What is my name in Japanese? 500 names & How to translate your name.

What is my name in Japanese? 500 names & How to translate your name.

Ah, finding out your Japanese name is magical, isn’t it?

It’s the rite of passage for any new learner.

The second you start learning the language, you want to know how to write and say your name in Japanese. You’ll also need it to be able to introduce yourself in Japanese.

So, I hope, by this time, you already know your Japanese alphabet… and specifically Katakana. If not… you…

…Ah, screw it.

I’ll show you anyway. (But you should really learn Katakana here.)

Want to learn how to write in Japanese? Download your free Japanese Alphabet worksheet here.

Want to know what your name is in Japanese?

  • If you’re just lazy, just LOOK BELOW for the list of common translated names.
  • If you’re ambitious… scroll all the WAY DOWN and the guide. It’ll take 3 or 4 minutes and you’ll be ready to use your Japanese name.

Also, be sure to leave a comment and say what your Japanese name is for practice!

Common English Names in Japanese.

If you’re like 99% of most people… you’re lazy.

You just want the translation. Well, look below.

If I don’t have yours, leave a comment below and I will add it!

Aaron, アーロン, aaron
Abby, アビー, Abii
Adam, アダム, Adamu
Abigail, アビゲイル, Abigeiru
Aidan, エイダン, Eidan
Ada, エイダ, Eida
Al, アル, Aru
Adalyn, アデリン, Aderin
Alan, アラン, Aran
Adele, アデル, Aderu
Alastair, アレスター, Aresutaa
Adeline, アデリン, Aderin
Alex, アレックス, Arekkusu
Adriana, アドリアナ, Adoriana
Alexander, アレキサンダー, Arekusandaa
Adrienne, アドリーン, Adoriin
Andreas, アンドレアス, Andoreasu
Agatha, アガサ, Agasa
Andrew, アンドリュー, Andoryū
Agnes, アグネス, Agunesu
Anthony, アンソニー, Ansonii
Aileen, アイリーン, Airiin
Arthur, アーサー, Aasaa
Aimee, エイミー, Eimii
Austin, オースティン, Oosutin
Aisha, アイシャ, Aisha
Ben, ベン, Ben
Alaina, アレイナ, Areina
Benjamin, ベンジャミン, Benjyamin
Alana, アラナ, Arana
Bill, ビル, Biru
Alanna, アラナ, Arana
Billy, ビリー, Birii
Alberta, アルバータ, Arubaata
Blake, ブレイク, Bureiku
Alejandra, アレハンドラ, Arehandora
Brad, ブラッド, Buraddo
Alena, アレナ, Arena
Brandon, ブランドン, Burandon
Alessandra, アレサンドラ, Aresandora
Brett, ブレット, Buretto
Alexa, アレクサ, Arekusa
Brian, ブライアン, Buraian
Alexandra, アレクサンドラ, Arekusandora
Caleb, ケイラブ, Keirabu
Alexandria, アレクサンドリア, Arekusandoria
Cameron, キャメロン, Kyamerun
Alexia, アレクシア, Arekushia
Carl, カール, Kaaru
Alexis, アレクシス, Arekushisu
Cedric, セドリック, Sederikku
Alice, アリス, Arisu
Chad, チャド, Chado
Alicia, アリシア, Arishia
Charlie, チャーリー, Chaarii
Alina, アリーナ, Ariina
Charles, チャールズ, Chaaruzu
Alison, アリソン, Arison
Chris, クリス, Kurisu
Allie, アリー, Arii
Christian, クリスチャン, Kurisuchan
Alycia, アリシア, Arishia
Christopher, クリストファー, Kurisutofaa
Alyssa, アリッサ, Arissa
Cole, コール, Kooru
Amalia, アマリア, Amaria
Cooper, クーパー, Kūpaa
Amanda, アマンダ, Amanda
Craig, クレイグ, Kureigu
Amanda, アマンダ, Amanda
Cyrus, サイラス, Sairasu
Amber, アンバー, Anbaa
Dale, デイル, Deiru
Amelia, アメリア, Ameria
Dan, ダン, Dan
Amy, エイミー, Eimii
Daniel, ダニエル, DanieruAna, アナ, Ana
Dave, デイブ, Deibu
Anabel, アナベル, Anaberu
David, デイビッド, Deibiddo
Anastasia, アナスタシア, Anasutashia
Denis/Dennis, デニス, Denisu
Andrea, アンドレア, Andrea
Derek, デレック, Derekku
Angel, エンジェル, Enjeru
Don, ドン, Don
Angela, アンジェラ, Anjera
Donald, ドナルド, Donarudo
Angelica, アンジェリカ, Anjerika
Donovan, ドノバン, Donoban
Angie, アンジー, Anjii
Douglas, ダグラス, Dagurasu
Anita, アニタ, Anita
Drew, ドリュー, Doruyū
Anna, アンナ, Anna
Earl, アール, A-ruAnne, アン, An
Ed, エド, Edo
Annie, アニー, Anii
Edward, エドワード, Edowaado
Antonia, アントニア, Antonia
Eli, エリ, Eri
April, エイプリル, Eipuriru
Elijah, エリジャ, Erija
Aria, アリア, Aria
Elio, エリオ, Erio
Ariana, アリアナ, Ariana
Enzo, エンゾ, Enzo
Ariel, アリエル, Arielu
Eric, エリック, Erikku
Arielle, アリエル, Arielu
Ethan, イーサン, iisan
Ashley, アシュリー, Ashurii
Eugene, ユージン, Yūjin
Audrey, オードリー, oodorii
Evan, エヴァン, Evan
Aurora, オーロラ, oorora
Fabian, ファビアン, Fabian
Ava, エイバ, Eiba
Felix, フェリックス, Ferikkusu
Bailey, ベイリー, Beirii
Finn, フィン, Fin
Barbara, バーバラ, Baabara
Frank, フランク, Furanku
Beatrice, ベアトリス, Beatorisu
Gabriel, ガブリエル, Gaburieru
Becky, ベッキー, Bekkii
Gary, ゲーリー, Geerii
Bella, ベラ, Bera
Gene, ジーン, Jiin
Belle, ベル, Beru
George, ジョージ, Jooji
Bernadette, バーナデット, Baanadetto
Gerald, ジェラルド, Jerarudo
Bernice, バーニス, Baanisu
Glen, グレン, Guren
Bernice, バーニス, Baanisu
Glenn, グレン, Guren
Bernice, バーニス, Baanisu
Grayson, グレイソン, Gureison
Berta, ベルタ, Beruta
Greg, グレッグ, Gureggu
Bertha, バーサ, Baasa
Gregory, グレゴリー, Guregorii
Bessie, ベッシー, Besshii
Gustav, グスタフ, Gusutafu
Beth, ベス, Besu
Hank, ハンク, Hanku
Bethany, ベサニー, Besanii
Harold, ハロルド, Harorudo
Betsy, ベッツィー, Bettosii
Henrik, ヘンリク, Henjikku
Betty, ベティー, Betii
Henry, ヘンリー, Henrii
Beverly, ベバリー, Bebarii
Hugo, ヒューゴ, Hyūgo
Bianca, ビアンカ, Bianka
Hugo, ヒューゴ, Hyūgo
Billie, ビリー, Birii
Hugo, ヒューゴ, Hyūgo
Blair, ブレア, Burea
Isaac, アイザック, Aizakku
Bonnie, ボニー, Bonii
Ivan, イヴァン, Ivan
Briana, ブリアナ, Buriana
Ivo, イボ, Ibo
Brianna, ブリアンナ, Burian’na
Jack, ジャック, Jyakku
Britney, ブリトニー, Buritonii
Jackson, ジャクソン, Jakuson
Brittany, ブリタニー, Buritanii
Jacob, ジェイコブ, Jeekobu
Brooke, ブルック, Burukku
Jake, ジェイク, Jeiku
Caitlin, ケイトリン, Keitorin
James, ジェームズ, Jeemuzu
Caitlyn, ケイトリン, Keitorin
Jason, ジェイソン, Jeeson
Callie, キャリー, Kyarii
Jeff, ジェフ, Jefu
Camila, カミラ, Kamira
Jeffrey, ジェフリー, Jefurii
Candice, キャンディス, Kyandisu
Jeremy, ジェレミー, Jeremii
Carla, カーラ, Kaara
Jesse, ジェシー, Jesii
Carly, カーリー, Kaarii
Joe, ジョー, Joo
Carmen, カルメン, Karumen
Joel, ジョエル, Joeru
Carol, キャロル, Kyaroru
Johannes, ヨハネス, Yohanesu
Carol, キャロル, Kyaroru
Jon/John, ジョン, Jon
Caroline, キャロライン, Kyarorain
Johnny, ジョニー, Jonii
Carolyn, キャロリン, Kyarorin
Jonah, ジョナ, Jona
Carrie, キャリー, Kyarii
Jonathan, ジョナサン, Jonasan
Casey, ケイシー, Keishii
Jose, ホセ, Hose
Cassandra, カサンドラ, Kasandora
Joseph, ジョセフ, Josefu
Cassie, キャシー, Kyashii
Josh, ジョッシュ, Joshu
Catalina, カタリーナ, Katarina
Joshua, ジョシュア, Joshua
Catherine, キャサリン, Kyasarin
Juan, フアン, Juan
Cathy, キャシー, Kyashii
Julian, ジュリアン, Jurian
Celeste, セレステ, Seresute
Justin, ジャスティン, Jasutin
Charlotte, シャーロット, Shaarotto
Keith, キース, Kiisu
Chelsea, チェルシー, Cherushii
Keith, キース, Kiisu
Chloe, クロエ, Kuroe
Ken, ケン, Ken
Cindy, シンディ, Shindi
Kenneth, ケネス, Kenesu
Claire, クレア, Kurea
Kent, ケント, Kento
Clara, クララ, Kurara
Kevin, ケビン, Kebin
Clarissa, クラリッサ, Kurarissa
Kirk, カーク, Kaaku
Daisy, デイジー, Deijii
Kyle, カイル, Kairu
Danielle, ダニエル, Danieru
Landon, ランドン, Randon
Daphne, ダフネ, Dafune
Larry, ラリー, Rarii
Debra, デブラ, Deburaa
Larry, ラリー, Rarii
Dina, ディナ, Dina
Lawrence, ローレンス, Roorensu
Donna, ドンナ, Donna
Leif, レイフ, Reifu
Elena, エレナ, Erena
Leo, レオ, Reo
Elizabeth, エリザベス, Erizabesu
Liam, リアム, Riamu
Emily, エミリー, Emirii
Logan, ローガン, Roogan
Emma, エマ, Ema
Louis, ルイス, Ruisu
Erica, エリカ, Erika
Lucas, ルーカス, Rūkasu
Esther, エステル, Esuteru
Luka, ルカ, Ruka
Eva, エヴァ, Eva
Luke, ルーク, Rūku
Evangeline, エヴァンジェリン, Evanjerin
Magnus, マグナス, Magunasu
Fiona, フィオナ, Fiona
Marius, マリウス, Mariusu
Gabriela, ガブリエラ, Gaburiera
Mark, マーク, Maaku
Gail, ゲイル, Geiru
Mason, メイソン, Meison
Gloria, グロリア, Guroria
Matt, マット, Matto
Grace, グレース, Gurēsu
Matteo, マテオ, Mateo
Greta, グレタ, Gureta
Matthew, マシュー, Mashū
Gretchen, グレッチェン, Guretchen
Max, マックス) –
Hannah, ハンナ, Hanna
Maximilian, マクシミリアン, Makushimirian
Heather, ヘザー, Hezaa
Michael, マイケル, Maikeru
Holly, ホリー, Horii
Mike, マイク, Maiku
Isabella, イザベラ, Izabera
Miles, マイルズ, Mairuzu
Jade, ジェイド, Jeido
Moe, モー, Moo
Jana, ジャナ, Jana
Nathan, ネイサン, Neisan
Jane, ジェーン, Jeen
Neal, ニール, Niiru
Jasmine, ジャスミン, Jasumin
Ned, ネッド, Neddo
Jean, ジーン, Jiin
Nicholas, ニコラス, NikorasuJen, ジェン, Jen
Nicholas, ニコラス, Nikorasu
Jennifer, ジェニファー, Jenifaa
Nick, ニック, Nikku
Jenny, ジェニー, Jenii
Nikolai, ニコライ, Nikorai
Jessica, ジェシカ, Jeshika
Noah, ノア, Noa
Julia, ジュリア, Jyuria
Oliver, オリバー, Oribaa
Juliana, ジュリアナ, Jyuriana
Oscar, オスカー, Osukaa
Juliette, ジュリエット, Jurietto
Owen, オーウェン, oowen
June, ジューン, Jūn
Pat, パット, Patto
Karen, カレン, Karen
Patrick, パトリック, Patorikku
Kate, ケイト, Keito
Paul, ポール, Pooru
Katherine, キャサリン, Kyasarin
Pete, ピート, Piito
Kelly, ケリー, Kerii
Peter, ピーター, Piitaa
Kendra, ケンドラ, Kendora
Phil, フィル, FiruKiki, キキ, Kiki
Phillip, フィリップ, FirippuKimi, キミ, Kumi
Randy, ランディ, RandiKira, キラ, Kira
Reed, リード, RiidoKira, キラ, Kira
Rich, リッチ, Richi
Kylie, カイリー, Kairi-
Richard, リチャード, Richaado
Lana, ラナ, Rana
Rick, リック, RikkuLara, ララ, Rara
Rob, ロブ, Robu
Laura, ローラ, Roora
Roger, ロジャー, Rojuaa
Layla, レイラ, Reira
Ron, ロン, RonLeah, リア, Ria
Ronald, ロナルド, Ronarudo
Lena, レナ, Rena
Rowan, ローワン, RoowanLily, リリー, Ririi
Roy, ロイ, Roi
Linda, リンダ, Rinda
Russ, ラス, RasuLisa, リサ, Risa
Russell, ラッセル, Rasseru
Liza, ライザ, Raiza
Ryan, ライアン, Raian
Lois, ロイス, Roisu
Sam, サム, Samu
Lucia, ルシア, Rushia
Samuel, サミュエル, Samyueru
Lucy, ルーシー, Ruushii
Scott, スコット, SukottoLynn, リン, Rin
Sean/Shawn, ショーン, Shoon
Lyra, ライラ, Raira
Sebastian, セバスチャン, Sebasuchan
Madeline, マデリーン, Maderiin
Seth, セス, Sesu
Mandy, マンディ, Mandi
Simon, サイモン, Saimon
Margaret, マーガレット, Maagaretto
Stan, スタン, SutanMari, マリ, Mari
Stefan, シュテファン, Sutefan
Maria, マリア, Maria
Stephen/Steven, スティーブン, Sutiibun
Maria, マリア, Maria
Steve, スティーブ, Sutiibu
Mariah, マライア, Maraia
Ted, テッド, Teddo
Mary, メアリー, Mearii
Terry, テリー, Terii
Meg, メグ, Megu
Theodore, セオドア, Seodooa
Megan, メーガン, Meegan
Thomas, トーマス, ToomasuMimi, ミミ, Mimi
Tim, ティム, Timu
Molly, モリー, Morii
Timothy, ティモシー, Timoshii
Naomi, ナオミ, Naomi
Tobias, トビアス, Tobiasu
Natalie, ナタリー, Natarii
Todd, トッド, Toddo
Nikki, ニッキ, Nikki
Tom, トム, TomuNina, ニナ, Nina
Tony, トニー, Tonii
Olivia, オリビア, Oribia
Travis, トラビス, Torabisu
Paige, ペイジ, Peiji
Trevor, トレバー, Torebaa
Penelope, ペネロペ, Penerope
Tristan, トリスタン, Torisutan
Penny, ペニー, Penii
Troy, トロイ, Toroii
Rachel, レイチェル, Reicheru
Ty, タイ, Tai
Renee, レネ, Rene
Tyler, タイラー, Tairaa
Robin, ロビン, Robin
Valentin, ヴァレンティン, Varentin
Rose, ローズ, Roozu
Vern, バーン, Baan
Ruby, ルビー, Rubii
Vic, ビック, Bikku
Samantha, サマンサ, Samansa
Victor, ビクター, Bikutaa
Sandy, サンディ, Sandi
Vincent, ヴィンセント, Vinsento
Sarah, サラ, Sara
Wade, ウェイド, Weido
Shannon, シャノン, Shanon
Walt, ウォルト, Woruto
Shelby, シェルビー, Sherubii
Walter, ウォルター, Woorutaa
Sierra, シエラ, Shiera
Wayne, ウェイン, Uein
Simone, シモーヌ, Shimoonu
Wes, ウェス, Wesu
Sophia, ソフィア, Sofia
Will, ウィル, Wiru
Steph, ステフ, Sutefu
William, ウィリアム, Wiriamu
Stephanie, ステファニー, Sutefanii
Woody, ウディ, Udi
Summer, サマー, Samaa
Wyatt, ワイアット, Waiatto
Susan, スーザン, Sūzan
Xavier, ザビエル, Zabieru
Tanya, ターニャ, Taanya
Zachary, ザカリー, Zakkarii
Tessa, テッサ, Tessa
Zack, ザック, Zakku
Tracy, トレイシー, Toreishii
Zane, ゼイン, Zein
Vanessa, ヴァネッサ, Vanessa
Vicky, ヴィッキー,
Victoria, ビクトリア, Bikutoria
Violet, バイオレット, Baioretto
Wendy, ウェンディ, Wendi
Whitney, ホイットニー, Hoittoni
Zoe, ゾーイ, Zooi

So, hopefully I got your Japanese name in there. Now, you can start speaking basic Japanese and go introduce yourself as…

    • Hajimemashite, watashi no namae wa (name) desu.
    • はじめまして。私の名前は(name)です。
    • Nice to meet you. My name is (name).

Or you can just say the more casual way.

    • (name) desu.
    • (name)です。
    • I’m (name).

If you got your name right, be sure to leave a comment and introduce yourself. If I missed your name, also leave a comment and we’ll get one for you! And now that you know your name and can introduce yourself, you should learn even more Japanese!

Katakana: You Need This for Your Name in Japanese.

Just so you know…

Your name will be written in Katakana. And all the names above are in Katakana. Why? All foreign words and names are written in this writing system. Just how the Japanese alphabet is.

So, let’s do a quick run through of the Katakana (alphabet).

Katakana – English First, Then Japanese.
The Ya, Yu, Yo Sounds

To make it easier, and so you can double-check your work, here are some common names translated into Japanese.

What is my name in Japanese? How to translate.

Want to learn how to write in Japanese? Download your free Japanese Alphabet worksheet here.

First, there are 9 rules that you need to know about finding out your Japanese name.

Don’t worry, they’re not scary. You’ll be fine after reading them.

And if you’re still confused, just leave a comment.

Or… proceed to the list below if now you’re feeling lazy.

  1. It must be written in Katakana as it’s a foreign name. Katakana is merely a version of the Japanese alphabet dedicated to foreign words that were adopted by Japanese.
  2. The spelling WILL depend on how you pronounce your name. Let’s say you have an uncommon name that may not sound how its spelled. For example, your name is Böb but it’s not pronounced as “Bob” but “Baaaehb.” Well, if you want most of your desired pronunciation to cross over into Japanese, you will need to go by sounds or phonetics. So, you won’t be a “Bobu ボブ” but perhaps “バーブ.”
    1. If you check the comments where people ask about their names, often the first question is… “well, how do you pronounce that?”
  3. There is no L. L becomes R. Sorry Larry, Linda, and Luke. Your names will start with the letter R from now on. There’s no L in the Japanese language and Japanese R is pretty unique, similar to the Russian/Spanish/Italian R where you  slightly roll your tongue. So Larry, you are pretty much Rarry.
  4. There is no V. V becomes B. Sorry Vicky, you’re now Bikki.
  5. The Japanese Alphabet follows the this sound pattern. You’ll get a good idea of it after taking a look at the character chart below.
    1. Pronunciation: Ah (written as A)
    2. Pronunciation: Ee (written as I)
    3. Pronunciation: Oo (written as U)
    4. Pronunciation: Eh (Written as E)
    5. Pronunciation: Oh (Written as O)
      1. So, of course, there will be “ka, ki, ku, ke, ko” and “sa, shi, su, se, so” and so on.
  6. Most Japanese letters actually consist if 1 consonant and 1 vowel OR just 1 vowel.
    1. So, “Ka” is considered as one letter. So is “A.” And “De.”
    2. What does this mean? It means 2 things. If you have…
      1. Two consecutive consonants in your name like “Fr” in Fred or “Gl” in Glen, those two will now have vowels after the consonants. So, the Fr in Fred becomes “Fure” and the Gl in Glen becomes “Gure.”
        1. Rule: In two consecutive consonants, the first one follows an “U” sound. The second one will follow the vowel that’s already in your name.
      2. Or if your name ends in a consonant, like “D” in Ted, then that last consonant is doubled up and ends in an O or U. Ted actually becomes Teddo. Fred becomes Fureddo.
        1. This rule does not apply to names ending in “N.” N in Japanese is the only consonant can be counted as 1 letter. So, our friend Glen is Guren.
        2. This rule does not apply to names ending in “Y.” So, Ray becomes Rei. The letter I (イ) acts as that “iy” sound.
        3. Names ending in K, M or X take on the “U” ending. Jim is Jimu. Hank is Hanku. Sam is Samu. Max is Makkusu. Mark is Ma-ku.
  7. Japanese letters are pronounced with equal stress and time, unless noted by an elongation. Take the word “camera.” In English, camera is pronounced as “Caaamura,” right? There’s quite a bit of stress on the “Caaaaa.” In Japanese however, it is ka-me-ra where each letter, ka, me and ra, are said for equal amounts of time.  This will help you understand rule #7 below.
  8. If a vowel in your name sounds like it receives stress, it will be an elongated vowel in Japanese. What do I mean? Take the name “Mary” or “Gary” for example. There’s quite a bit of emphasis on the letter A. It almost sounds like it’s pronounced as “Maaary” where the inflection on the A goes up. Same with Gary. In Japanese, these will become “Me-ri” and “Ge-ri”
  9. The Ya, Yu, Yo Sounds. Basically, any I sound, like Ki, Gi, Mi, Ji etc. can be combined with the Ya, Yu, Yo letters of a smaller version to produce sounds like…
    1. Gi: Gya, Gyu, Gyo
    2. Ji: Ja, Ju, Jo
    3. Ri: Rya, Ryu, Ryo
    4. And so, on. You’ll see more of these in the chart below.


Ok, now  you’re ready to learn your Japanese name.

Below is a chart of the Katakana letters, providing you with the English first, Japanese character underneath, to help you find the character for your name. Here’s how you figure out your name:

    • Step 1: Refer to rule #4 for the proper pronunciation of A, I, U, E, O.
    • Step 2: If your name starts with a consonant and vowel, look for the ones that match you.
      • Mary will start with “Me-” or メー
      • Kevin will start with “Ke” or  ケ
    • Or similary, if your name starts with a vowel, chose A, I, U, E, or O, depending on how your name sounds.
    • Step 3: Then piece your name together. Look for the next sound.
      • Mary will start with “Me-” or メー, and then we need “Ri” so find that character, リ, and add it in: メーリ
      • Kevin will start with “Ke” or  ケ, and then we need “Bi” (remember no V in Japanese) and “N.” So, find “Bi” and “N” and you have “Kebin” or ケビン.
    • Step 4: Feeling lazy? Scroll down below this chart where I’ve translated common English names into Japanese.

– The Junkie

P.S. I highly recommend this for Japanese learners. If you REALLY want to learn to Japanese with effective lessons by real teachers – Sign up for free at JapanesePod101 (click here) and start learning!

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Hi, my name is Arielle and I’m kind of confused how to translate it.

Derek Ruehl

Ok so my given name is Derek so that would be Derekku according to your list. But my surname is Ruehl (pronounced: real). Would it just be Riro?

Kiwi Nut

Hajimemashite, watashi no namae wa Esutaa desu

Dhanraj Budhani

I cant write my name can you please tell me how to write my name
it is “Dhanraj”

Jadyn Larananf

How would the name Jadyn be pronounced and written out in Japanese? thank you!


What is nicholai in Japanese


Please add my name “Aarlyn”

Hans Galang

I don’t get it I just want to translate my name. Btw my name is Hans I will really appreciate it if u will translate it for me

Virginia Romero

My name in Japanese in “BIROGINI-A as Virginia..,,am i right?

Jay French

What about Jay? lol


こんにちは、my name is Jayens but I don’t know if he can translated as Jeiensu. (ジェイエンス)



What would Ljay and Eljae be in Japanese please?


My name is RodRick (pronounced Rahd-rik), what would my name be?


How about Mahfuzah ? Its become like this マフザデス ? It is right ? Im still learning and struggling to remember the hiragana and katakana alphabet.


My name is julissa, what would my name be?

Xavi ❤

はじめまして。 ハビ です。よろしく お願いします!
Hajimemashite, Habi desu! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!

Is that even right?


My name is melody, what my name in Japan?

Scotia Brewster

Can you please translate my name. It’s Scotia


My name is Swetha. Pronounced as Sh-way-th-ah. What would my name in Japanese be?

Fatima Oliva

Hi ! Um I’ve been wondering for a long time now but what would Fatima be? I’ve searched it up but it wouldn’t see change pls help‍♀️


some random person online named domanic and every variation of my name is domaniku in japan but when i decided to go to a Japanese website I know Japanese but not names so I decided to try to see why my name is failing so badly in japan could you help me

Zion Henderson

My name is Zion and it is very difficult for me to find how to write my name.

Kazhmeire B

my name is also rare.. its
translate please xD


Hi my name is Giomari, what would mine be?

allisson :)

my name is allisson so what would mine be?


My name is Owen how do I say it?

Sai Vinay

Please translate mu name
Sai Vinay

Yaasmyn Scott

my name is Yaasmyn


my name is rarest…. zulfadzly … can anyone help me

May Arriesgado

How about mine? My name is May Arriesgado ,i know already about the May one its Mei,how about my surname?

Scarlett Baez

Can you add Scarlett thats my name


What do you do when you have an x in the middle of your name?


I’ve got a weird one what is “Kaddesh” or “kadesh”


Can you please translate Theineingam I can’t find it anywhere

Miranda Goldsmith

My middle name Lee


i just dont get it, its so confusing *sigh* and my name so long…
Surname: Fedosi ; Second Name: Alessandro ; First Name: Giovanni
would be insane if someone can translate it! 😀


My name is Aniva. I tried translating it and came up with A Ni Ba (A Ni Va) lol can you correct me if I’m wrong please.
According to Google it’s Aniwa ‍♀️ So would love some help please.

Last edited 3 years ago by Aniva

I’m probably wrong but my name is Reveaux and I got this ルヴォー

ada lol

well my names ada so like アダ I do be havin it easy doe


would Jasmine Marie sound as Jasumin Me-ri?


Yablu… my name translates to the word やぶる whitch meas to eliminate or destroy I feel powerful.

Ide Aiman

My name is Ide Aiman so how to say I’m in japanese

Danielle Engel

My name is Danielle. On other sites, I saw it translate to Danieeru or Danieru. Is this right?


you dont have my name-Razvan


My name is rare..
my name is Suchra


How ’bout me? I really can’t translate my name Can you help me out? Anyways my name is Kunyap

Lorelei :)

🙂 my name is RoReRi. Whelp


How to spell my name?

Sumit CHoudhary

how to write my name i.e. Sumit Choudhary , I am from India,


im looking for maria