I Ching Reference: Look up any hexagram - iFate.com
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I Ching Reference: Hexagram Look-up

(Choose from a hexagram below, or scroll down for lists of hexagram meanings)

Look up the meaning of any I Ching hexagram

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ifate logo Standard I Ching

The following I Ching hexagram definitions are from iFate's award-winning modern translation of the I Ching. The original I Ching is filled with references to Chinese historical figures and ancient cultural references, and may be difficult for many readers. This modern I Ching translation has been carefully written to preserve the philosophical and spiritual meanings of the original, while leaving behind some of the more arcane historic references.

These easy-to-understand interpretations are used in iFate's free I Ching readings.

#1 - Creativity (heaven)
#2 - The Receptive
#3 - Trouble At The Start
#4 - Youthful Inexperience
#5 - Patience
#6 - Conflict
#7 - The Army
#8 - Union
#9 - Wind And Clouds
#10 - Steps
#11 - Peace
#12 - Stagnation
#13 - Fellowship
#14 - Plenty
#15 - Modesty And Progress
#16 - Approval
#17 - Following
#18 - Ruin
#19 - Approaching
#20 - Meditation
#21 - Jaws
#22 - Grace
#23 - Splitting Apart
#24 - The Turning Point
#25 - Innocence
#26 - Great Achievements
#27 - Nourishment
#28 - Test Of Faith
#29 - Pitfalls
#30 - Luminosity
#31 - Influence
#32 - Permanence
#33 - Retreat
#34 - Great Power
#35 - Progress
#36 - Darkening Of The Light
#37 - Family
#38 - Opposition
#39 - Obstruction
#40 - Deliverance
#41 - Decrease
#42 - Increase
#43 - Breaking Through
#44 - Coming Together
#45 - Gathering Together
#46 - Rising Up
#47 - Exhaustion
#48 - The Well
#49 - Transformation
#50 - The Cauldron
#51 - A Powerful Jolt
#52 - Staying Still
#53 - Gradual Progress
#54 - Disaffection
#55 - Abundance And Fullness
#56 - Traveling
#57 - Spreading
#58 - Joyousness
#59 - Dispersing
#60 - Limitation
#61 - Inner Truth
#62 - Smallness
#63 - Completion
#64 - Before Completion

ifate logo Love I Ching

iFate's second custom translation of the ancient "Book of Changes" is specially adapted to questions of love and romance.

These special "Love I Ching" interpretations are used in iFate's Love I Ching readings.

#1 - Heavenly Love
#2 - Receptivity To Love
#3 - Trouble At The Start
#4 - Play And Innocence
#5 - Patience And Trust
#6 - Mismatched Signals
#7 - Leadership
#8 - Soul Union
#9 - The Winds Of Change
#10 - Small Steps
#11 - Peace In The Heart
#12 - Waiting And Stagnation
#13 - Fellowship
#14 - Radiant Love
#15 - Modesty And Progress
#16 - Approval And Admiration
#17 - Following And Learning
#18 - Letting Go
#19 - Approaching The New
#20 - Meditation And Reflection
#21 - Jaws Clenched
#22 - Grace In The Heart
#23 - Standing Apart
#24 - The Turning Point
#25 - Innocence Fosters Open-heartedness
#26 - Great Love And Inner Wisdom
#27 - Giving Nourishment
#28 - Test Of Faith
#29 - Bumps In The Road
#30 - Luminous Love
#31 - Influence And Chemistry
#32 - Permanence And Integration
#33 - Retreat And Reflection
#34 - The Infinite Power Of Love
#35 - Progress And Transcendence
#36 - Wounded
#37 - Family Strengthens Love
#38 - Opposition And Higher Vision
#39 - Rapids In The River
#40 - Deliverance And Freedom
#41 - Decrease Of Intensity
#42 - Increased Intensity
#43 - Breaking Through
#44 - Coming Together
#45 - Gathering Together
#46 - Rising Up
#47 - Exhaustion And Surrender
#48 - The Well Of Joy
#49 - Transformation
#50 - The Cauldron Of Manifestation
#51 - A Jolt
#52 - Clarity In The Chaos
#53 - Gradual Progress
#54 - Deepening Into Trust
#55 - Abundance Of Love
#56 - The Path Of Love
#57 - Influential Union
#58 - Bliss On The Path
#59 - Gratitude
#60 - Sacredness And Limitation
#61 - Inner Love And Connection
#62 - Appreciating Small Steps
#63 - New Beginnings
#64 - Before Completion

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