Hypertext Transfer Protocol | HTTP Definition & Process | Study.com
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Hypertext Transfer Protocol | HTTP Definition & Process

Hugh Zimmerbaum, Sudha Aravindan
  • Author
    Hugh Zimmerbaum

    Hugh Zimmerbaum is a prospective PhD student in Slavic Languages and Literatures; After earning his BA degree in Literature with a concentration in Russian Studies in 2018, he spent two years as an EFL teacher in Russia.

  • Instructor
    Sudha Aravindan

    Sudha Aravindan has taught high school Math and professional development in Information Technology for over 10 years. Sudha has a Doctorate of Education degree in Mathematics Education from the University of Delaware, USA, a Masters degree in English Literature from the University of Kerala, India, a Bachelor of Education degree in Teaching of Math from the University of Kerala, India, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Math, Physics and Statistics from the University of Kerala, India. Sudha has a certificate in Java programming and Statistical Analysis.

What is hypertext transfer protocol? Learn the hypertext transfer protocol definition, learn its purpose, and see how HTTP works when browsing the web. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main function of HTTP?

The main function of HTTP is to provide a system of rules facilitating the exchange of information over the internet. It allows a person to type a URL into their browser and gain access to the respective website's data.

What is hypertext transfer protocol used for?

Hypertext transfer protocol is used to exchange information over the World Wide Web. It is the system of rules which defines how clients make request messages and servers make response messages.

The definition of Hypertext Transfer Protocolabbreviated HTTPis a protocol that allows people to exchange files using the World Wide Web. But what is hypertext? What is a protocol? And what is HTTP protocol specifically? Hypertext refers to text that includes hyperlinks, unidirectional links that connect documents with other documents (or with another place within the same document). In computer science, a protocol is a system of rules that allow for data to be exchanged between different devices. HTTP is an application-level protocol, meaning it defines the format by which application processes on different devices exchange data. Thus, Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the system of rules which allows data to be transferred using the World Wide Web, where Uniform Resource Locators or URLs (for example, https://www.google.com) can be linked together by hypertext. Essentially, the purpose of HTTP is to allow for the encoding and transference of information between a client and web server.

The basic HTTP prefix is http://, but many websites use https://, which means that the website is using a secure (encrypted) form of communication for requests responses.

The standard HTTP prefix is http://

Hypertext Transfer Protocol image

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To better understand HTTP and how it works, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of web servers. Web servers are essentially computers that store web information and the software they run. This software, essentially an HTTP server, understands HTTP and URLs. These computers, via their software, allow access to the web pages stored on them, which can be accessed through the domain name of the websites. Once a server is accessed, it will send back the content of a given webpage to the device from which the end-user sent the request. In order to increase the security of internet requests and responses, it is possible to use a proxy server. A proxy server intercepts the information being sent between networks, for example, a home or business computer network, and a larger network, for example, the internet. Proxy servers monitor information and help protect from spyware and malware.

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The process of HTTP begins when a person opens a browser and types in a URL. In the past, it was necessary to type in a URL with full syntax (http://www.website.com), but now it is possible in most browsers to omit the prefixes http:// and www. Using the Domain Name System (DNS), the browser finds the IP (Internet Protocol) address of the computer server which contains the URL. By using HTTP, the browser sends a request to the server. The server sends a response, also using HTTP. Finally, the browser renders this response and displays the website.

The requests and responses exchanged during this process are known as HTTP messages. Request messages have a basic format with three sections: a request-line, header fields, and an optional message body. The response message begins with a status line, header fields, and an optional message body. The HTTP Working Group, the group responsible for maintaining and developing the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, give the following example of a basic request-response protocol exchange on their website:

Client request:

GET /hello.txt HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.16.3 libcurl/7.16.3 OpenSSL/0.9.7l zlib/1.2.3
Host: www.example.com
Accept-Language: en, mi

Server response:

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Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, is the protocol that defines how clients and servers exchange information over the World Wide Web. In this sense, a protocol is a system of rules that standardizes and facilitates how information is exchanged. The basic HTTP prefix is http://. Some websites use https://, indicating the website is using a secure encryption method for requests and responses.

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Additional Info

What Is Hypertext Transfer Protocol?

John was working on a science project about polar bears and his teacher told him that he could find useful information on the National Geographic website. So John went to his school librarian and asked how he could get to the National Geographic website. The librarian took John to a computer, opened up a web browser and typed in the web address for National Geographic, http://www.nationalgeographic.com. John then asked the librarian how he could access this website on his personal laptop. The librarian explained that John would need to open any web browser on his laptop and type in the web address, also known as the URL, of the National Geographic website. A web browser, the librarian explained to John, is a program on John's laptop that will allow him to view web pages.

In the process of learning about polar bears, John also learned that in order to access a website you need a web address or a URL, and that most URLs start with the prefix http://. This 'http' is short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, and we'll learn more below about just what that phrase means.

You may also notice that some websites, such as those where you might type in your credit card information for making purchases, use the prefix https://. This indicates that the website is using a secure method of communication to transfer data. It used to be that you'd have to type in one of these prefixes by hand to go to the correct web address, like the librarian did for John. But since http:// and https:// are so commonly used, most websites now allow you to access their site by leaving out the prefix. So when John gets home to his own computer, he can type in www.nationalgeographic.com and his web browser will know that there's also an http:// in the address. In this case, the http:// protocol is used even though it is not reflected in the URL.

How Does Hypertext Transfer Protocol Work?

All of the pages, files, images, videos, and other data of a website live on one or more computers that are also known as web servers. When you type the web address or URL of any site into a web browser, the browser finds the server and transfers that content from the server to your browser so that you can see the information on your computer as a web page. Using the HTTP protocol (protocol here just means 'rules'), information is exchanged between the web server and the web browser. Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, is the set of rules (or protocols) used by the browser and the server for transferring information on the web.

As noted above, when you type in the URL of any web site into your browser, it sends a request to the web server that corresponds to the address of the URL. So when John typed the web address of National Geographic into the browser on his laptop, his laptop sent a request to the address of the web server where the National Geographic files are stored. When the web server received the request, the server then gathered all the information relating to the National Geographic website and sent it back to John's browser.

A web server holds all the information about a website, and the server may be constantly receiving requests for the site from any number of people who are browsing the site. The server has to respond to each and every one of these requests and transfer the required files to each person's browser. The server and the browser communicate using the HTTP method, which helps the server understand what the browser is requesting and how to interpret the requests made by the browser. HTTP protocol thus includes rules about how web content should be formatted, how dates are formatted and how web addresses or URLs should be identified.

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