Botvac D7 can run for two hours at a time. The D-shape design was completely novel when it first debuted, even if it’s since been imitated by other brands. Sometimes you just need an adept and streamlined robot vacuum and this is that vacuum.

Pros: unique D-shaped design can handle tight corners, laser-guided mapping, works on various floor types, zoned cleaning, compatible with Alexa, customisable, good for pet hair
Cons: expensive, occasionally noisy, some complaints of slow connectivity

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Best Robot Vacuums - Ecovacs Deebot N79S

7. Ecovacs Deebot N79S or N79T

Delivering premium perks at a mid-range price point, the Ecovacs Deebot N79S or N79T are brimming with value. Choose between a variety of cleaning modes and let them roam for nearly two hours at a time.

Pros: tremendous value, intuitive app, Alexa and Google Assistant integration, easy to schedule, different cleaning modes
Cons: don’t work as well on carpets as they do on hardwood floors, may require more maintenance than higher-end counterparts

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Best Robot Vacuums - iRobot Roomba 675

8. iRobot Roomba 675

Backed by overwhelmingly positive reviews, the iRobot Roomba 675 covers the basics with considerable panache. Its 3-stage cleaning system is one of a kind and its versatility second to none (for the price range).

Pros: incredible value, patented 3-stage cleaning system, smart navigation, dirt detect technology, automatically recharges
Cons: not so great with pet hair, missing high-end features like keep out zones and perfect edge technology

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General FAQ

Are robot vacuums worth the money?

Saving you time and effort, robot vacuums are definitely worth the investment. You get what you pay for so don't hesitate to drop an extra hundred dollars or two for those higher-end features.

What's the best robot vacuum for pets?

Some of the best robot vacuums for pet hair are the Neato Botvac D7, Eufy Robovac 11, and iRobot Roomba s9+, to name a few.

What's the best robot vacuum out there?

Some of the best robot vacuums money can buy are the Roborock S6, iRobot Roomba i7+, and Neato Robotics Botvac D7, to name a few.