To everyone saying that Master Yi is OP, and to anyone wondering if that's true- - League of Legends
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  3. To everyone saying that Master Yi is OP, and to anyone wondering if that's true-
localizedfreedo 10 years ago#1

But, on topic

You're bad if you think he's overpowered. He's not. CC still kills him. 100-0 burst still handles him.

I played against a 25-5 Yi and 1v1'd him with a 7-0 zed and 100-0'd him with enough time for him to alpha strike me and hit me once.

Malphite laughs at him. Shen laughs at him. Darius laughs at him. Riven laughs at him.

He's good, now. Finally viable. But it's amazing how a champ gets pushed out of mediocrity and into usability and everyone cries "OP OP!"

For the record, here's how to handle Yi

If he's jungling, don't be stupid. If you feed him, obviously that will make trouble.
If he's laning, lane swap someone who gives him trouble if you weren't smart enough to hard counter him anyway.
Late game, don't bunch up and then wonder why alpha strike chunked you all, he crit'd your carry to death, then just alpha striked until quadra. Space a bit, but still keep good positioning.
Late game, don't duel him if you can't for certain beat him. If you start to fight Yi, you're damn well not running away if you change your mind. This is probably one of the things people are crying over, but it just comes down to not being stupid.
Late game, send tanks, bruisers, or assassin's with more burst after him. Not a carry. He'll laugh as he gets 450 bucks and a bit more map.
flyguy101 10 years ago#2
I get your point, but in fairness, 100-0 burst tends to deal with most people.
JennaTahlia 10 years ago#3
Bad Yi didn't meditank your damage. Point disproved
LoL ign: AlbertoBR
localizedfreedo 10 years ago#4
JennaTahlia posted...
Bad Yi didn't meditank your damage. Point disproved

No, he tried. I out damaged it and the mark detonated to finish him.
Evray 10 years ago#5
I main yi (which may be a contributing factor to the following) but Riven and Darius are no problem for me. Darius is harder to win in a 1v1 at early levels but its very easy to out lane him with alpha strike giving me a better CS and Riven is the opposite, I have trouble keeping up on CS but she's easier to take out after her abilities are on CD, Darius still can take your hits early game once he's run out of abilities.

Shen and Malphite are both definitely a problem though.

I dunno if I'd say he's OP but he's definitely extremely high damage especially when fed. It isn't impossible to counter build him with armor since he typically doesn't get armor pen items.

I think all of his abilities are right where they need to be but if they had to nerf something it should be his E since it does so much damage.

Shutting down Yi early really can make or break him though. I feel like I do best by gaining so much gold, I typically have more gold at the end of the game than most anyone else so if you can slow his farm and stop him from getting fed he's just a blip on the map.
Ryuto 10 years ago#6
Evray posted...
I main yi (which may be a contributing factor to the following) but Riven and Darius are no problem for me. Darius is harder to win in a 1v1 at early levels but its very easy to out lane him with alpha strike giving me a better CS and Riven is the opposite, I have trouble keeping up on CS but she's easier to take out after her abilities are on CD, Darius still can take your hits early game once he's run out of abilities.

Shen and Malphite are both definitely a problem though.

I dunno if I'd say he's OP but he's definitely extremely high damage especially when fed. It isn't impossible to counter build him with armor since he typically doesn't get armor pen items.

I think all of his abilities are right where they need to be but if they had to nerf something it should be his E since it does so much damage.

Shutting down Yi early really can make or break him though. I feel like I do best by gaining so much gold, I typically have more gold at the end of the game than most anyone else so if you can slow his farm and stop him from getting fed he's just a blip on the map.

In lane, the jungler at the time should be shutting you down. A competent team would ping you after you used Alpha Strike to attempt an early gank. I agree shutting him down early game is a big deal though, like most other snowballing champions.

He is just popular because of the VU/rework so everyone is on the bandwagon like with everything that is popular it will receive a lot of attention and love/hate.
Boogyy 10 years ago#7
So you call a champion not op yet list all the requirements necessary to stop him.

Just witnessed a top lane yi lose to tryndamere and their team composed of a fed anivia, trynd, leona, maokai, and a varus.

Ours had a nidalee and yi that both lost lanes, a taric cait and an elise jungle that lost compared to maokai presence

Yet he started the mid game as 1/2 and ended the game 17/6. Keep in mind all the cc, and an enemy top laner, mid laner and jungler that were all well ahead.

Yi can tank through damage, assassinate, reset, deal hyper carry damage, and can effectively dodge cc via alpha strike.

Gamefaqs has this binary view of "Hurr just cc and X dies lol"
Flowers are really unbalance
Kirbix 10 years ago#8
Yi now is like pre-nerf katarina. The resets, man!

He'll get Q ratios or E damage reduced; stop whining and accept the inevitability.
OMGWYATT 10 years ago#9
Your dismissive attitude towards anyone with a different opinion and anecdotal evidence supporting your claim is pretty stupid.
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xVashTS98x 10 years ago#10
Boogyy posted...
So you call a champion not op yet list all the requirements necessary to stop him.

Just witnessed a top lane yi lose to tryndamere and their team composed of a fed anivia, trynd, leona, maokai, and a varus.

Ours had a nidalee and yi that both lost lanes, a taric cait and an elise jungle that lost compared to maokai presence

Yet he started the mid game as 1/2 and ended the game 17/6. Keep in mind all the cc, and an enemy top laner, mid laner and jungler that were all well ahead.

Yi can tank through damage, assassinate, reset, deal hyper carry damage, and can effectively dodge cc via alpha strike.

Gamefaqs has this binary view of "Hurr just cc and X dies lol"

It sounds like stupid people fed an underfarmed Yi.
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  1. Boards
  2. League of Legends
  3. To everyone saying that Master Yi is OP, and to anyone wondering if that's true-
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