Find People & Business Phone Numbers & Information |

Find UK People & Business Information

Quickly find phone numbers, search for addresses and discover business details with the UK's leading people search and address finder specialist. Using millions of data points, we can help you locate precise and accurate phone number, residential and business addresses details in the UK. Read More

Find phone numbers listed by name with our easy-to-use online telephone directory service, or search for businesses by type, location or name.

How to find a phone number or person's address

It's easy to find a telephone number or someone's address in the UK with Use our People Search tools to find a person's postcode, address, phone number and more. We search the edited Electoral Roll, Companies House, Telephone Directory and more.

Person details

Finding a person's details:

How to find business details

We can provide you with company data and director information. We search the Companies House database, which includes every limited company based or with an office in the UK.

Business details

Finding business details:

  • You can search from the homepage using name or business type and location
  • We also have specialist Company Information, Credit Reports and Business Telephone Directory search functions.
  • Add as much detail you have to get a focussed result. For wider searches you can input just two fields.
  • You can select 'Exact matches only' if feel you have the correct details.
  • Free searches provide limited details. For more in depth results, you can buy credits or subscribe to our ORBIS service .
118 365

Low cost directory enquiries

Dial 118 365 to find telephone numbers and addresses for people and businesses throughout the UK. A one minute call to 118 365 will cost you no more than £2.00*

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Simple. Powerful. Reliable.

People and business searching at your fingertips. Used by businesses and organisations of all sizes, ORBIS is The UK's premier people and business search tool.

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Why use

Whether planning a wedding, tracking down a loved one, checking a new business supplier or simply getting the right postcode for a gift, millions of people use every year.

Trustworthy service

We are one of the most trusted telephone directory searches in the UK. Through our corporate service, ORBIS, we provide this data to a number of high-profile police forces and logistics companies.

Data protection

We handle and store all our data in accordance with the latest GDPR laws and regulations. If you want your details removed, we are happy to remove your data.

Huge data set

As part of the Simunix group, has a dataset of over 130 million records. We draw out data from directory enquiries, the Royal Mail Postal Address Finder (PAF), UK Electoral Roll, and Companies House.

Additional services

We also provide corporate people search services through ORBIS, our own directory enquiries number at 118 365, and the ability to embed our search functions into websites and apps through the T2A API. services and costs

Cost and pricing

With, you can find someone's address and phone number for free. We offer a basic free service, with more detailed search results available through our pay as you go service.

Daily free searches

5 telephone number searches every day. To search for any other information, you need to buy credits.

Always free searches:

  • Director search
  • UK Dialling Code Search
  • International Dialling Code Search
  • Company Information
  • Share Results by Email

Buying Credits

  • Credit packages start at £10 for 40 credits
  • Different search types use a different amount of credits
  • 40 credits would give you 8 in depth Find a Person searches
  • 40 credits would give 4 Age Verify searches

Subscription services

As well as, we also provide people search through


ORBIS: the subscription-only corporate person finder with additional datasets, advanced map functionality, unlimited usage and flexible pricing


T2A APIs: Precise, accurate and current information on millions of UK residential and business addresses all in a single API. It also includes Age Verification plugins.

118 365

118 365 Directory Enquiries: An affordable directory enquiries number to search for people and businesses across the UK.

Who is

Simunix is the York-based development team behind

Established in 1998, Simunix was the first non-telecom company to bring free directory enquiries to the Internet as

Our people finder service is used by virtually every business and public sector type. We offer the UK's most powerful search tool to help you find people and 'linked' individuals.

Our Trustscore on Scamadvisor is 100/100, describing as ‘reliable’ and 'safe to leave your data'. services

Find a Person

Search our extensive data sources, including the Electoral Roll, phone book and consumer data for a UK resident.

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Telephone Directory

Search by name and location to find UK residential and business phone numbers listed by name with our free online telephone directory.


Age Verification

Verify a UK person is age 18 or over by checking against our data sources including the full Electoral Roll.

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Addresses & Postcodes

Find a complete address from the postcode and house number, or enter an address to find the correct postcode.

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Company Information

Search for a UK company within our Companies House data. Find details including credit reports and filing history.

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