to be cut from a different cloth definition | English definition dictionary | Reverso
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to be cut from a different cloth definition, to be cut from a different cloth meaning | English dictionary

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1    partly or completely unlike  
2    not identical or the same; other  
he always wears a different tie     
3    out of the ordinary; unusual  
  differently      adv  
  differentness      n  
The constructions different from, different to, and different than are all found in the works of writers of English during the past. Nowadays, however, the most widely acceptable preposition to use after different is from. Different to is common in British English, but is considered by some people to be incorrect, or less acceptable. Different than is a standard construction in American English, and has the advantage of conciseness when a clause or phrase follows, as in this result is only slightly different than in the U.S. As, however, this idiom is not regarded as totally acceptable in British usage, it is preferable either to use different from: this result is only slightly different from that obtained in the U.S. or to rephrase the sentence: this result differs only slightly from that in the U.S.  
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to be unable to think for oneself
used in a condescending way
to be left in a state of confusion or uncertainty
to be likely to do something
banks set to miss lending targets
[child] to be sent to a care organization run by the social services, or to be looked after by foster parents
to be lost
he went missing my dog went missing for three days
to be staggering
Das ist ein Hammer!
able to be seen
[US] Ex.: the car in front of us was visible because we had the lights on
To surmount, to be victorious
to be gutsy means to have guts
to be gutsy: avoir du cran
not able to be mixed or combined
abbr. acron.
Short for "to be honest".
not to be able to act like a man, be a pussy
to be filled beyond regular capacity; a garment like trousers you're wearing and bursting at the seams (whether because they shrank in the wash or you gained weight) would be a perfect literal example of this idiom and figuratively, it means: to be beyond full.
[Fig.] The initially intimate celebration Forrest had organised was soon flooded with unexpected guests; his small house burst at the seams and ended up getting wildly trashed
A culture of internet only jobs has coined the phrase Wirk. Wirk simply means Internet Work. Internet work is defined by job opportunities that did not exist before the rise of the internet and furthermore the work is likely to be carried out over the internet and payment received for work undertaken via the internet. Wirk describes both full time and part time internet work. Because of the nature of Wirk and the ability for anyone that has internet connection to earn money from Wirk, it is currently more likely to be a part time occupation than full time. Paid Online Questionnaires, Content Writing, Search Marketing are all examples of Wirk.
This is a term rising in popularity
"to be up for it" means to be willing to participate
she's really up for it: elle est partante
when sth sounds too good to be true and not as good as it seems to be and you suspect that there is a hidden problem
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