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Mary Carskadon and her colleagues concluded from their research of the sleep patterns of U.S. adolescents that:
A. early school starting times may be linked to negative outcomes for adolescents.
B. early school starting times are conducive to the sleep patterns of older adolescents but not to those of younger adolescents.
C. early school starting times are most conducive to the sleep patterns of adolescents.
D. schools should start and end earlier to help adolescents to keep to earlier bedtimes.
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Mary Carskadon and her colleagues concluded from their research of the sleep patterns of U.S. adolescents that:
A. early school starting times may be linked to negative outcomes for adolescents.
B. early school starting times are conducive to the sleep patterns of older adolescents but not to those of younger adolescents.
C. early school starting times are most conducive to the sleep patterns of adolescents.
D. schools should start and end earlier to help adolescents to keep to earlier bedtimes.
A. early school starting times may be linked to negative outcomes for adolescents.
In the formal operational stage, adolescents begin to think more as a scientist thinks, devising plans to solve problems and systematically testing solutions. This type of problem solving requires:
A. hypothetical-deductive reasoning.
B. concrete operational reasoning.
C. trial-and-error reasoning.
D. preconventional reasoning.
A. hypothetical-deductive reasoning.
Mary Carskadon and her colleagues' research on adolescent sleep patterns found that:
A. increased sleepiness in adolescents during the day was primarily due to academic work or social pressures.
B. when given the opportunity, adolescents will sleep an average of 9 hours and 25 minutes a night.
C. adolescents' biological clocks undergo a shift as they get older, so that older adolescents start to feel sleepy an hour earlier than younger adolescents.
D. younger adolescents tend to be sleepier during the day than older adolescents.
B. when given the opportunity, adolescents will sleep an average of 9 hours and 25 minutes a night.
The _____ is adolescents' belief that others are as interested in them as they themselves are, as well as attention-getting behavior—attempts to be noticed, visible, and "on stage."
A. personal fable
B. stage fear
C. imaginary audience
D. collective myth
C. imaginary audience
The _____ is the part of adolescent egocentrism involving a sense of uniqueness and invincibility.
A. imaginary audience
B. personal fable
C. collective myth
D. self-fulfilling prophecy
B. personal fable
The growth spurt that characterizes pubertal change occurs approximately _____ for girls than for boys.
A. two years earlier
B. two years later
C. one year earlier
D. one year later
A. two years earlier
Donna is concerned about her adolescent daughter's tendency to flare up at the mildest provocations. Donna says that her daughter refuses to see reason sometimes and seems unable to exercise much self-control. As a specialist in the development of adolescents, you would tell Donna that her daughter's behavior could partly be explained by the biological reason that:
A. by the end of adolescence, individuals have fewer, less selective, less effective neuronal connections than they did as children.
B. the prefrontal cortex—involved in reasoning and self-control—has developed fully by early adolescence.
C. the amygdala—the seat of emotions such as anger—matures earlier than the prefrontal cortex in adolescents.
D. the corpus callosum, where fibers connect the brain's left and right hemispheres, thickens in adolescence.
C. the amygdala—the seat of emotions such as anger—matures earlier than the prefrontal cortex in adolescents.
In terms of decision making, adolescents make better decisions:
A. when they are emotionally aroused.
B. when they are around peers.
C. when they have consumed alcohol.
D. when they are calm.
D. when they are calm.
Marijuana use is associated with all BUT
A. Slight decrease in IQ
Regular use changes the structure of the brain

C. Diminishes the potential for developing memory and problem-solving
D. Negative side effects only for those who become addicted
D. Negative side effects only for those who become addicted
Which of the following describes the findings of the U.S. survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation?
A. Adolescents who got inadequate sleep were no more likely to be in a depressed mood than those who got adequate sleep.
B. Older adolescents got markedly less sleep on school nights than younger adolescents.
C. A higher number of adolescents in ninth grade were getting inadequate sleep on school nights than adolescents in twelfth grade.
D. The majority of the adolescents got less than eight hours of sleep on school nights.
B. Older adolescents got markedly less sleep on school nights than younger adolescents.
Girls are going through puberty earlier and earlier across history. Which answer is FALSE
A. This pattern is only present in the USA because of the poor nutrition habits of this country
B. Early sexual maturation is correlated with weight gain
C. Girls who live with non-related males (such as a step-father) are more likely to go through puberty earlier than those who live with an affectionate biological father
D. The amount of sleep and stress a girl is under can influence pubertal timing
A. This pattern is only present in the USA because of the poor nutrition habits of this country
The _____, where fibers connect the brain's left and right hemispheres, thickens in adolescence, and this improves adolescents' ability to process information.
A. amygdala
B. temporal lobe
C. corpus callosum
D. parietal lobe
C. corpus callosum
_____ thinkers develop hypotheses about ways to solve problems and then systematically deduce the best path to follow to solve the problem.
A. Concrete operational
B. Postconventional
C. Preoperational
D. Formal operational
D. Formal operational
Who is MOST likely to smoke, drink alcohol, be depressed, develop an eating disorder, and engage in early sexual experiences?
A. Late-maturing girls
B. Early-maturing girls
C. Late-maturing boys
D. Early-maturing boys
B. Early-maturing girls
Binge drinking can have serious long-lasting consequences on an individual's cognitive development. All of the following are known effects EXCEPT:
A. More visual perception difficulties later in life
B. Brain shrinkage
C. Memory loss and learning loss
D. Damage of neurogenesis
A. More visual perception difficulties later in life