Army Leadership Requirements Model | Attributes & Principles - Lesson |
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Army Leadership Requirements Model | Attributes & Principles

Chris Pierce, Jessica Mercado
  • Author
    Chris Pierce

    Chris has over 20 years of experience in research analysis, program development, management, and adult education. Extensive global experience collaborating with diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds achieving mutual goals. He has a Bachelor of Science in Sociology from Southern Utah University and a Master of Science in Adult, Occupational, and Continuing Education from Kansas State University. He is currently completing a second Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling with Southern New Hampshire University. He also possesses a Diversity Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace Certification from the University of Southern Florida. He has served in the U.S. Army for over 28 years, retiring in 2023.

  • Instructor
    Jessica Mercado

    I completed my BA in Criminal Justice in 2015. Currently working on my MS in Homeland Security Management.

Learn the requirements of Army leaders and the leadership philosophy guided by the principles of the Army Leadership Model. Discover the hierarchal rank structure. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What are the three main attributes in the army leadership model?

The three main attributes of the Army Leadership Model include character, presence, and intellect. Character is informed by the Army values; empathy, warrior ethos/service, and discipline. Presences the qualities and attributes radiated by a leader and perceived by others as demonstrating military and professional bearing, fitness, and resiliency. Intellect demonstrates competency in technical and tactical knowledge, sound judgment, interpersonal tact, and creative thinking.

What are the 3 levels of Army leadership?

The three levels of leadership are first, direct leadership, a face to face first-line contact occurring at the squad through battalion level. Secondly, organizational leadership happens at a higher level, such as at the brigade through corps level, and thirdly, strategic leadership occurs at the national level where policies are developed.

What is the army leadership requirements model?

The Army Leadership Model, informed by history and scientific research, describes who leaders must be, what they must know, and what they must do through the three attributes and three core competencies. These attributes include character, presence, and intellect and are supported by three core competencies, leads, develops and achieves.

What does the army leadership model focus on?

The Army Leadership Model focuses on achieving mission success and improving the organization by influencing human behavior by providing a clear purpose, guidance, and motivation, while maintaining professional bearing and caring for those you lead. Through the development and consistent application of the three attributes and three core competencies, the Army Leadership Model may be realized.

The Army definition of leadership is the ability to achieve mission success and improve the organization by influencing human behavior by providing a clear purpose, guidance, and motivation while maintaining military and professional bearing and caring for those being led. The Army leadership styles framework is found in the Army Leadership Model. Guided by three Army leadership attributes and three core leadership competencies, the Army Leadership Model empowers leaders to successfully manage high-performing organizations capable of achieving their nation's mission and goals. The Army leadership requirements model requires leaders to prepare themselves and those around them mentally and physically in their competencies and become stewards of their organization.

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  • 0:04 Making a Great Leader
  • 1:13 Attributes of a Great…
  • 4:14 Philosophy of Army Leadership
  • 5:02 Principles of Army Leadership
  • 7:44 Lesson Summary

The Army Leadership Requirements Model demonstrates the foundation of Army leadership and describes who leaders must be, what they must know, and what they must do through the three attributes and three core competencies. These attributes include character, presence, and intellect and are supported by three core competencies; leads, develops, and achieves. This model is informed by history, scientific research, and what works best for the Army in achieving its goals. By combining the Army attributes and competencies, the Army establishes organizational cohesion, preparedness, and effectiveness.

Army Leadership Attributes

The three Army leadership attributes are explained below.


The attribute of character is one of the critical attributes. It defines who soldiers must be as they serve as the leaders in the Army's organization. Character is informed by army values, empathy, warrior ethos/service, and discipline.

  • Army Values: All soldiers in the initial basic combat training learn seven core Army values and are encouraged to apply them on and off duty throughout their career: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage.
  • Empathy: Understanding how others are thinking, feeling, and believing.
  • Warrior Ethos/Service: Always place the mission first, never accept defeat, never quit, and never leave a fallen comrade.
  • Discipline: Constantly demonstrating obedience in both words and actions to the orders and laws regulating the organization.


A leader will radiate an impression upon their subordinates by demonstrating an emulative example through a military and professional bearing, fitness level, confidence, and resiliency.

  • Miltary and Professional Bearing: Acting in a manner that brings credit toward one's organization and community.
  • Fitness: Demonstrates adherence to the physical fitness standards of its organization.
  • Confidence: Demonstrates a belief in its organization's ability to succeed in the face of all environmental factors.
  • Resilience: Demonstrates the ability to recover quickly in the face of environmental stressors while maintaining focus on mission success.


Demonstrating the ability to think effectively, make accurate decisions, maintain unit cohesion and achieve organizational goals.

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Leaders within the Army influence others through three echelons: direct, organizational, and strategic. Direct leadership is the first line of contact that includes face-to-face interaction within the lower-level organizations. Direct leadership occurs at the squad through battalion-level organizations. Organizational leadership occurs at a higher level where leaders make decisions that impact multiple echelons at the lower level without direct contact with the organization's individuals. Organizational leadership occurs at the brigade through Corps levels. Strategic level of leadership in the Army occurs at the highest level of the Army and includes both military and civilian leaders. These leaders develop policies and provide guidance that's disseminated throughout the entire organization. Strategic leadership occurs at the national level.

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The Eleven Army leadership principles are:

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The Army maintains its ability to accomplish its mission through its strong standards guided by the Army Leadership Model. Informed by history and scientific research, the Army Leadership Model describes who leaders must be and what they must know and do. The model is framed by three attributes and three core competencies. The Army Leadership Model empowers leaders to develop the three attributes and three core competencies required of a successful team capable of accomplishing its requirements while caring for its members' welfare and the environment it interacts with. Character, presence, and intellect are the required attributes of all Army leaders. Intellect emphasizes a leader's ability to think through problems, create solutions and make decisions. Strong leaders with character can identify themselves as a leader. Additionally, leaders set the example when following what is known as The Soldier's Rule, which is a guideline for what is acceptable and what is not permitted during the conduct of war.

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Making a Great Leader

An army leader is someone who has taken the responsibility of the leadership role and uses it to inspire and influence those who follow him or her to accomplish the goals of the U.S. Army. The leader described next is a prime example of a great army leader.

U.S. Army General Stanley McChrystal is a four-star general deployed to Afghanistan. His goal was to create the best plan possible that would result in the best strategy for attack. In order for this to have occurred, he realized that he couldn't do it alone. He created a team that he could trust and that could trust him in return. His team had the same vision as he did for getting the job done. He relied on them, and they relied on him. He was able to develop a loyal team by keeping an open form of communication. No matter what an individual's rank was, he would listen to what they had to say. His team felt like their opinions could be heard and that they could contribute to the mission.

General McChrystal exemplified what it took to be a leader. As we go through the different aspects of army leadership, we'll pinpoint what aspects General McChrystal showcased and why it made him a great leader.

Attributes of a Great Army Leader

Attributes contribute to how a person learns and behaves in their environment. They're what pinpoint if someone has the qualities needed to be a leader. The following three attributes are important points for an army leader.


Character measures what a person thinks is right, legally and morally. It's also important to note that integrity is the key point of a person's character. War isn't so black and white when it comes to determining the morality or legality of an army leader's actions. The Solider's Rules are a set of codes that set guidelines for acceptable and not acceptable conduct in war. Army leaders build credibility in their character when they strictly adhere to these guidelines. A leader who maintains integrity ensures that no one can question their personal character.

Self-concept is another point of character. This is how someone identifies themselves. A strong leader has to be able to identify themselves in a role of a leader and take on the responsibilities of a leader.

General McChrystal had known his responsibilities as a leader. He had led his team and ensured that trust was a key aspect of that relationship and that his team was part of the attack plans. His character had exemplified the qualities of a leader.


This attribute is the impression a leader leaves on their team that encourages them to follow the leader. This includes a leader's demeanor, actions and words, outward appearance, and inward intellect and character. In the army, a leader projects a presence of military and professional bearing, a holistic approach to problem solving, fitness, confidence, and resilience. A strong presence is necessary for an army leader, especially in areas of combat, where stress can have an impact on a soldier.

Taking a look at General McChrystal, he had a strong presence. He had encouraged his team to follow him. He had done this by creating a vision that everyone could follow. He had presented himself with the high military and professional bearing that his rank entailed. His holistic approach had allowed him to collaborate at all rank levels.


A leader's intellect is how well he or she can think. This includes thinking through problems, creating solutions, and making a decision. Thinking comes from a person's own individual perspective. No one will think or act in the same way as someone else. This explains why there are different leadership styles. A person's intellect will also determine their ability to understand and acknowledge their strengths and limitations. Being mentally coherent is an aspect of intellect that can help a leader be adaptive in any situation.

General McChrystal's intellect was an important factor in his understanding that he would not be able to carry out his plan of action alone. He knew he needed a strong, capable team and by obtaining one, he had chosen to take on a collaborative leadership role that utilized his strengths along with his team's.

Philosophy of Army Leadership

There is no set philosophy for army leadership. Philosophies will vary for each leader. A leadership philosophy can be an adaptation of the command's philosophy. The army philosophy covers leading your team, training your team, maintaining your team, and caring for your team. This philosophy serves as a guideline for leaders to develop their own philosophy that's incorporated into their team.

This can be seen with how General McChrystal's team operated. His philosophy could have been interpreted as being centered around being the best leader to his team that he could be. He had led his team in a way that encouraged collaboration, he trained his team to be prepared for anything, he maintained his team by allowing everyone to have an equal part, and he cared for his team by listening to what they had to say, no matter their rank.

Principles of Army Leadership

There are 11 principles that are incorporated in army leadership.

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