Find your family. Free Genealogy Archive • FamilySearch

What will you find out about your ancestors?

Search billions of ancestor profiles, photographs, and historical documents at once—absolutely FREE.

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What comes with your free FamilySearch account?

Screenshots of historical documents on FamilySearch

Historical RecordsA huge archive of historical documents

We’ve gathered a variety of important documents that you can use to tell the story of your family. Those documents record key life events of your ancestors.

Cemetery records
Birth, death, and marriage records
Census Records
Obituary records
And much more

Family TreeAccess to millions of ancestor profiles and family relationships

There’s a chance your family has already been added to the Family Tree. You may learn things you never knew before.

Help and LearningFind a guide, in person or online

Search a location near you, or schedule a free online consultation to get personalized help.

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Not sure where to begin?

We can show you how to do things like make a family tree or search for an ancestor. Choose from a list of activities that fits your interest.

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